almost everyday we hear about pakistani terrorists in one way or the other. latest incident is this one: pakistan-born faheem khalid lodhi had planned to detonate bombs in australia's city sydney as a part of a "holy war". new south wales supreme court has sentenced this pakistani national for 20 yrs. of jail.
aren't such incidents enough 2 declare pakistan as terror state? UN and international community should think abt this.
there r many other terrorist activities associated with pakistan:
al-qaida n laden is in pakistan, london bomb blast r linked with pak, madrid bomb blast hav pak links, recently 19 terrorists were arrested in london who were trying a similar serial bomb attack as the last one (18 of them were pakistanis),WTC terrorists hav pak links, attack on indian parliament was done by pakistani terrorists, terrorism in kashmir and india is due 2 pakistan only.
all pakistani claims abt support 2 "war against terror" r fake. musharraf is misleading international community
4 answers
asked by
anki v