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Politics - 8 September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

Let's decisively WIN and get our troops home.

They will come home with PRIDE and don't they DESERVE that?!

2007-09-08 16:27:14 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

1. George Soros and his MoveOn.org
2. Fidel Castro
3. Hugo Chavez
4. The Chinese Communists too numerous to name

The Liberals all swear they are NOT Communists, but they all support Government control of just about all aspects of life and Karl Marx's "Each according to his abilities and each according to his needs." If that ain't Communism, then I am not sitting here typing.

2007-09-08 16:17:59 · 10 answers · asked by plezurgui 6

2007-09-08 16:16:42 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

For clarity, what I mean is do you think it's OBL in the recently released video?

2007-09-08 16:16:12 · 8 answers · asked by Glen B 6


Oh I guess he doesn't want a real good verification that it's really him.....lol

2007-09-08 16:11:02 · 13 answers · asked by Enigma 6

I have a beach front property for sale in Colorado at a very fair price!

2007-09-08 16:10:00 · 4 answers · asked by Carol 2

With the word "terror" being bantied about like an igniter switch for the current regime to use when they need to pull numbers why is it that we only have approx 137,000 troops in Iraq? If the "terror" was sssooo real and we were dealing with an actual threat then why dont we (from the start) have more troops in the theatre? Here's why, the "war on terror" is a lie, pure and simple. All those people from the top down are so dumb not to realize that you need more soldiers to win a war? A war that is so important to our national security? Dont believe that for a minute the U.S. did not arrive at the top of the free world because of chance or luck. The real war is against you and your tax dollars. 8 billion A MONTH? And we cant catch Bin Laden or stop "the terror"? Dont believe that.

2007-09-08 16:04:57 · 7 answers · asked by metalsoft@sbcglobal.net 2

2007-09-08 16:02:10 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Bin Laden. These people crack me up. They post as if they have first hand information when, in fact, their posts are pure speculation. Someone needs to write these people a reality check.

2007-09-08 15:52:01 · 13 answers · asked by vegaswoman 6

I highly doubt the BS war in Iraq would have happened. I also think he could have taken out Osuma bin Laden before 9/11,if our intelligence was allowed to do what is was supposed to do beforehand. The terrorists were even flight training right in Phoenix and we even had just enough evidence as it was to prevent 9/11 from happening,otherwise Sept. 11 2001 would have been another late summer day and Mr. Bush would be without a job of any kind as well.

2007-09-08 15:46:55 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

A. tell the goverment
B. Get dog the bounty hunter
C. Get him your self
D. Other

2007-09-08 15:35:59 · 44 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why did we disband the Iraqui police force and army and send thousands of armed men into unemployment and plunge the country into lawless chaos,forcing armed but desperate men to band together for protection in warring gangs headed by goons and thugs and leaving the general populace at their mercy? By doing this our occupation has made sudden violent death, kidnapping,rape and armed theft a daily occurrence for the majority of Iraquis in urban areas.
A U.S. Marine wrote in to say that we are NOW in Iraq to protect Iraquis from this violence. And I can believe that he really sees it that way. But ,if we had not gone in in the first place and disbanded their police force and their army, wouldn't it be safe to say that the problem wouldn't be there for us to have to solve?
Isn't this another reason why we should never have ventured there in the first place? I would say so.

2007-09-08 15:29:21 · 7 answers · asked by josefina f 2

Congress wants to expand a program that provided health care for poor children, and Republicans and the President are trying to kill it while asking where will the money come from? We are spending more that 2 billion a week in Iraq. How many kids would that insure? Why don't we ask where that money is coming from? (hint: We are borrowing it from China)

2007-09-08 15:04:53 · 17 answers · asked by arvis3 4

Does anyone have a link to do this?
May I play the audio on my computer?

Thanks, I Cr 13;8a

2007-09-08 15:04:30 · 2 answers · asked by ? 7

a guy they could drink a beer with and Al Gore was a dull intelecttual?If yes how big do you estimate that part of Bush voters and how do you see them?What do you think of their attitude?Do you think America is fundamentally changed the last eight years or could this type of thing just as easily happen again?

2007-09-08 15:01:35 · 23 answers · asked by justgoodfolk 7

A large group of citizens of our country (in the thousands) were not allowed to elect senators,congressmen or the president for many years. However, all through those years they had to pay taxes in full. Eventually, they took this injustice to court, claiming that the ¨raison d'être¨of our revolution, which resulted in the birth of our nation, was the precept Taxation only w/Representation. The court ruled that this only applied to PREconstitutional times and therefore was invalid and unconstitutional. Bizarre,what?
I guess life in these United States is always going to surprise you!
(BTW,not one of these thousands of unrepresented but taxed citizens of the U.S. was a felon deprived of his rights as a punitive measure)

2007-09-08 14:55:15 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why or why not?

2007-09-08 14:52:28 · 10 answers · asked by Enigma 6

I do

2007-09-08 14:29:48 · 17 answers · asked by supertaters 2


No matter how you feel about President Bush (I am no fan myself), can we all agree that this guy did something incredibly stupid, and that if he had been killed, it would have been totally his fault???

2007-09-08 14:29:45 · 9 answers · asked by Bush Invented the Google 6

His secretary was taxed at 30%. Is this an example of how the rich pay more than their fair share in taxes. Or is this an example of the Bush tax cuts at work???


2007-09-08 14:23:02 · 7 answers · asked by truth seeker 7

Out of curiousity. I already know the answer. I want to know how many of you know what it means without referring to a dictionary. :|

2007-09-08 14:14:44 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

What did he mean by that?

2007-09-08 13:59:10 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does everything have to be Capitalist?

When is the greater good enough of an incentive?

When the government is uninvolved?

2007-09-08 13:56:18 · 10 answers · asked by Kelly B 4

If you want government sponsored Health-Care/other tax payers paying for other's...YOU are the problem in America. If you are offened that a 7 year old child say's a prayer in a public owned school and yet you feel it's perfectly alright for a gay pride parade featuring drag-queens prancing down "PUBLIC-OWNED" streets in front of small children should be constitutionally protected...then YOU are the problem. If you feel that government brings prosperity and corporations (who employ millions) oppress people...then YOU are the problem. If you believe the government creates jobs...then YOU are the problem. If you believe that the rich don't pay enough taxes (84.5%) then YOU are the problem. If you believe the poor pay taxes (-34.8%) then YOU are the problem. If you believe that food stamps & the 4.2 Trillion paid to fight poverty works...then YOU are the problem. If you think the same people that run any City, County or Federal office should run health-care..YOU are the problem 100%

2007-09-08 13:51:39 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

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