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Politics - 30 August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

2006-08-30 02:44:21 · 27 answers · asked by meismeandimail 1

2006-08-30 02:40:12 · 27 answers · asked by pplfrst 1

2006-08-30 02:39:07 · 16 answers · asked by pplfrst 1

2006-08-30 02:36:49 · 30 answers · asked by korrol 1

The election is next tuesday who are you going to vote for.......

2006-08-30 02:35:53 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

Liberal, Have You Ever Discriminated Against A Pedophile?
Asked by Cartman - 8 answers - Politics - 13 minutes ago - Open
Neo-Liberals WIll Eventually Legalize Pedophilia?
Asked by Cartman - 18 answers - Politics - 19 minutes ago - Open

2006-08-30 02:26:04 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think she would make a sweet president. Hoping she runs for office sooner or later. Imagine the first African American, and woman president at the same time!

2006-08-30 02:25:59 · 38 answers · asked by someone 1


2006-08-30 02:24:08 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

marraige, does that mean you have to support Polygamy? If you oppose Polygamy are you not being a hypocrite when you support just gay marraige?

2006-08-30 02:22:18 · 21 answers · asked by jasonzbtzl 4

How can Cartman support conservative viewpoint...asking about pedaphiles then have an avatar of someones package hanging out.


Please explain.

2006-08-30 02:14:51 · 11 answers · asked by Baby #3 due 10/13/09 6

Yeah, we're idiots, we don't see what's happening Republicans.

2006-08-30 02:12:10 · 17 answers · asked by anitahooker_transvestite 2

2006-08-30 02:11:11 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

this way it will stop the blacks from winning all the time and elimate them from. Black voices on AOL. Miss Black America etc etc etc seems to be that there needs to ba a change here. How would it go over if we said White voices. or Miss White America. Bull Sh-t if they want to be treated the same then they need to end this crap . I asked this question because on AOL there is a section for Black Voices I feel it is wrong! since when do voices have a color? if we were to reverse it and call it white voices I am SURE it would be all over the news Aol is Raciest. is it ok to have Miss Balck America when we have Miss Amecica.

2006-08-30 02:10:49 · 17 answers · asked by DC 2

2006-08-30 02:09:22 · 26 answers · asked by ronzohooter 4

this way it will stop the blacks from winning all the time and elimate them from. Black voices on AOL. Miss Black America etc etc etc seems to be that there needs to ba a change here. How would it go over if we said White voices. or Miss White America. Bull Sh-t if they want to be treated the same then they need to end this crap . I asked this question because on AOL there is a section for Black Voices I feel it is wrong! since when do voices have a color? if we were to reverse it and call it white vioces I am SURE it would be all over the news Aol is Raciest. is it ok to have Miss Balck America when we have Miss Amecica.

2006-08-30 02:09:19 · 11 answers · asked by DC 2

Honestly what good would that do, why should someone who lived in a one bedroom home, with a 1982 honda be given enough money to buy a new 4 bedroom home, and a 2007 new car, while my dad works his a.ss off to pay taxes, taxes that will go to them to buy all this and we can't afford a brand new 4 bedroom home and a 2007 car. What sense does that make?

2006-08-30 02:09:07 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Mission: Racism Free Politics.

2006-08-30 02:04:46 · 10 answers · asked by Weaam 4


2006-08-30 01:53:39 · 11 answers · asked by Dr.Feelgood 5

this way it will stop the blacks from winning all the time and elimate them from. Black voices on AOL. Miss Black America etc etc etc seems to be that there needs to ba a change here. How would it go over if we said White voices. or Miss White America. Bull Sh-t if they want to be treated the same then they need to end this crap .

2006-08-30 01:41:58 · 22 answers · asked by DC 2

this way it will stop the blacks from winning all the time and elimate them from. Black voices on AOL. Miss Black America etc etc etc seems to be that there needs to ba a change here. How would it go over if we said White voices. or Miss White America. Bull Sh-t it they want to be treated the same then they need to end this crap .

2006-08-30 01:40:42 · 12 answers · asked by DC 2

Seriously, you got minority groups like NAACP and M.e.ch.a, but when a group starts forming that is only going to help white caucasians, it is attacked as being a racist group because it does not include helping others just whites. It could be a college financial aid group for whites but it is racists because it doesn't help of benefit minorites, why are whites the only racists? KKK yeah they are racists, but wouldn't the Black Panthers be too, they hated and commited crimes against whites too, but we can't bash minority groups can we.


2006-08-30 01:30:29 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-30 01:22:21 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Honestly, I can't say ***.ger, ****, **** or even something like why do most blacks do this without being labeled a racist. First off if i'm racist because I say ***.ger, then blacks should be labeled the same seeing how they overkill the word in songs, movies and when they talk to each other. Why are minorities not labeled racists when they say whitey, cracker, honkey?

2006-08-30 01:20:51 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-30 01:18:49 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

y do americans celebrate rapi.ng babies and women on july 4th....someone told me it was american tradition....i heard bush and da gang made it rap.ing cows and men too...so thats american politics huh....btw y do americans take dope like every 3 seconds....dont u have better things to do...and u say u have freedom....what freedom do u have when u celebrate rapi.ng babies...sickos...bush and his regime are really showing the entire world what kind of ppl americans are...by electing him TWICE..that just added icing on the cake....so i would like to thank every american who voted for bush so my hatred towards american murderers(bush and da boys) will last for 4 more years...cheers...now thats freedom....y do u take drugs in every sport...i mean cant u win a sport without dopin....pretty useless id say...i guess it just proves american way of life....cheaters in more ways than one..liers too...ok now cry americans...what yall think howdies( just ur typical american howdy texan losers way)?

2006-08-30 01:14:10 · 14 answers · asked by PIMP_DADDY 2

Seeing how most of the people during Katrina were black. A lot were able to evacuate but decided not to. Leads me to think of some things, can you answer some of them.

1. A lot that were able to evacuate but didn't, did they see it as an oportunity to loot or stay and rob places figuring there wasn't gonna be many people or authority there?

2. If that is the case and a lot were black, doesn't that tell you a great deal about the black race?

3. Most feel that the Government failed them and lost family members and homes, will they use that as an excuse to seek reparations or a free handout just like they've been using the slavery thing?

4. When Kanye West said all those things during that relief telethon and mentioned that they had sent the army to shoot his people, did he not realize that they had been shooting themselves, there was violence and rape way before the relief effort began to arrive?

Thanks for answering.

2006-08-30 01:05:08 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I mean do americans eat drugs for breakfast...lunch and dinner....every american sportsman/woman has taken dope....all swimmers...b-ball players...whatever.....all of them take drugs....cant u win without takin dope...whats the matter not skilled enough aye..hahah hopeless..i bet u the american basketball team has been doing drugs before and during(at half time) the game....america cant win without drugs! u know it so wat ya dopers think(not that it matter nor do i give a rats ar.se about ur dopin opinions)??

2006-08-30 01:01:47 · 23 answers · asked by PIMP_DADDY 2


2006-08-30 00:58:27 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

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