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Religion & Spirituality - 9 August 2006

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People talk about them? What are they?

2006-08-09 07:47:22 · 20 answers · asked by deathkorp1590 1

can anyone help me a spell anything to bring her back,i'm lost with out her.i'd sell my soul to be back with my wife.i'm suicidal with out her.real answers only please.

2006-08-09 07:47:02 · 32 answers · asked by Rob C 1

It is currently 7:47 GMT
and all is well.


2006-08-09 07:46:51 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you believe this..why? If not..why?

2006-08-09 07:46:29 · 39 answers · asked by Twinkle 1

I get that all the time.
"You just wait, one day you'll stand before Jesus and then you'll be sorry."
What am i supposed to be afraid of?
First, there is no Jesus. If he existed, he died 2000 years ago, get over it.
Second, according to the story, jesus was a hippy. I'm not afraid of hippies. They are very bad fighters.
Third, why do you think that threatening me with "Jesus is gonna get you" is going to work?
That's as bad as saying:
"Oh yeah, well my big brother will beat you up!" or "Better eat your vegetables or the boogieman will get you".
Those aren't very effective threats.
At least say something like:
"The religious police are going to get you." or "We are going to have an Inquisition and you will burn at the stake."
Those are threats. Not telling me an imaginary hippy is going to be standing in front of me.

2006-08-09 07:45:48 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Read This: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/03/31/health/31pray.html?pagewanted=1&ei=5089&en=4acf338ce4b00000&ex=1301461200&partner=rssyahoo&emc=rss

And this:

And then tell me that there's a reason to pray.

Note: Don't answer unless you have watched and read the respective two links.

Note: Oh, And if whynotaskdon wants to answer, put something real, other than just a link to your website.

2006-08-09 07:43:49 · 8 answers · asked by John S 4

I'm an agnostic not trying to convert anyone,

the below question is a stereotypical one from mainly Chrsitians on yahoo answers regarding morality,

The question is basically designed to say there must be a God because if not there is no need for people to act civilized in a world where there is no God.

Again, not bashing any religion just asking a couple questions.

1. Is God pre-requisite to morality?

2. If God is pre-requisite to morality, which God's morality should we as society accept?

3. If we are to accept the Judeo-Christian God's morality, is there any empirical evidence that backs the existence of the Judeo-Christian God?

4. In the absense of any empirical evidence, we would be believing in the Judeo-Christian God on faith? Which version of the Judeo-Christian God? The Christian view or the Judism view?

2006-08-09 07:43:40 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

iSAIAH PREDICTED IT Chapters 52vs13-53vs12 "He will be exaulted, but first marred more than any man, A nd lay down his life an atonement for sins."
Many of my Jewish and others like Muslims reject Isaiah because the dont have a forgiving blood atonement for sins-pray for them they will believe Isaiah-copy it down too to share with others-its vital
I finally prayed what Messiah Jesus said to pray - "Im sorry for my sins, come into my heart and help me, be my friend, amen." He said this in Revelation 3 vs 19 &20 "Behold i stand at your life door and knock, if you let me come in to deliver you from sins, i will and become your friend."
if you never prayed that prayer pray it frrom your heart and you will truely know my friend why Jesus came to die and rise again. thanks alot & have the greatest day ever ohhhh yesssss

2006-08-09 07:42:25 · 9 answers · asked by ? 5

i have two options for this weekend:

1)a well needed mini vacation by myself
2)camping with my friends

i want to go camping with my friends, but i question my intentions. problem is, my exboyfriend would be camping as well and i am still putting myself through pain on this one.

my mini vacation would be for me to rest after a really crazy year of school/work/stressful field placement.

what would be best??? the reason i posted this in religon/spirituality is because i want opinions which have a bit more wisdom possibly....

2006-08-09 07:41:49 · 17 answers · asked by jami p 2

What's the difference between Catholic And Christian?

2006-08-09 07:41:33 · 26 answers · asked by L 2

Ananda said: "Friendship with what is lovely, association with what is lovely, intimacy with what is lovely--that is half of the holy life."

The Buddha responded: "Don't say that, Ananda. It's the whole not the half of the holy life. One so blessed with what is lovely will develop a right way of being, a thinking that no longer grasps at what is untrue, an aim that is concerned and ready, a contemplation that is unattached and free. Association with what is lovely is the whole of the holy life."

-Samyutta Nikaya

Peace and Love

2006-08-09 07:41:09 · 26 answers · asked by digilook 2

2006-08-09 07:40:22 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am not arguing for of against, I only want to get some info to make a more informed decision.

2006-08-09 07:39:12 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is there a passage somewhere in the Bible that says that when Jesus comes back that my flesh is going to burn off or was that fiction in the Left Behind book.

Additionally, if it is in the Bible, will the smell of my non-Christian burning flesh make a smell pleasing to the Lord your God?

2006-08-09 07:37:38 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

What makes things wrong? Like if I stole a million dollars and could get away with it, wouldn't if feel awesome. Who determined what good and evil was? If I asked you if pornography is right or wrong you would prbly say its okay. But if I go on to say child pornography it becomes sick and wrong. So what determines if something is moral or immormal, or all things acceptable?

2006-08-09 07:37:10 · 21 answers · asked by ۞ JønaŦhan ۞ 7

OK, I see this alot. I know I am asking far too much for most people on this site by the following, and you will most likely miss the point entirely, but here goes.

Prove (already most theists are at a loss) to me that lust is INHERENTLY bad. Not "possibly" bad. Not "in some circumstances acting on lust MAY be" bad. INHERENTLY bad. UNIVERSALLY bad. Just as wet cannot be separated from liquid water neither can evil be separated from lust, because it is it's nature. As overly clear as I am trying to be, I bet I'm still not gonna get an answer. Lay it on me.

2006-08-09 07:36:47 · 13 answers · asked by ? 4

Does a rakondo mokallen sunka have any funkenchimes?

2006-08-09 07:35:31 · 8 answers · asked by gigantic_zebra_on_buffet 1

Tell me your testimonies and only those who are truly serious can answer.

2006-08-09 07:34:46 · 12 answers · asked by adrian w 4


Anyone else want to move to the tropical paradise that is antarctica?

Look at this picture and tell me you dont want to move there??

and i posted this in the religion section because I believe Noah lived in Antarctica.

2006-08-09 07:34:12 · 4 answers · asked by Timmy Green 1

Alright lets say i've never heard of religion before, and I don't know what christianity is or what buddhism is. Is there any reason why I should choose one instead of the other? If so can you give me proof for why that is? Just to save space, please refrain from saying "Because Jesus is the way and the truth", answers like that kinda like proof. So if you feel like answering tell me which one I should follow and why.

2006-08-09 07:32:57 · 25 answers · asked by gri5w4ld 2


I was born and raised "Church of England", i now wish to purchase a bible for my self, I have seen various versions on offer, but I am unsure what version is best, can you advise?

2006-08-09 07:32:55 · 22 answers · asked by curious cat 2

God is all fair. So, how can the "rapture" be fair when there are so many Christians that don't understand the word of God? Why would Jesus "rapture" away only Christians when they also sin?
It is not fair or logical. We all sin. God made us all and wants us all to be saved (2Peter 3:9, 1Timothy 2:3-4, Isaiah 45:22)
The "elect" of God will witness against the false Jesus, the devil.
If the elect are taken away, how can they witness against the antichrist? (Luke 21:12-15)
Mat 24:24 "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if [it were] possible, they shall deceive the very elect."

Please give mature answers only. Don't attack the question. If you can't answer maturely than don't answer at all. Thank you.

Source: King James Bible.

2006-08-09 07:32:09 · 29 answers · asked by LP S 6

How do you pray and what time do you pray at? Are there specail gods you beleive in?

2006-08-09 07:31:46 · 21 answers · asked by PINK 3

Especially as God gave us all his creations to do with as we will

2006-08-09 07:31:42 · 18 answers · asked by . 6

I have seen several individuals ask Christians to prove the creation idea without using the Bible. There were quite a few responses from different people. I would like to respectfully pose the same question to the atheist community. What scientific facts do you have that you feel disprove creation? Please notice that I did not say disprove the Bible, but disprove creation. Can science truly disprove that there is a Designer behind life and all the things we see in the universe?

2006-08-09 07:31:41 · 6 answers · asked by Daniel L 2

Bibliolatry is the worshiping of the Bible. It happens when someone places the Bible before God, ahead of Christ, or ahead of the Holy Spirit. It is a belief in the infallability of the printed Bible.

It is frequently argued that we must hold on to inerrancy because if we permit anyone to question any part of the Bible, the whole thing is lost. It is argued that unless we have an indisputable source of truth to return to, Christianity will be reduced to a matter of opinion. I always thought Christians came to an understanding of the truth through prayer, study and through the Holy Spirit.

Of course the Bible is true and it is the inspired word of God, but inerracy is a red herring. The inerracy message is a thinly disguised version of "you may not disagree with me." The issue is power, control, and the right to dictate who may do what and when; to tell other Christians what they may and may not believe. This is so foreign to the message of Christ, it should shock true Christians.

2006-08-09 07:31:05 · 8 answers · asked by kinder'mo 1

For my sexual immorality. Its not an uncommon thing. Right? No one is perfect.

2006-08-09 07:30:43 · 15 answers · asked by deathkorp1590 1

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