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Politics - 29 August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

Does it really bother degenerates that much?

2006-08-29 15:46:38 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

- Cynthia mckinney surrounds herself with the new black panther party.
Ex-House Minority Leader Dick Gephardt, former affiliate of a St. Louis area racist group
- Ex-Senate President Pro Tempore Robert Byrd, former Ku Klux Klansman known for making bigoted slurs on national television
- Rev. Jesse Jackson, Democrat keynote speaker and race hustler known for making anti-Semitic slurs
- Rev. Al Sharpten, Democrat activist and perennial candidate and race hustler known inciting anti-Semitic violence in New York City
- Sen. Ernest Hollings, leading Democrat Senator known for use of racial slurs against several minority groups
- Lee P. Brown, former Clinton cabinet official and Democrat mayor of Houston who won reelection using racial intimidation against Hispanic voters
- Andrew Cuomo, former Clinton cabinet official and Democrat candidate for NY Governor who made racist statements about a black opponent.

2006-08-29 15:45:43 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-29 15:36:30 · 24 answers · asked by   6

If you exist, we need to take a stand! If not, tell me why.

2006-08-29 15:36:26 · 6 answers · asked by reba 1

When one side has an overwhelming technological advantage, we require it to minimize civilian casualties. However, if the enemy does not wear a uniform and blends into the civilian population, doesn't that counterbalance the technological advantage...thus removing (or at least lessening) the requirement to avoid all civilian casualties?

2006-08-29 15:35:47 · 4 answers · asked by Brand X 6

2006-08-29 15:33:13 · 15 answers · asked by footynutguy 4

man that greasey slim could be both

2006-08-29 15:31:21 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am interested in the views of non American's on the 9/11 attacks.

I believe the media is much more free outside the US and am interested in your view

2006-08-29 15:30:43 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-29 15:30:05 · 5 answers · asked by Papachango 1

2006-08-29 15:26:23 · 4 answers · asked by snowy dragon 1

I was reading an article in Sunday's Houston Chronicle on a professor from the University of Texas named Eric Pianka, who in regards to caring for the environment, and lessening one's imprint on the earth, stated that it more or less doesn't really matter. Quoting the article, "In truth, it backfires", and "when you walk or ride a bike or drive a Prius, all you do is encourage some expletive out there to drive a Hummer or an Excursion."

Is the professor right, that it doesn't really matter what you do? That environmental preservation efforts aren't really worth it?

Thoughtful answers please, not reactionary stuff. I'm not saying I agree or disagree with him: I'm just curious if anyone read this and what they think. Here's the article: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/front/4143416.html

2006-08-29 15:09:52 · 28 answers · asked by Rob 5

ok what's your vote and why?

2006-08-29 15:08:03 · 19 answers · asked by   6

With the elections coming up, why are Repub's suddenly seeing the need for a "timetable" to leave Iraq??

2006-08-29 15:06:14 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

What changes, if any, do you feel are necessary to to ensure long term survivability of the country, and at the same time return it to a country of the people and not of corporations?

2006-08-29 15:05:24 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

The President has said in a press conference that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11!

2006-08-29 14:59:53 · 33 answers · asked by ggarsk 3

rita cosby, dan abrams, geraldo, nancy grace......all of Fox.......utterly pathetic

2006-08-29 14:59:45 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

It's just a matter of a few years before the entire party goes through the spineless sliver and waffles.


2006-08-29 14:57:08 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Oh yummy! Can't you imagine that?

2006-08-29 14:54:03 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

And at the same time Getting daddy to hide him from the war in the well known "Champagne Unit" of the National Guard...

Not to mention skipping altogether officer training school and having daddy fly down personally to pin his officer bars on him.

2006-08-29 14:53:05 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

What would most constitute torture for you?

1.) Having fragments of glass rubbed into your eyes

2.) Having your fingernails pulled out with a pair of pliers

3.) disembowelment

4.) Listening to Hillary Clinton speak for 10 mins

2006-08-29 14:37:16 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Was it by the same method he managed to leapfrog past thousands of Air Guard candidates and was commissioned an officer without even going through officer training school?

2006-08-29 14:34:57 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

check out my blog on myspace
there is a detailed list of govenors/senators email address as well as alegal email asking for bush to be impeached and why he needs to be impeached
if you dont use your voice it wont ever be heard

2006-08-29 14:34:15 · 8 answers · asked by www.myspace.com/yourmomentofjen 1

Should we really be in other countries helping their people when we have enough of our own problems to deal with? Sure, we're making allies that happen to have the natural resource we're desperate for. Sure, we're "planting a seed of democracy" in the middle east to grow. But what right do we have? This whole middle east, War in Iraq business started out being about Bin Laden. Next thing we know, it's Saddam. We hear a little whisper about oil. What's next? Along with all this, we find out there was a little something about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Perfect excuse to put our noses where they don't belong. I say "excuse" because lo-and-behold it turned out there weren't really any wmd's over there. We keep getting reasons why we're still in Iraq. They keep changing. They don't have a real reason other than their own personal agendas, so they invent them. By them I mean the government, the people who make those decisions. These are my opinions. What's yours?

2006-08-29 14:33:43 · 16 answers · asked by Elaina 2

Perro is Spanish for Dog. It fits him well.

2006-08-29 14:33:11 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

assuming he didn't ride his daddy's coattails and supreme court connections, and was forced to live to his true potential......

2006-08-29 14:31:00 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous


The above article suggests that he did!

A Republican candidate for this area’s congressional seat said Wednesday that the U.S. government was complicit in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

In an editorial board interview with The Telegraph on Wednesday, the candidate, Mary Maxwell, said the U.S. government had a role in killing nearly 3,000 people at the World Trade Center and Pentagon, so it could make Americans hate Arabs and allow the military to bomb Muslim nations such as Iraq.

No theory Here folks, But Just Pure Fact's! =)

2006-08-29 14:29:29 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

He didn't get the votes, but because of the Electoral College he's president. How?? Can someone explain in layman's terms how this could happen? And also, doesn't it say somewhere that if the people aren't satisfied with their governmental leadership, we have the right to make them step down? Why didn't we do this a long time ago?

2006-08-29 14:24:43 · 33 answers · asked by smileyouredead4 1

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