In Genesis 19:4-5, the angels visit Lot to warn him to flee the city and the people of Sodom surround the house.
5. And they called to Lot and said to him, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us, and let us be intimate with them." (Judaica Press)
Lot refused to give the visiting angels to the men of Sodom and instead offered them his two daughters. The men refused to accept this compromise. The men were struck blind, allowing Lot and his family to escape, and Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed by God.
One claim of this story is that men were asking angels for sex and is an example of homosexual behavior. First of all, asking angels for sex is ridulous, but let's suspend disbelief for a minute. I thought angels were supposed to be sexless (gender neutral) So, REALLY, this particular verse is NOT a case against homosexuality since Angels do not have gender!!! Secondly, didn't anyone else find it abhorrent that Lot offered up his daughters? Sounds fishy to me
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