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Religion & Spirituality - 27 July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

If as Christians, the motivation behind what we do is important, then the motivation behind what God does is INFINTELY more important! So what is God's motivation? And, as Christians, shouldn't that then be our motivation?

2006-07-27 05:56:00 · 5 answers · asked by Aaron W 2

I find it hard to believe that a cynic like Paul who spent all of his time stoning christians would just suddenly, out of the blue, have a revelation that he should become one.

Isn't it more likely he saw that christianity was growing in popularity and the more he oppressed them the more powerful they became? So he decided to jump on the bandwagon to avoid having the rising religion turn on him?

This way he would have whole new enemies and allies. If he'd lived long enough would he have become a Muslim warrior next?

For whoever is going to say 'No, god made him see the light', please, grow up. There are no miracles. People who switch sides like this are as full of it as you can be.

2006-07-27 05:55:11 · 9 answers · asked by Biggest Douche in the Universe 3

I'm confused on the differences between Catholics and Jews. I thought I UNDERSTOOD them, but after my last question, I think I was misinformed on the differences between CATHOLICS and JEWS.

I grew up BAPTIST, and have not studied outside RELIGIONS much. I haven't got any friends who are either CATHOLIC or JEWSIH to ask. I KNOW HOW TO BE SAVED, but I don't know the DIFFERENCE between all the different CHURCHES.

John 3:16
-Mrs. Paige

2006-07-27 05:53:31 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous

Most of us are religious. I'm not. It doesn't mean I don't believe in God, its just that I don't choose to follow a certain religion. I know some of us believe in -religion- because we were brought up on it and we say, "Why does this other person want to be this other relgion?" Ever think maybe because they were raised on it as you were raised with yours? (If you wern't raised on it, pay not mind to this.) Then.. how do we know if any of our religions are right? It doesn't mean i'm going to hell if I don't believe in a religion. So my question is, what is your opinion on this?

2006-07-27 05:52:15 · 18 answers · asked by Atwitwwcat 3

2006-07-27 05:51:57 · 24 answers · asked by liz 1

I see a lot of people who answer my questions on yahoo saying they believe we are in the "end times". I remember shortly after September 11, 2001, I went to a Church with a friend (he later became my best man at my wedding, and was my drill instructor in Basic Training) and a man came up and said he thought we were in End Times because of the attacks.

We saw what happened with June 6, 2006.

Why do people think that we are in End Times - ALL THE TIME? Is it because the Bible says to - Repent the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand? Specifically, I think these end of the world prophesies just aren't true, and that perhaps its a message that the physical body will die, and the individual who desires to be with God after physical death must be aware the SPIRITUAL coming of the end of days for the individual, but not for the Earth. What do you think?

2006-07-27 05:51:48 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

when he him self was god.

2006-07-27 05:51:22 · 12 answers · asked by Arfa 1

2006-07-27 05:51:12 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband and I started going back to church a few months ago. It has totally changed my life. I have quit drinking and quit cursing. However, my husband hasn't. Before we even pull out of the parking lot of the church, he's already cursing like a sailor (no offense to any Navy persons). I have asked him not to curse anymore, but he still does. I have told him that I don't want to hear anymore cursing, since I'm not cursing, but he doesn't seem to care. He says that I knew that was the way he was when we got married 5 years ago. I understand his point...I used to curse too, but I've quit and I don't want to hear him do it anymore. What can I do?

2006-07-27 05:51:01 · 9 answers · asked by tar0571 1

Why is he hiding behind the bible when we all know that him and his fellow croonies are meer blood sucking son's of wh0res?

2006-07-27 05:48:55 · 20 answers · asked by ? 2

2006-07-27 05:47:57 · 20 answers · asked by truuuuubelever 1

I'm Pro Choice, so I understand some won't agree, but if a woman wants to get an abortion, I don't see why anyone she be able to stop her. She may have gotten raped, she may have been too young or too poor to support a child, or she plain made a mistake. Why is it wrong for a woman to get an abortion?

2006-07-27 05:47:08 · 49 answers · asked by kris_rynshall 3

I have been trying to get pregnant with our second child for a few years now. We were recently put on medication to help us out. A few weeks ago she reffered to our future un-concieved child as "babIES" NOT BABY. Then she tells me that I am going to have one boy and one girl. She does not know any twins BTW. Again, she's three, going to be four next month. This morning when she wakes up and we are sitting at breakfast she says to me, "mommy, the Angel told me last night that your babies are already in your tummy, so don't be sad". wow! What do you think? She afterwards told me that the Angel she was talking to is 80 and has white hair (she really has no concept of an older age)

2006-07-27 05:46:52 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can anyone tell me the verse? I think it's in the new testament.

2006-07-27 05:46:49 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Considering the OTs strictures on handling of blood,etc. And, of course, the snack is not kosher either.

For christians: Of course I know its not REAL BLOOD or FLESH, but it is a make-believe ritual CANNIBALISM nonetheless.

2006-07-27 05:45:34 · 14 answers · asked by yosemitedude@sbcglobal.net 1


Does it efficiently help you remove stress?

2006-07-27 05:45:30 · 10 answers · asked by AYIOA 1

2006-07-27 05:44:30 · 23 answers · asked by truuuuubelever 1

I recently saw a movie, the Omega Code, where this old Rabbi discovered a string of coded messages hidden in a 3-Dimensional puzzle made out of the scriptures. They never said whether it was the Torah or the Old Testament (almost the same thing) or the Bible including the New Testament or anything, but at any rate the Rabbi gets killed and his work is stolen by some ****** from Europe.

Now, I now, I know. It's just a movie, but there are a lot of psychos out there that think that this Bible Code thing is real. Well, they're psychos. There are a lot of words and letters in the Bible, whatever it's form. Even with the traditional 2-d version, a person could very easily find tons of key words close to one another. That don't mean Jack W.. You could do the same thin with War and Peace, or a Harry Potter book. Did you know that part of the job of a crossword puzzle maker is making sure there are no words in the puzzle other than the ones they want? Don't be such a sucker.

2006-07-27 05:43:58 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-27 05:43:58 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

They are misusing this great idea of bringing people together.
But I can see that the Christians reply the question about Muslims very rudely.
Muslims, I know they are terrorist, but where in Quraan it is written to Advertize Islam in Yahoo Answers.
Don't you think day by day people are getting very abusive and dis-respecting to other's belife in Yahoo Answer?

2006-07-27 05:42:37 · 19 answers · asked by I am Changed 2

You follow the teachings of Paul, for the most part. Jesus never really taught anything original. His whole philosophy can be summed up in "be nice to people."

Wow, what a profound man.

If he were alive today, he would have his own infomercial.

2006-07-27 05:41:35 · 31 answers · asked by kubrickian 2

Holocaust inquisition crusades KKK Nazis and they are not true christians is a bad excuse because i know christians that defended Ken Lay and he did a lot of bad things.

2006-07-27 05:41:33 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

check this out ----> http://www.faithfreedom.org/book2.htm

2006-07-27 05:40:50 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

for hints, see this best answer:


but your own reflections are humbly requested too

2006-07-27 05:40:30 · 13 answers · asked by Smegma Stigma 4

A friend of mine in the chuch visited a MONASTERY this last weekend and told me about the beautiful CATHEDRAL they had within the MONASTERY! She told me the NUNS were reading their BIBLES and PRAYING to GOD in silence while she walked through.

How can people who SEEM TO BE SO GOOD, and who PRAY to the GOD of MOSES, not celebrate the BIRTH of CHRIST?! She told me of the wonderful statues of MARY and of the NATIVITY. They OBVIOUSLY believe in these facts, so WHY do they choose to CELEBRATE Hanauchka instead of CHRISTMAS!?

It doesn't make ANY sense to me. Will CATHOLICS go to hell for not celebrating the BIRTH of the SAVIOR!?

2006-07-27 05:38:50 · 73 answers · asked by Anonymous

Men do you help around the house?cause my?
husband wont take out trash wash a dish ,cook or pick up after his self.He said that is my job.I also work full time and take care of kids.Im sick of this! It's been like this for 6 years.

2006-07-27 05:38:22 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

No muslims killing christians, no christians retaliating by killing the wrong muslims.

Peace would be imminent.

I can dream, can't I?

2006-07-27 05:36:13 · 46 answers · asked by kubrickian 2

I would like for some muslims to help me I'm practicing Islam and could use some help, I dont have a Qur'an and no store's in my town sell them can you help me I need an english version. thats just one thing if you can think of something that i need to know please tell me, thanks!

2006-07-27 05:36:11 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is this how the idea of power was formed into religion? I know something and I need to spoonfeed it to you? By doing this I have something you want and I am in the position to manipulate you?
Is that the definition of occult --Hidden knowledge
(P.S. --positive manipulation = mentorship)

2006-07-27 05:34:52 · 18 answers · asked by Corey 4

People dont like them........they are really being thrown away by the society....why?

2006-07-27 05:34:40 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

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