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Politics - 13 October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

Rice worried by Putin's broad powers

2007-10-13 06:51:13 · 7 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5

my three year old cousin archibald wants to run for parliament as soon as the p.m calls one.
and my mate dave's teenage son is already president of the world.
i worry about the future when it is placed in the hands of minors.

2007-10-13 06:38:08 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

What FACTS can you give me to show that global warming does infact exist? When I say facts, I dont mean copy and paste some big thing or claim that scientist have proven it. I want actual FACTUAL DATA that proves global warming is man made, not the Earth's weather cycle that has been going on for millions of years.

I didnt ask this question to start a debate like every other question on here, I just want to see if anyone can actually source me data instead of just claiming the ice caps are melting and scientist have proven that it exists, because these same scientist were the ones that were POSITIVE another Ice Age was upon us in the 70s.

2007-10-13 06:34:27 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

On August 6,2001 Bush recieved a briefing stating Bin Laden determined to strike inside the US!What orders did he give Rummy at the DOD(department of defense) to ensure Americas' national security after that meeting?
Why did the FBI in Minneapolis have Moussaoui(20th hijacker) in custody for weeks before and NOT foil the 9/11 plot?Why did FBI HQ in Washington deny requested FISA warrants from Minneapolis field office?
Why didn't our republican lead government investigate 9/11 until pressure from 911 families and the public forced them to?
Why did the Bush administration keep the PDB classified until public pressure forced them de-classify it?Why weren't the FBI agents who arrested Moussaoui called to testify before the 9/11 commission?
Why did Cheney just stand and watch as the "plane" came in from 50 miles out?What were the orders Cheney had given the"young man" that Norman Mineta testified about in front of the 911 commission?
How can any honest American vote for this party?

2007-10-13 06:29:51 · 13 answers · asked by honestamerican 7

Somewhere between slim and none.

Anyone who would make such explicit insults to a married man who is obviously not really gay would only make such insults if an emotional awareness of one's own sexulaity comes into play. If anything, Coulter would probably run down the aisle so fast it would make your head spin if Edwards were single and proposed marriage to her.

Basis: Freudian theory of Projection, the psychological theory that one asumes a false opposite of what is emotionally transpiring to reduce performance anxiety in the self.

2007-10-13 06:17:02 · 17 answers · asked by Jim W 3

2007-10-13 06:16:30 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm just curious. I haven't seen it so I cannot comment on whether I think it's factual or not... but it seems that like Michael Moore's movies - more often than not it's the ones who haven't actually seen them that bark loudest.

2007-10-13 06:15:38 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

NOw, I do think she's quite the loony dolt, personality-wise - but still, she seems like a hootie patootie - maybe she's a testament to plastic surgery

2007-10-13 06:10:49 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

What I frequently heard from the political pundits in the 2000 election was how much more of a likable person George Bush was than Al Gore. Of course the Republican party had a field day with it.
Now here we are seven years later and Bush's approval ratings are near Nixon's Watergate ratings. Hmmmnnn..... isn't funny how crappy leadership can make a guy less likable ? Gore is now more popular than ever.
Don't you think it's time we elected someone that can actually do the job next time instead of someone "you would like to have a beer with ?" I think you would be amazed at how much you would come to like an effective President.

2007-10-13 06:01:10 · 30 answers · asked by ? 6

Wouldnt it be great to take these 2 to a lying contest would they be eligible since theyre both professionals?

2007-10-13 05:53:42 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-13 05:50:27 · 9 answers · asked by realitycheck 3

2007-10-13 05:47:16 · 22 answers · asked by realitycheck 3

If conservatives want English as a national language, shouldn't they understand it?

2007-10-13 05:29:39 · 14 answers · asked by oohhbother 7

because Bush has never experienced it himself?

2007-10-13 05:25:04 · 11 answers · asked by . 5

Should the VeggieTales be BANNED from TV, due to their conservative beliefs?
In Politics - Asked by anthonyinkc - 0 answers - 2 minutes ago
Should the USA be renamed the UTS: united terrorist states?
In Politics - Asked by zorglub(43) - 0 answers - 4 minutes ago
Has Russia become more like the US or have we become more like them?
In Politics - Asked by itchy.sweats - 1 answer - 6 minutes ago
Is the following an "inconvenient truth" about Al Gore?
In Politics - Asked by Dan W - 0 answers - 6 minutes ago
Let's just say the Primaries are over and we have Clinton Opposing Guiliani for President of the U.S.?
In Politics - Asked by Moody Red - 12 answers - 8 minutes ago
How sure are you?
In Politics - Asked by Ann Coulter is a dyke - 3 answers - 9 minutes ago
Why did you US americans elect a warmonger criminal man as Bush and not a future Nobel Peace Prize as Al Gore?
4 In Politics - Asked by M U N C H - 11 answers - 11 minutes ago
So many Generals opposing Bush now. Is there a Law in Title 10 that the Generals don't have to be lemmings ???
In Politics - Asked by ShortBus XLIII - 2 answers - 13 minutes ago
Heads are spinning?
1 In Politics - Asked by Ann Coulter is a dyke - 7 answers - 13 minutes ago
Who is the real father of C. Rice? Is she related to Strom Thurman too? I heard an oil tanker was name Rice!
In Politics - Asked by Mr USA - 6 answers - 16 minutes ago
Cons, what annoys you more: Al Gore's Oscar or Al Gore's Nobel Peace Prize?
2 In Politics - Asked by information_police - 17 answers - 18 minutes ago
Who was the worst U.S. President and why?
1 In Politics - Asked by psr7070 - 13 answers - 19 minutes ago
What Al Gore should declare after winning the Nobel: and i am just warming up!?
In Politics - Asked by kiki - 4 answers - 21 minutes ago
Is it common for US Presidents to take Gods name in Vain when referring to the Constitution???Or is it normal.
In Politics - Asked by ShortBus XLIII - 7 answers - 23 minutes ago
Have recent amendments to the US Constitution improved our lives?
In Politics - Asked by Pelagius - 4 answers - 23 minutes ago
How bizarre is it that Algore refuses to endorse a democrat candidate?
In Politics - Asked by realitycheck - 9 answers - 24 minutes ago
Are you also worried, along with Condaleezza Rice, about Putin's concentration of power?
In Politics - Asked by Longhaired Freaky Person - 8 answers - 24 minutes ago
Is there a problem brewing the the USA and if so what is it?
1 In Politics - Asked by Gypsy Gal - 5 answers - 27 minutes ago
Should Bush be named the next "Iraq War Czar" when he leaves office?
In Politics - Asked by Carved in Stone - 6 answers - 28 minutes ago
Should the Nobel Prize be renamed the Liberal of the Year award?
In Politics - Asked by Nicole J - 15 answers - 28 minutes ago

2007-10-13 05:22:52 · 12 answers · asked by Locutus1of1 5

Why are they so confused about facts.
I read so many false statements from all levels of liberalism. They misrepresent the conservative postion.
Conservatives do beleive that global warming is taking place. Most will argue that the globe has been warming since the begining of the end of the last Ice Age. (if not most of us would be sitting on ice)
Basically Consevatives believe global warming is taking place but disagree as to the cause.
Some facts
About a 0.6 degree warming in the last 120 years
about 45% due to green house gasses
of that 45% about 30% of that is due to carbon dioxide.
Burning fossil fuels releases crabon dioxide that would eventually be relased as methane. Methane is about 200,000 times more effective green house gass and it can not be filtered naturally and does not break down.

If Liberals are so willing to misrepresnt the Conservative postion wich is in black and white. How are we not supose to think they are misreprestning fuzzy scince.

2007-10-13 05:18:39 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

They may be Vegtables, but they are also Republicans with a very specific agenda.

2007-10-13 05:18:02 · 15 answers · asked by Villain 6

House #1
A 20 room mansion ( not including 8 bathrooms heated by natural gas. Add on a pool ( and a pool house) and a
separate guest house, all heated by gas.

In one month this residence consumes more energy than the average American household does in a year. The average bill for electricity and natural gas runs over $2400.
In natural gas alone, this property consumes more than 20 times the national average for an American home.

This house is not situated in a Northern or Midwestern "snow belt" area. It's in the South.
House #2

Designed by an architecture professor at a leading national university.

This house incorporates every "green" feature current home construction can provide.

The house is 4,000 square feet ( 4 bedrooms ) and is nestled on an arid, high prairie in the American southwest.

A central closet in the house holds geothermal heat-pumps drawing ground water through pipes sunk 300 feet into the ground. The water (usually 67 degrees F. ) heats the house in the winter and cools it in the summer.

The system uses no fossil fuels such as oil or
natural gas and it consumes one-quarter electricity required for a conventional heating/cooling system.

Rainwater from the roof is collected and funneled into a 25,000 gallon underground cistern. Wastewater from showers, sinks and toilets goes into underground purifying tanks and then into the cistern. The collected water then
irrigates the land surrounding the house.

Surrounding flowers and shrubs native to the area enable the property to blend into the surrounding rural landscape.

HOUSE #1 is outside of Nashville, Tennessee; it is the abode of the "environmentalist" Al Gore.

HOUSE #2 is on a ranch near Crawford, Texas; it is the residence the of the President of the United States, George W. Bush.

Links below back up the facts of the 2 houses.


An "inconvenient truth" about Al Gore, or what?

2007-10-13 05:14:45 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Who Gets Your Vote?

2007-10-13 05:12:13 · 29 answers · asked by Moody Red 6

Or are you still having trouble getting over Gore getting more votes than Bush in 2000?

2007-10-13 05:02:16 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-13 05:01:21 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-13 04:52:45 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am finding the whole political debate pretty funny. I also am wondering if some obscure Bulgarian scientist had made "Inconvenient Truth" and won the Prize, would people demonize his winning it?

For the record (since people here always make their assumptions), I am a liberal, but I have no affection for Al Gore. And I certainly don't think he should have won a Nobel Peace Prize for basically making a movie about how cool he is with a PowerPoint presentation about the environment thrown in. I agree that the information presented is important and relevant (i.e. global warming seems real enough to me), but I'm not sure it rises to the level of the Nobel Prize.

2007-10-13 04:30:45 · 19 answers · asked by Mark M 3

Should we blame the slaves, the plantation owners, or the goverment of plantation owners?

2007-10-13 04:18:27 · 19 answers · asked by . 5

JFK Said:
And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.

Would Hillary say:
And so, my fellow Commrades: ask not what you can do for your country—ask what your country can do for you.

2007-10-13 04:14:28 · 5 answers · asked by El Guapo 4

What is the hype about building fences, sealing borders etc intended to do? is it merely intended to distract or divide Americans.

Is it intended to be Republican 2008 vote winner?

2007-10-13 03:57:06 · 6 answers · asked by . 5

2007-10-13 03:50:31 · 7 answers · asked by leena 2

The French Resistance of WWII, for example. The Germans called them terrorists. We called them freedom fighters. Israel's Irgun, another good example. The British called them terrorists. The world generally accepts them today as freedom fighters. There can really be no objective use of the word terrorist. All terrorists believe that they are acting in a moral and just fashion against an oppressive enemy. There is no terrorist who thinks to himself, "I am an evil terrorist and I am killing people just for fun".....

2007-10-13 03:47:43 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

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