6. electrical fires cannot be safely put out by dousing them with water. however, fire extinguishers that spray solid carbon dioxide on the fire work very effectively. this method works because carbon dioxide..
answer: displaces the oxygen
7.when a metal is heated in a flame, the flame has a distinctive color, this information was eventually extended to the study of stars because..
Answer: the color specta of stars indicate which elements are present.
8. which statement best describes the density of an atom's nucleus?
Answer: the nucleus occupies very little of the atom's volume but contains most of its mass.
9. why are enormous amounts of enerygy required to seperate a nuclues into its component protons and neutrons even though the protons in the nuclues reprel each other?
answer: the focres holding the nuclues together are much stronger than the repulsion betweeen the protons.
3 answers
asked by
Simon W