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Religion & Spirituality - 3 August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

2006-08-03 11:48:23 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

your opinions?? ???

2006-08-03 11:47:03 · 70 answers · asked by dreamer 2

its a Christian camp in pennslyvania
actually its mostly Eastern Orthodox
tell me if you have heard of it or go to that camp

2006-08-03 11:46:50 · 9 answers · asked by cheaa boy 1

If the story of Adam & Eve were taken at face value, the comparison would be to a parent who gave an infant a button that detonated an explosive.

And, when the infant pushed the button, the parent blamed the infant rather than himself.

The story of Adam & Eve is one of the most ridiculous stories ever accepted by people as being even close to having factual accuracy.

And, if it were true, the "God" of the bible is the worst kind of psychopath and homicidal maniac that ever existed.

JT, you are a very wise man. Expect to see 10 point in your future.

2006-08-03 11:46:32 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I can't beleive people would be so hateful and suspicious to think our government had anything to do with the 911 diasters! It's beyond belief!!!!! I have no words to express my dismay!!!

2006-08-03 11:46:30 · 7 answers · asked by Makemeaspark 7

2006-08-03 11:46:20 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-03 11:42:33 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous

So many noodly appendages...

And how many heads will this question go over?

2006-08-03 11:41:53 · 8 answers · asked by the last ninja 6

2006-08-03 11:41:45 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok, so basically, this is what is going on... My entire family has been Lutheran and Catholic forever. In recent months, I have started to lean toward a ''Wiccan'' culture/religion. I'm not sure how to explain this to my family, as they believe it is ''evil'' and most likely won't allow it. Anyone have suggestions as to what I do?? I think they already have a bit of an idea that I am not Lutheran/Catholic; my Mom caught me in one of my meditations and has walked in on me trying to OBE. I'm not really ready for their response to this, but I don't want to keep it a secret any longer... What should I do??

2006-08-03 11:40:39 · 19 answers · asked by stepho9211 1

This to me seems very plain and is reason enough to reject islam, xianty and judiasm which propound an active God who was and is tediously involved in human affairs.

If God really is tediously involved in human affairs and we just cant see him, now we have the problem of a non-sensical or cruel God who kills infants with cancer and doesnt save the school children from the terrorists bomb.

To me, this seems so clear...I just dont get how people intellectually reconsile the two. The claim that "we know not his ways and will understand in the after-life" is circular and a cop-out. If we debate the concept of an active God, it is circular, in the face of absurdity (infant with cancer) require me to assume that, if we assume God exists and is active, then we cannot hope to understand "his way" cause we are lesser....again...you ask me to assume that which we debate.

2006-08-03 11:37:59 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ever mention that Mohamed had a nine year old wife when they are looking for converts?

2006-08-03 11:37:13 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

It will probably come across as rude to some believers, but it's just kind of an out-there rhetorical question... If you were made "in his image," why aren't you invisible?

2006-08-03 11:37:05 · 42 answers · asked by Indigo 7


2006-08-03 11:36:46 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok, I will probably get some flak from everyone on this, but here is my somewhat naturalistic view on the Adam and Eve story....

First off I think adam and eve is a big time allegory, that shows the first burgeoning (A. Afer..) on the earth... They were simple, and existed in harmony with nature, because they were little more than animals themselves...
...As time went on thought they ate from the fruit of the tree of knowledge (got smarter)... and began to change and reckognize themselves as outside of the natural order. people became smarter and smarter (from eating more animal protien that they hunted) and could never truly return to their original union with nature.
...They were cast out to toil in the fields (left the forrests and jungles to walk on 2 feet in the plains) , and were punished by having painful childbirth ( human birth is painful for 2 reasons, rigid hip bones because of bipedal locomotion, and because of the size of the human brain). What are your thoughts?

2006-08-03 11:34:55 · 24 answers · asked by E-Rock 3

I mean when there is not a mass going on?

2006-08-03 11:32:43 · 26 answers · asked by rhiannon2797 3

If God was the author of the bible, like many seem to think he is, why is it filled with such disgusting, offensive and brutal imagery?How to sacrifice animals and how to sprinkle blood , talk of beating slaves, raping virgins, killing babies and children 'ripping them to peices" --is that God talking? yuck. really shocking and vile stuff.
Why does so much of it make absolutely no sense at all and why does so much of it not relate to today's world at all if it is meant to be a God himself written life manual for the ages?

All powerful God creator of all the millions of galaxies sounds surprisingly like a primitive Middle Eastern man......coincidence?

2006-08-03 11:27:43 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Sorry if it is rude of me to post what I find on Y!A, but I am deeply concerned and troubled by some of the responses that I read.

"Science is just a bunch of facts some guy managed to prove in a long shot"

If this is what teaching science gets us, then should we even bother? And don't tell me that this is just some kid; if the kid has this attitude, is it possible that they learned it from someone/somewhere else?

In my state (Florida, which ranks in the bottom five states in the country for quality of education - yeah, FCAT!) there is a recurring move to do away with the subject of history?

Why? Because the state has realized that investing the time, money, and energy to teach this subject produces almost nothing.

I am ready to give up and just hand over the reins.
We're headed right back into the Dark Ages.

2006-08-03 11:27:28 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

One girl told him bluntly: “My mother says violence never solves anything.”

“So?” Mr. Dubois looked at her bleakly. “I’m sure the city fathers of Carthage would be glad to know that. Why doesn’t your mother tell them so? Or why don’t you?”

They had tangled before – since you couldn’t flunk the course, it wasn’t necessary to keep Mr. Dubois buttered up. She said shrilly, “You’re making fun of me! Everybody knows that Carthage was destroyed!”

“You seem to be unaware of it,” he said grimly. “Since you do know it, wouldn’t you say that violence had settled their destinies rather thoroughly? However, I was not making fun of you personally; I was heaping scorn on an inexcusably silly idea – a practice I shall always follow. Anybody who clings to the historically untrue – and thoroughly immoral – doctrine that ‘violence never solves anything’ I would advise to conjure up the ghosts of Napoleon Bonaparte and the Duke of Wellington and let them debate it. The ghost of Hitler could referee, and the jury might well be the Dodo, the Great Auk, and the Passenger Pigeon. Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and their freedom.”

2006-08-03 11:27:03 · 7 answers · asked by 自由思想家 3

To those who don't, specifically, believe in hell or Satan, what is your counter-argument when a Christian tells you that Satan's biggest accomplishment is having people believe he doesn't exist?

2006-08-03 11:26:40 · 26 answers · asked by Joa5 5

2006-08-03 11:25:11 · 6 answers · asked by the last ninja 6

Do you judge them based on the material their cross is made from?

I went to a church and I saw lots of people with different crosses around their neck. Some were gold and others silver.

Is there some sort of heirarchy?

Are you given different colour crosses so others who see you know your degree of righteousness?

Is having a gold one like having a black belt in Christianity?

Do you have to register your hands so people know that when you pray you mean business?

2006-08-03 11:24:59 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous


My father died 4 years ago, my mother died 4 months ago, i have one sibling who doesn't even acknowledge my existence, and a boyfriend of 4 years who treats me like dirt. Since my mom died i live alone now and my life has become even more meaningless and empty, and i don't think anybody would notice if i disappeared. All i want is to be with my mom again, and be happy, even if its in heaven where she is. And since God doesn't hear my plea's for him to take me so i can just be with her, i'd rather just kill myself, instead of living out the rest of my miserable going nowhere life. Because life can't crap on you this much and still have anything other than tragedy in store for you. And i know its a sin to commit suicide, but will i still go to hell, does God hate me that much?

2006-08-03 11:24:48 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous

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