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Politics - 8 September 2007

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Does Truth or Reality play a part in our shaping of a view of the news and politics?

Or are we just caught in the middle of 30 second propoganda sound bytes

2007-09-08 03:53:01 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it religion that drives current global conflicts, terrorism, wars, etc?

Or is it more about the incalcuable disparity of wealth in the world, and about how the richer nations tolerate and allow such terrible poverty among poorer nations?

2007-09-08 03:48:45 · 13 answers · asked by Zezo Zeze Zadfrack 1

2007-09-08 03:42:46 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do liberals fear that Bush will become one of the greatest presidents?

As the world awaits General David Petraeus’s progress report on President Bush’s troop surge, even war critics concede that deploying 30,000 additional GIs has improved Iraq’s security. Largely overlooked, however, is how increased safety has helped U.S. soldiers and contractors rebuild its physical and institutional infrastructure.

The Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) has performed much of the Pentagon’s $11.4 billion in reconstruction. So far, they have concluded 3,014 of 3,387 planned projects. ACE’s website highlights most of the details and comments cited here.

While terrorists blasted holes in highways and water pipes, America has paved 38 new roads. Once 41 total projects are done, Iraqis will ride 265 miles of fresh thoroughfares. Already, 3.1 million Iraqis enjoy 142 million new gallons of purified water daily. Eventually, 300 million such gallons will flow daily to 5.2 million Iraqis, some of whom routinely fill buckets at distant wells.

ACE announced Wednesday that it completed a $266 million facility to bring drinking water to 500,000 Iraqis in southern Dhi Qar province. This should combat water-borne diseases that often kill children up to age 5.

While Islamofascists built roadside bombs, car bombs, and bomb vests, America stayed busy building or rehabilitating 77 primary healthcare centers and 16 hospitals, through August 20. Eventually, GIs will have finished work on 142 primary-care centers and 25 hospitals to serve up to 6.5 million Iraqis.

“In my opinion,” said one Iraqi project engineer who helped ACE construct four hospitals in southern Maysan province, “providing these new and additional medical services will help reduce the infant mortality rate of the area.”

While Muslim radicals deliberately machine-gunned boys and girls on school buses, U.S. troops through August 29 had renovated or built 810 schools, supplying classrooms for 324,000 students. As part of a $1 million effort, ACE last month finished rebuilding a soccer field, cafeteria, plumbing, and air conditioning at the student center of Baghdad’s Mustansiriya University, founded in 1234 A.D.

While fanatic Muslims kidnapped Iraqi women for arranged marriages, American forces have helped female Iraqis thrive in engineering, business, and law enforcement.

ACE encourages Iraqi women to participate in training and networking seminars for entrepreneurs who hope to bid on construction contracts. Among 40 companies at one such event in July, 10 were women-owned.

“Women are a part of this society and together everyone who had an unfair chance during the last regime can now take advantage of their new opportunities within our new country,” said an Iraqi businesswoman named Luma.

Meanwhile, ACE is erecting a three-story facility for female cops in An Najaf province.

“The objective for building the $134,000 female training police station is to help advise, organize, and train Iraqi female officers on basic infantry tactics, from squad to battalion level, to further enhance the Iraqi police stations,” said Army Lt. Colonel Jan Carter.

“As an Iraqi woman, I wish I could see more changes in the Iraqi community,” one female cop remarked. “I joined the Iraqi Army to participate in the noble mission of restoring security in Iraq. I want to see all the Iraqi people happy and living in peace.”

Through July, America had spent $435 million on 404 Iraqi security and justice facilities including 154 border forts, 91 police stations, 32 courthouses, and four major prisons.

Of course, these are more than just Iraqi pork-barrel projects. These concrete baby steps forward after 35 years of kleptocratic Baathist tyranny are drawing Iraqi hearts and minds toward America. U.S. efforts increasingly counteract the frustration Ahmed Raja Al Assan expressed in a Wednesday dispatch by Pentagon public-affairs specialist Sergeant Mike Pryor.

“The terrorists are trying to kill us, kill our families,” Al Assan said. “We want to fight back.”

“A key aspect of U.S. counterinsurgency strategy is to provide security, then basic services as soon as possible, while there is a strategic window in which we can prove our worth to the local public,” says Pete Hegseth, an Army reserve officer who served 11 months in Baghdad and Samarra and now leads Vets for Freedom. “It’s one thing to kick out the bad guys,” Hegseth tells me. “It’s another to prove that we are better.”

President Bush’s troop surge is helping America deliver that proof.

2007-09-08 03:26:17 · 17 answers · asked by mission_viejo_california 2

there are too many islamist terrorists. if we care about him, he will increase his charisma. he is just terrorist man as jihad, hamas, ...etc. do you agree with me?

2007-09-08 03:08:50 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

This highest level of income equality ever happened under a Republican president.

Has anyone told you that under President George W. Bush we have seen the highest levels of gender-income equality in American history? I didn’t think so.

Last week the U.S. Census Department released its annual survey of poverty, income, and health-insurance coverage. Since the poverty and income have improved, the press has focused almost exclusively on health insurance. That’s a pity, because we’ve heard a drumbeat of outrage since the 1960s about how “a woman only makes 59 percent of a man’s income.” Aside from the fact that this stat fails to compare people of different genders performing the same work, it’s also hopelessly out of date. That number is now 77 percent. This highest level of income equality ever — and it happened under a Republican president.

This is exactly the sort of thing you’d expect after supply-side tax cuts are implemented. The chart above shows how equality rose after the JFK tax cuts, the first giant income leap forward for womankind; how the Reagan tax cuts left women much better off than they had been eight years earlier; and how the Clinton capital-gains tax cut showed the world that he really did know how to treat the ladies.

The great untold story of wage equality goes like this: Supply-side economics is a revolutionary force. It places a premium on brains rather than brawn, and it throws open the doors of the Old Boys’ Club to the most competitive bidders for capital. Glass ceilings are a corporate thing, not an entrepreneurial thing. In an environment of rapid growth, seniority (or even señorita-ity) is no longer relevant. Performance is. When’s there’s one bank in town, you’d better hope you were in the same fraternity as the loan officer. But in a deregulated environment where banks compete, she wins if she’s got the best idea and a good FICO score.

Maybe that’s why they hate us. The Islamofascists, I mean. What would capitalism mean behind “the Burkah Curtain”? The very old boys’ network knows exactly what it would mean.

2007-09-08 03:08:47 · 6 answers · asked by mission_viejo_california 2

Let's face it, if he is indeed still alive, we can anticipate receiving a message from him close to the anniversary of 9/11, every year.

So is he succeeding in ripping us apart even further? Now he appears to be endorsing Democrats. Personally, I think it's a well laid out ploy on his part. They know that there is a lot of inner-fighting between the Liberals and Conservatives and, are using that ammunition against us.

I believe they watch and have access to sites like this, simply to ring some bells and create even more turmoil, don't you?

Are we as Americans going to allow this garbage to continue dividing us, knowing full well that this is his intent and it's working?

2007-09-08 03:01:09 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous

my question is more towards theocratic rule (muslim government).

2007-09-08 02:51:13 · 11 answers · asked by yogi 2

They spew more political propaganda than cold war Russia.

2007-09-08 02:49:28 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-08 02:39:36 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm guessing that African Americans are kinda sick of Al Sharpton.

2007-09-08 02:39:29 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Some of the things he said on his video are right out of the Democrat playbook.
I bet he would give Hillary a run for her, er... I mean China's money.

2007-09-08 02:36:00 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Bush leaves Australia after APEC summit Decrease Increase September 08, 2007 11:12pm
US President George W. Bush has left Australia to return to Washington to prepare a crucial White House report on the war in Iraq.

Mr Bush flew out of Sydney Airport after a four-day visit which included a raft of meetings with other leaders before he attended the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation leaders' meeting today.

2007-09-08 02:33:25 · 10 answers · asked by ll_jenny_ll here AND I'M BAC 7

For me, its McCain and Biden.

The rest I'm unsure of.

2007-09-08 02:29:01 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

They (conservatives) don't want to consider that they may be wrong so they make up crazy lies about democrats, It's a trick closed minded people use so they don't have to examine their beliefs.

2007-09-08 01:57:52 · 17 answers · asked by Abu#2 4


They both hate capitialism. Click on the link above to see for yourself.


2007-09-08 01:48:27 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are you going to? This guy really is nuts...

I will never give in to that kind of tyranny. Keep the bombs dropping president Bush!

2007-09-08 01:33:13 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-08 01:32:44 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

“Old Europe”
“Axis of Evil”
“You’re either with us or against us”

2007-09-08 01:25:16 · 34 answers · asked by Y 2

I stumbled upon this article on yahoo, that talks about bin laden's supposed latest video which attacks capitalism and globalization and such. they say words and phrases like "deception" and "shackles of attrition", etc. does this mean they would vote democrat if they had the choice between the 2 parties? in islamic banks, youre not allowed to receive interest on your savings account. that would be evil. right, liberals?
making excuses for their own problems, always blaming others...ironic after the USSR attacked afghanistan.
there is nothing wrong with capitalism, you just have to get off your as* and stop whining about your problems. and globalization has had the same effect on america as is has on the world. its not an american attempt to take over the universe.

2007-09-08 01:17:24 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

to Islam?

Don't you think Americans should do this to end the suffering of the Iraqi people?

I mean he didn't say you had to be good Muslims!

So why not?

Religion is all Bullsh*t anyhow!!

2007-09-08 01:11:21 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Both groups are equally bloodthirsty (although of course the Americans have killed more innocent civilians).

Isn't the world a slightly safer place when either are killed?

2007-09-08 01:07:59 · 16 answers · asked by Carter 1

... because they didn't like how they were treated when they got back to their own country?

Do these guys wish they were in American hands now?

2007-09-08 01:06:43 · 6 answers · asked by Duminos 2

God Bless America and GWB.

2007-09-08 01:00:04 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Sooner or later they will have to grab outright dictatorship power, they can't allow investigations into their crimes already committed.

The more they grab, the more people they turn against them.

No, Oil corps are NOT America.

2007-09-08 00:41:49 · 2 answers · asked by easy_game_101 2


2007-09-08 00:38:51 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-08 00:23:17 · 9 answers · asked by yp_jefferson_atlanta 1

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