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Politics - 13 October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

Honestly, that is asinine. As a nurse in an Emergency Room, the cost of treating a common cold or an earache of a child in a critical area is astronomical versus being able to go to a family doctor.

Do you think hospitals cut their profits because people can't pay?

No they jack up the prices, which in turn cost you Joe taxpayer with insurance more money to go to the hospital because...

Do you think insurance companies cut their profits because they are paying more for your hospital stay?

No...they jack up your premiums and deductibles.

So, please explain to me how his vetoing SCHIP is going to drive my healthcare costs down?

2007-10-13 03:47:11 · 12 answers · asked by ♥austingirl♥ 6

Surely, if there was a likelyhood of prosecution and if the punishment was sufficient, no-one would employ "illegals"?

So, the conclusion has to be that the government allows this?

2007-10-13 03:43:59 · 17 answers · asked by . 5

Will Justices Thomas and Renquist and Scalia award the Nobel Prize to George Bush despite the end result of the counting of the votes?

2007-10-13 03:38:13 · 8 answers · asked by Spartacus 3

2007-10-13 03:32:57 · 7 answers · asked by Dangerous 2

If I told a neocon he was bleeding and offered a bandaid would they yell at me that I'm a commie or take the bandaid.

-- Evidence for Global Warming
Recent observations of warming support the theory that greenhouse gases are warming the world. Over the last century, the planet has experienced the largest increase in surface temperature in 1,300 years. The average surface temperature of the Earth rose 0.6 to 0.9 degrees Celsius (1.08°F to 1.62°F) between 1906 and 2006, and the rate of temperature increase nearly doubled in the last 50 years. Worldwide measurements of sea level show a rise of about 0.17 meters (0.56 feet) during the twentieth century. The world’s glaciers have steadily receded, and Arctic sea ice extent has steadily shrunk by 2.7 percent per decade since 1978.

2007-10-13 03:29:47 · 8 answers · asked by Spartacus 3

I just got done watching FOX & Friends, and they seem very angry and quick to bad-mouth him all the time. They say he "spreads lies" and "goes far enough to get Hollywood involved in his money-making scheme."

He's brought attention to the evironment and the climate problem, and he's promoting the use of greener alternatives. How could anyone possibly be against that? Are there any scientific flaws in his arguments? Am I missing something here? I think he deserved to get that prize, no matter how "worthless" you think it is. He's made a difference in our world, and he's a great man.

2007-10-13 03:23:48 · 19 answers · asked by Uliju 4

Just like bashing Jimmy Carter and his Nobel, their basic lack of understanding and education of the world fails them.

Arafat and Peres won a Nobel in 1994 for the Oslo Peace Accords. Though far from perfect, it was the first real attempt to bring peace between Isreal and Palestine.

Many of the concepts of Oslo is still in effect today, including the basic, yet simple idea of two nations sharing the land of Abraham. It is the only way to acheive true peace in Isreal, while avoiding war.

Yes, Arafat was a terrorist, but near the end, renounced violence, and even lead the effort to have Isreal acknowledged as a nation by the PLO.

Those poor Republicans....they bash and get angry, but if they recieved a proper historical education....they'd know what they were talking about it.

2007-10-13 03:22:52 · 17 answers · asked by Villain 6

Nobel Peace Prize.

2007-10-13 03:18:20 · 12 answers · asked by Dangerous 2

Columbia University
Nobel Prizes
Global Warming

The extreme right wing has right to dislike liberalism, but it seems to has been taken to the extent of despising reason.

What is the purpose? What is the rationalization?

Anybody can dispute a postulate based on data, but when the fact of just taking raw data is in itself disputed...that's a another story. Have we un-evolved?

2007-10-13 03:17:33 · 8 answers · asked by Mitchell 5

What gives? I thought cons such as Mark Foley LIKED 12-year-old boys?

2007-10-13 03:09:40 · 10 answers · asked by Charlie D 1

He is accomplishing nothing. Is that because Conservatives love stability?

Main Entry: con·ser·va·tism
Pronunciation: \kən-ˈsər-və-ˌti-zəm\
Function: noun
Date: 1832
1capitalized a: the principles and policies of a Conservative party b: the Conservative party2 a: disposition in politics to preserve what is established b: a political philosophy based on tradition and social stability, stressing established institutions, and preferring gradual development to abrupt change; specifically : such a philosophy calling for lower taxes, limited government regulation of business and investing, a strong national defense, and individual financial responsibility for personal needs (as retirement income or health-care coverage)3: the tendency to prefer an existing or traditional situation to change

2007-10-13 03:09:07 · 6 answers · asked by orderly logic 6

Now that the leading scientists of the world all agree about the dangers of global warming,the international community is working together to combat it(without the U.S. or China of course),and Gore has just been given the world's top award for
his work against it-well,I just have to wonder.

Could it be that global warming is actually a real problem?
Is it possible that once again Bush's loyal followers have been

If you think the Nobel Prize has become a sham,can you give a reason other than it being awarded to Gore? Can you give
facts to back up your arguments?

2007-10-13 02:50:39 · 21 answers · asked by Alion 7

They do have the power of the purse!

2007-10-13 02:49:36 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

He won the prize for the Camp David Accords, which brough a real and lasting peace to Isreal and Eygpt. It was the first time Isreal created a formal peace with any of it's neighbors.

Thanks to Jimmy Carter, the peace helped provide some stability in a region rocked in constant turmoil. Carter should be honored for this standing achievement.

For Republicans to bash efforts of peace, especially a lasting peace created by Carter....it shows their immaturity, nonunderstanding of the world around them, and lack of historical knowledge.

2007-10-13 02:43:08 · 14 answers · asked by Villain 6

I no fan of his but do not believe he is. He always seems to be one step ahead of congress. Even after numerous controversies and resignations of cabinet members plus congress still in the palm of his hand (funding the war) I do not believe this man is an idiot.

2007-10-13 02:39:08 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

The Iraqis can run their own nation just fine. We removed Saddam, we did our job, it's time to bring our soldiers home to peace and safety.

The Republicans want to stay another 5-10 years, even though there is no victory plan.

2007-10-13 02:29:38 · 35 answers · asked by Villain 6

9/11 even happened. How can the neocons say that their massive, unconstitutional surveillance of all domestic communication is "to protect America from the terrorists" when 9/11 didn't even happen yet? It's well documented that in the months leading up to 9/11, bush brushed off the issue of terrorism. He all but ignored the urgent warnings from foreign intelligence agencies of the impending attack. He never called even one high-level meeting on the subject of terrorism.

The Soviet KGB spied on its own citizens, not to protect the country from outside threats, but to protect the the corrupt ruling class from internal challenges that came from the country's own citizens. We all know about cheney's desire to maintain a "permanent republican majority." Did the neocons want to spy on patriotic Americans in order to protect their power base from the people of America? Why else would they want to gain such an illicit advantage over the citizens of America?

2007-10-13 02:29:36 · 15 answers · asked by Charlie D 1

OR JUST A FINE AMERICAN HERO???or? and is this how America respects leaders???

2007-10-13 02:23:53 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Where these remars pointed towords Left or BJP and she was ready to go for midterm poll. Ramsetu Controversy by Ambika Soni is deliberate attempt by Congress but it backfired and all plans of midterm poll cancelled.

2007-10-13 02:14:46 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

[ {Lt. Gen. Ricardo S. Sanchez}...the former top commander of American forces there called the Bush administration’s handling of the war “incompetent” and said the result was “a nightmare with no end in sight.”...“National leadership continues to believe that victory can be achieved by military power alone,” he said. “Continued manipulations and adjustments to our military strategy will not achieve victory. The best we can do with this flawed approach is stave off defeat.”...“The administration, Congress and the entire inter-agency, especially the State Department, must shoulder responsibility for the catastrophic failure, and the American people must hold them accountable,” he said....He said in an interview in June with Agence France-Presse that the best the United States could achieve in Iraq would be stalemate. ] - "Ex-Commander Says Iraq Effort Is ‘a Nightmare’", The New York Times, 10/13/2007

2007-10-13 02:14:19 · 7 answers · asked by ideogenetic 7

It is not right to insult the developmentally disabled.

2007-10-13 01:53:31 · 23 answers · asked by Darth Vader 6

what is he still hiding?
and why does Hillary have him as an advisor?

2007-10-13 01:51:11 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-13 01:49:10 · 6 answers · asked by Darth Vader 6

Did socialism bring forth capitalism?

2007-10-13 01:41:26 · 10 answers · asked by Moody Red 6

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