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Religion & Spirituality - 25 July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

2006-07-25 14:33:44 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I went once. It was boys vs girls night. The first contest was a questionaire. They'd ask the guys five questions girls would most likely know, and they'd ask the girls five questions only guys would know. Then there was the part of who "cared" the most, and each group went through with the collection basket. Then there was the contest of which side brought the most new people to Youth group that night.

It was a bad experience. I was dragged there and used as part of winning a prize. I know that a lot of you will give me answers agreeing that it is not normally like that, but is it ever like that?

2006-07-25 14:32:17 · 8 answers · asked by Bob Saget 1

Lots of books are being blamed for violence and hatred. Why not these books that people have started wars over.

2006-07-25 14:31:33 · 12 answers · asked by jerse15 3

2006-07-25 14:30:40 · 30 answers · asked by I-C-U 5

dont give me that...everyone should seek Jesus crap..

2006-07-25 14:29:14 · 15 answers · asked by ? 3


2006-07-25 14:28:55 · 19 answers · asked by superlacop 1

I mean why not 3000 or 10000? Why do most of the Young Earth creationists settle on the 6000 year old model?
What evidence do they have to support this?
I'd really like to know.

2006-07-25 14:25:55 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

If I get this right it goes like this, Adam knew Eve (sex) and begot Cain. Adam knew Eve once more and begot Able. That’s it! Then Cain kills Able, and is given the mark by the Lord and sent to dwell in the land of Nod, east of Eden. Then Cain knew is wife and begot Enoch. Where the flipping gram crackers did Cain’s wife come from? The Bible makes no mention of any more sons or daughter before Cain’s discretion or after, before Enoch is born? Did she just appear? Why is this just assumed or look over? Let hear some mindless drivel on this. Don't make anything up and don't assume, I want hear something that I can look up and verify, with actual historical doctrin.

2006-07-25 14:25:28 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I feel like I have reached a level in life of such understanding and wisdom that God may think my time has come to join him.I am now far superior than the mere humans I walk this earth with. Maybe it is time.
Has this ever happened to you?

2006-07-25 14:24:39 · 30 answers · asked by karlos 2

If you gamble, make bets on how long the world has until it goes bye bye, or perhaps bet on who goes to heaven during the rapture and who is in the inferno. Personally I am betting on who is lame enough to believe their pastor or whatever that says...oh give me all your money, buy LEFT BEHIND BOOKS! believe it enough to play for every book put out by those idiots....making money off the BIBLE! lol and some people read that more than the bible..lol hee hee weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

2006-07-25 14:24:13 · 3 answers · asked by ? 3

I mean from Adam and Eve all the way to the Revelation

I want a real and honest opinion whether your Christian or not

If the bible was turned into a movie tell me what it is called.

2006-07-25 14:22:20 · 39 answers · asked by good boy 2

Most people believe that a loving God wouldn't send anyone into hell, but given mankind's track record of continuous evil/sin/lawlessness, I see no other alternative, lest He makes another way for us to get there. Can we ever be good enough to merit heaven through any religious works?

2006-07-25 14:21:16 · 19 answers · asked by duluthguy427 1

Let's face it I only have 2 children on this earth and they drive me nuts at time. I am so grateful that God is a more forgiving and patient Father than I am as a mother. If He wasn't I don't think any of us would be here. Imagine so many disobediant children who can not get along.

2006-07-25 14:21:16 · 11 answers · asked by Debra M. Wishing Peace To All 7

I am a Christain and when I get older I want to be an elementary school teacher for a Christain school but how do i kno if its just what i want to do or is it a Calling? How wil I kno when and what im being called into im 13 so how will I kno im talkin 2 my youth pastor 2 morro but... i wouyld like help now pleze

2006-07-25 14:20:28 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

This should not be an offensive question to you. I think it is a neutral question. Here it is:

What do you think about someone who says "forget about religion" but then they start talking about how Jesus is the only way? Does this sound like a cop-out to you the way it does to me? I am religious and am not ashamed to say it. I will also be the first to admit that I am a sinner and am far from the religious ideal that I struggle to meet. But I think that a lot of people don't know what being religious means. What do you think?

2006-07-25 14:19:01 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

the car is red...the bus is yellow....

2006-07-25 14:18:46 · 7 answers · asked by ? 3

I've been looking thru the answers to alot of these religious based questions and the hatred spewing forth from the Christians is staggering. To no less a factor than many of the other responses from different religions. Is organized religion so arrogant that it can't even recognize/ acknowledge another religion? At least Buddhism allows one to explore various paths. Christianity seems to scream "believe or burn". Is that really how it wants to be portrayed? As the ideology of some 2000 yr old diety waving his finger in my face like some senial old man trying to wrap his clamy hands around the fact that the end has already begun. Didn't work out too well during the Spanish Inqusition. I know there are going to be those of you who are going to tell me that for my questioning I will burn. But for the love of all that is just plain good, couldn't I get some rationality and logically based answers as well? Is organized religion so arrogant as to believe that it is the only possibility?

2006-07-25 14:18:08 · 13 answers · asked by celebratingapathy 1

Not one person on this planet knows anything about god. So why bother asking dumbass questions?

2006-07-25 14:17:39 · 18 answers · asked by jerse15 3

World War Three? Armegeddon? The time after? How are you ready or not? I have been preparing for some time now. And yes, it will be ALL governments that fall...even the one you think is good.

2006-07-25 14:17:21 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was thinking some Holy Bibles perhaps...they make good traps for gods and sinners...cha cha cha

2006-07-25 14:15:42 · 4 answers · asked by ? 3

Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, Catholicism, Hinduism, Monism, Mormonism, Atheism, Wicca.....the list goes on.

2006-07-25 14:12:04 · 32 answers · asked by Ambere 1

If yes, why? If no, why not?

Give me an example from your life when you think there was Karma in the middle of all happenings - if you have.

If you believe in it, do you believe that we "import" sins from previous lives, or you think we are born "clean"?

2006-07-25 14:08:34 · 26 answers · asked by Hibernating Ladybird 4

You have to choose one...
a) You have eternal happiness and one hundred other people will be tortured for eternity.
b) You are tortured for eternity and one hundred other people will have eternal happiness.

Choose one, you have to choose one, there are no twists.

2006-07-25 14:05:52 · 36 answers · asked by mathcore321x 2

Come on! If you have faith you can do it! Do it for the team! Do it for Jesus!

2006-07-25 14:04:39 · 30 answers · asked by idspudnik 4

Best sex i ever had was on a church youth trip picnic. Those girls were on us one after another. Does religion make girls more horney? They almost wore me out. Over and over and over......

2006-07-25 14:03:49 · 10 answers · asked by theagitator@sbcglobal.net 2

I am a Catholic and I know what my faith teaches. I am not trying to convert anyone I am just curious what others think about this phenomenon as it were?

2006-07-25 14:03:31 · 10 answers · asked by Debra M. Wishing Peace To All 7

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