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Politics - 26 August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

I mean all of the money has been made in this country! It is rumored that 5% of the population controls 90% of our money!! What is their purpose and do they have a plan for the rest of us, or to just let us die off with outrageous healthcare cost, cost of living, insurance, education, etc..people are doing ridiculous things just to survive. Is this a part of the Illuminati or whatever?

2006-08-26 10:51:41 · 26 answers · asked by lvillejj 4

2006-08-26 10:36:39 · 17 answers · asked by shut up dummy 6

It seems like the liberals think so. Who wants war? Noone, but with the fascism in Islam, what is the alternative besides wearing burkhas and carrying around the Koran?

Why do liberals vent their anger toward conservatives rather than the people that hang people from bridges that don't believe in Islam? Are liberals just as braindead as the Islamofascists?


2006-08-26 10:35:39 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Earlier today I saw on c-span a conference about Hurricaine Katrina recovery and the failure of fema and homeland security. One of the points being discussed was how the gov. went about feeding the people who were living in shelters. One of the speakers was the city council president, he and the author of a book about the handleing of the recovery said that during discussions with fema it was mentioned that most of the chefs of New Orleans had agreed that they would take on the responsibility to feed the people and keep the cost down, everything was in place except FEMA who opted to have food catered by a company that was based in a central European country that eludes me at the moment, but it cast taxpayers $14 for a peanutbutter and jelly sandwich, while the chefs of New Orleans could have fed an entire family for a day for less.

My question is, Does this indicate that our government is a failure when it comes to looking out for the best interest of the people?

2006-08-26 10:35:28 · 7 answers · asked by ranger12 4

Normally, I understand not everyone agrees with me on Bush's administration being a fiasco (to put it mildly). But Don Rumsfeld just said he didn't understand why the members of the 172nd Stryker Brigade and their families would be ticked off at him for forcing them back into Iraq literally right before they were scheduled to go home. Then said that while they are now scheduled to get off near Christmas time, he can't promise they'll be back then either. Said they were volunteers, so they'd be alright with this. That is just outright stupidity to think that, and while before I wasn't sure if he should resign or not, I am certainly thinking that now. If this monkey can't understand why they would be angry with him, then he needs to be thrown into a mental asylum and have the key thrown away. I understand now that he is a complete dumba**, and Bush should be tossed as well for keeping this fool in his cabinet.

2006-08-26 10:30:45 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Or do i have to specially arrange hit men to kill anyone who stands in the way of my euthanasia(supposing that i was terminally ill)?.

2006-08-26 10:28:27 · 4 answers · asked by Csbbot 1

The Real-Public-Kuntz really think so. I laugh, when I consider the fact that, it is them, with their multiple Yahoo Id's, who post unforgivable stuff, or questions on '*******' and other Anti-Islamic rhetoric. They have encouraged the killing of thousands of innocent people by dropping nuclear bombs on them. Who could glorify or encourage such a thing? Only these people can say the unthinkable and condemn a race, or type of people to hell. Their confused or narrow perspective of this world is a danger to us all and we should keep reminding ourselves of the battle, protect ourselves and future one’s to be, against their venom.

It is these monsters who have the audacity to call me a racist. These same cowards who are probably in their early, late 60's, who most certainly are living in the past, afraid to embrace new things and the future who are ruining the image of America and creating more enemies, as appose to friends.

We want Bush out, and we want his Monkey followers silenced.

The World doesn't need you.


2006-08-26 10:22:16 · 20 answers · asked by BT 1

If it goes on forever wouldn't that be nice for the arms dealer

2006-08-26 10:11:57 · 45 answers · asked by Anonymous

The fact is, you can't, because he never said it. It's all Republican propaganda. The fact is, he said, "During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system." He was, in fact, very instumental in creating the Internet. If you don't believe it, read this article: http://www.firstmonday.dk/issues/issue5_10/wiggins/#w6

2006-08-26 10:11:42 · 12 answers · asked by rob 3

2006-08-26 10:08:44 · 18 answers · asked by Poker P 1

And all men - rich or poor - are equal

Then why are there so many poor bastards in America who can't even afford basic necessities like healthcare for their families? Why is there no proper Welfare Benefit system? Why if a poor man in the US claims Welfare Benefit to help his family he's a "scrounger" and its his fault and he made "Poor life choices" etc etc?

Yanks are far harsher towards their poor than us Brits are!!! With you its all freemarket economy, everything has to be paid for and those who can't pay have to go without.

We have a proper healthcare and social benefit system. Poor people get much more help here than in the USA. Social Sercurity Benefits are not a stigma!!!

But we're supposed to be the old order who were all "prejudiced" about their poor. Its now the other way around!!

Don't you think you need to look again at what your country stands for?

2006-08-26 10:02:26 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-26 09:51:17 · 9 answers · asked by Meriam W 2


2006-08-26 09:46:02 · 20 answers · asked by Speaking_Up 5

All the countries in the world, should isolate the government of Israel, for its dangerous policies towards the world. Israel is accusing other countries of gaining weapons of mass destruction while possessing herself thousands of such weapons.

2006-08-26 09:27:01 · 15 answers · asked by miamian 3

2006-08-26 09:14:08 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

I need a solid justification for capital punishment, why it should be used and why we liberals who oppose it are just babbling idiots who dont know what the deuce we're talking about. ALL ANSWERS WELCOME!!

2006-08-26 09:09:43 · 36 answers · asked by The Frontrunner 5

2006-08-26 09:06:59 · 5 answers · asked by OSAMA W. BUSH 1

Is the U.S.afraid of North Korea?If they are not, let them overrun the place like they did Iraq which didn't even have a single weapon of Mass destruction, they took the pains to topple the government,sent in an occupying force and have altered the lives of Iraq's people for ever.North Korea does not hide the fact that they have weapons of human annihilation,they even tested some missiles a few weeks ago.So why treat them ( North Korea) with kid's gloves?is it because there is no gas in North Korea?

2006-08-26 09:02:26 · 18 answers · asked by Dengilly 2

Tony Blair will solve this problem as he did with the IRA. Give them everything they ask for and forget about murder and mayhem.

2006-08-26 09:02:07 · 17 answers · asked by Rob Roy 6

and his utter leadership failure (which is obvious to anyone except the brainwashed Reich Wing) is what is causing their own demise? It's rather hilarious if you think about it.

The same 'blind fervor' of popularity from the GOP's exploitation of the 9-11 attacks and the dead of 9-11, which also gave us the Un-Constitutional breaches from same administration, is the same driving people to the Democratic party?

Even worse than total failure is the inability to recognize failure and ones' own shortcomings. It's typically hilarious when happening on the small scale. Unfortunately for the globe and all of humanity, when the same goes on on the grand scale it is occurring now it's just dangerous and outright treasonous.

2006-08-26 08:59:59 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Its always the Muslims fault the Arabs fault the Russians fault the Chinese fault the Frenchs fault.

Is it the same for all societies?

2006-08-26 08:55:16 · 11 answers · asked by anonacoup 7

Don't you think that they should get one? Should they be individual or together? Should the have one each and one together?

2006-08-26 08:54:57 · 9 answers · asked by SPLATT 7

I would love to hear your reasons! I am thrilled about the in-all-likelihood Democrat takeover of Congress in November. I am wondering if people are as excited about the change as I am.

2006-08-26 08:51:08 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I hear people in Iran are tired of their theocracy,
do you think a coup d'eta is in order?

2006-08-26 08:44:22 · 9 answers · asked by Csbbot 1

Not being able to talk freely about who commits crime and who is to blame has given criminals more freedom and excusses

2006-08-26 08:38:06 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous


2006-08-26 08:25:27 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

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