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Religion & Spirituality - 10 August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

2006-08-10 09:16:09 · 38 answers · asked by God Is Love 5

This I need t Know So I could Be Cautios of My Actions better Insha Allah

2006-08-10 09:14:59 · 8 answers · asked by ktl1409 2

Global terror only comes from the idealogy we call "Islam". While there is some regional terror that has no relationship to Quranic doctrines, it is only a problem to one region and very limited in scope and funding.

Most people cant cope with this issue because it goes against their simplistic/nieve worldview...that most people are "good" (whatever that is) and only "a few" people in any culture or belief system are "bad" (whatever that is). As a result, like a robot caught in a loop, whenever they see Islamic terror, they refuse to attribute this "bad thing" to Islam and find other culprits, like Bush or Putin or Jews or whoever else the Islamists claim are the real problem.

Even though almost all conflict in the world today is rooted in Islamic idealogy, involving millions of combatents, lets assume the ostrich people are right and its "only a few"...I then say...so what? Follow? Look, no Islam, no Islamic terror right...and that is the problem today...Islamic terror.

2006-08-10 09:14:42 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Now, right from the outset I will tell you that I don’t believe in God, but I know some of you do for various reasons.

Now, take the following Bible quote:
Reference Isaiah 13:15-18

“Anyone who is captured will be run through with a sword. Their little children will be dashed to death right before their eyes. Their homes will be sacked and their wives raped by the attacking hordes. For I will stir up the Medes against Babylon, and no amount of silver or gold will buy them off. The attacking armies will shoot down the young people with arrows. They will have no mercy on helpless babies and will show no compassion for the children.”

This is means that God allows women raped and your little children slaughtered.

So would you allow your children to be dashed to death with no mercy or compassion, if allowed by God?

2006-08-10 09:13:16 · 12 answers · asked by Brenda's World 4

Shouldn't we of supported the Christian side of that war? Doesn't the bible say that a house divided against itself cannot stand? If it wasn't for those brave Christians beating back the armies of Islam for the last thousand years, we would all be praying to Allah today. Is this betrayal any way to repay the defenders of Christianity and Western Civilization?

2006-08-10 09:13:14 · 11 answers · asked by 自由思想家 3

Now that the Iraq war has become nothing more than a civil war over democracy vs. dictatorship, who do you think Allah wants to be in charge? I've read that Sunnis outnumber Shia by about 8 to 1, but the Shia are doing a darn good job of defending themself and the new DEMOCRATICLY ELECTED Iraqi governement! Is Allah on their side against the infidel Sunni?

2006-08-10 09:12:33 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

dont bother answering with any anti drug stuff, cant even be bothered with that debate, if uve taken psycadelics and want to share your experience, now is your chance

2006-08-10 09:10:59 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Every leaving creature that thinks god exist will justify any ugly act in the bible with reasons that we don’t know but presumably good. Ok I agree God’s internal reasons are so cute and incredibly beautiful that I have tears in my eyes. I agree.
I don’t know a single Christian who will say that GOD command humans to do a bad act.
(Genocide, kill, rape, steal and so on…) So from this it seems that physical act of doing something can’t be classified as bad or good. It’s nether.
It looks like only the”reason” why we do it can be bad or good. It seems that killing, torturing, raping as the act can be perfectly fine as long as reason is good and will be totally terrible if reason is bad. Am I Right?

2006-08-10 09:10:50 · 20 answers · asked by PicassoInActions 3

Why did God let Joan of Arc be put to death/Burnt to the stake if he was the one who sent her messages and had her do all these things? Why didn't he help her or protect her? (just random ? i came up wid)

2006-08-10 09:10:43 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Would everyone agree that, to a large extent, the world is split down the middle between two distinct cultures? WEST and EAST.
Would we agree that neither of these two cultures will rest until one has surpassed the other?
Let none of us forget our own peoples history in that rebellion is something none of us can say eluded us.
The world belongs to those who want it more.
Peoples have been taken over for thousands of years and wars been raged for longer yet most people don’t realize that its in all of our nature.
Survival of the fittest no?

2006-08-10 09:09:07 · 11 answers · asked by Trojan Horse 1

2006-08-10 09:07:11 · 30 answers · asked by latinrose17 2

i believe we will all experience every type of life and death on this physical plane~~its why older souls are usually so empathic ~

2006-08-10 09:06:29 · 14 answers · asked by darkangel1111 5

I thought this would like to provoke a question in your mind

2006-08-10 09:05:50 · 18 answers · asked by Cyber 6

How would things be different? Would that be a BIG help? Not much difference? Should they be doing that instead?

2006-08-10 09:04:30 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

What kind of God do Muslims believe in that they think it's right to kill others and themselves. Do they really think 40 virgins will be waiting at the gates? I just don't understand how any religion condones murder and terror, please give me your views.

2006-08-10 09:02:23 · 18 answers · asked by notyours 5

millions, would the theists accept the challenge?

2006-08-10 09:01:33 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is a repost of my other question. I said that we were the most hated but now I realize it was least trusted so I will repost what I said.

According to the t.v show 30 Days, only 5% of American's are atheist. When people were polled atheists were the least trusted minority even behind Muslims, recent immigrants and homosexuals. This shocks me because I'm only 13 and on that t.v show kids were being harassed for being an atheist! I am a atheist and I know a few other people my age who are but religion isn't big here on Long Island. So do you (atheists) feel threatened or untrusted were you live by or because of religion.

2006-08-10 09:01:32 · 16 answers · asked by jbon634713 2

Agnostic, not wanting to convert anyone,

so if I understand what I am reading here on yahoo answers, there are people who believe that human was created by God, and that evolution of man from a different species is not what happened.

I can understand a person not believing in Evolution of man from a different species, this is something that is a scientific theory and heh, there might be a totally better theory out there that explains the Origin of the Species.

So, to those who believe in the creation of the human being by God, this is something that I am curious about.

So this leads me to this question, for the creationist,

What empirical evidence exists that is a basis of scientific facts that I could see and study, that would help me believe that the human being was created by God.

2006-08-10 08:58:11 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

I remember hearing a story about a class at a theology school. The class was going to give a sermon to the rest of the school, and was on it's way to do so, but they had to cross the entire campus. On the way to the campus, they had to step over some of the faculty pretending to be homeless people, and they never even said a word to them while the "homeless" asked for money. The worst part is, the class was going to give a sermon on the "The Good Samaritan." - Now, before you bash the horrible people in the hypocritical theologian class, you have to compare yourself to this group of people. I know of people who could preach all day about how high-school kids need to stop dating, but could turn around and flirt with a cute girl with a smile. Christians have to realize what a detriment to the Kingdom of God they can be, when they act out as if they never knew God."If you truely loved Him, you would paint Him better." - Leo Tolstoy. This isn't really a question, but I'd like responses!

2006-08-10 08:58:01 · 23 answers · asked by sarcrl 2

hey, um.... i realize that people in this yahoo answers thingy are more older and mature than me. but anyways i just wanted to get a REAL, and HONEST answer for this question:
How is your life right?

2006-08-10 08:56:12 · 38 answers · asked by moon 2

born with life threatening diseases that can't be treated? why are many many children diagnosed with heart disease, leukemia, types of cancers, brain damage etc.? I have wondered this for many years and I have never quit figured it out? I've talked to my preacher before and he couldn't give me a good enough explanation. why does God let these horrible things happen to innocent children? why are babies born and then they die because of an illness? they didn't even get a chance at life!!! that's just one of the unresolved questions I have about God. what do you think? I don't understand. I was born with heart disease and all my life I've been trying to figure out why people like me have to suffer with life threatening diseases like this when God is in control. I'm still Christian!!

2006-08-10 08:56:12 · 19 answers · asked by *miss lily* 3

according to the bible lucifer fought god on the plains of heaven and then was cast out and sent to hell where he became known as satan satans objective is to wage war on heaven so why would satan torture humans in hell if he's got a war to plan? or maybe as hell is a 'lake of fire' satan doesn't have to do anything to inflict pain i think many people define hell as absence of God

2006-08-10 08:54:50 · 23 answers · asked by Battle-Mighty 2

Romans 10: 2 For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God; but not according to accurate knowledge; 3 for, because of not knowing the righteousness of God but seeking to establish their own, they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God.

2006-08-10 08:54:45 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

would you change anything about yourself? Your life? I am not an atheist and I don't subscribe to condeming those whose beliefs are different from my own, so this is not an attack on atheist. I am just curious what the response would be from non-believers if God's existance was somehow prooved to them. I have to admit that my belief in God does affect my behavior and how I conduct myself.

Thanks to all that respond!

2006-08-10 08:54:00 · 24 answers · asked by Peace2All 5

I want to sell my soul, plain and simple.
Jesus just can't have it, it's mine, and it's
up for sale to the highest bidder, unless your name is Jesus.

2006-08-10 08:52:14 · 26 answers · asked by ? 1

Daniel 2:44 " And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite;"

2006-08-10 08:52:06 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

please, they are "hijacking the religion of peace" so please peacefully pray the attacks to stop. please pray in response to this question, May Allah bless America and keep it.

2006-08-10 08:51:33 · 13 answers · asked by NNY 6



2006-08-10 08:49:31 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

When we die, will we be judged by our belief or by our acts during our lives? I have a hard time believing that someone could believe in God but live a sinful life and still have a better chance of getting into Heaven than someone who lived a life based on Christ's teachings, but didn't necessarily believe.

2006-08-10 08:48:03 · 49 answers · asked by firemedicgm 4

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