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Politics - 24 August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

2006-08-24 04:53:54 · 33 answers · asked by Hypocrite Hunter 3

2006-08-24 04:50:53 · 33 answers · asked by George W. Bush 1

seriously, when? or do you not realize it?

2006-08-24 04:45:27 · 20 answers · asked by The Sheepdog 2

Well some things will not go away on there own .when are we going to fix the devistation caused by katrina and i am not talking the 9th ward . I am talking about the 300 miles of coast line and communities destroyed by the storm . WHAT or should i say when is something going to be done about this disaster .WE tossed a hand full of dollars at it and to this day major rebuilding and repairs are still under way proceeeding slowly and millions of americans are affected .
WHAT made america great was the way we responded to disastors and today we send a check . thats nice but the people need a plan and the money to rebuild .THIS is only one of many problems we are ignoring in america .
LIKE the amount of people in poverty who work 40 hours a week or energy prices going through the roof .THIS winter will see 10,000 a freeze to death in homes acroos the north .FORGET the homeless who will freeze to death all together and they are not bums but mentaly ill people that need help .WHO cares ?who

2006-08-24 04:44:47 · 11 answers · asked by playtoofast 6

republican or democrat? why? what do u stand for? what r u thoughts about the war against terrorism, Irak and the Middle East?
Thanks for your time!
PS: try not to use bad words, some people may feel like it lol

2006-08-24 04:40:50 · 9 answers · asked by me 6

Liberal media my ***!!

Dumb losers...

2006-08-24 04:33:36 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

all right I understand we went in there to get Sadaam out. mission accomplished. then the plan shifted to set up iraq's own security force. mission accomplished. now they say we're there to mediate between a civil war. is that it? we can't no longer use the excuse that we're fighting terror or defending our mother land since last week's terror plot gone bad in London proved that there's still much terrorist activity going on outside of Iraq.

So which is it? we'd all like to know why our troops are still there. and please don't say they're protecting us.

thanks for your intelligent responses.

2006-08-24 04:31:49 · 15 answers · asked by davemg21 3

amage . IT was not just a bunch of blacks it was tens of thousands of whites too and they are all being ignored .
Insurance refuses to pay .many are still home less and the problem is not going away .
IT needs to be addressed by someone responcible enough to handle a job of this nature .
AND the all we can do is being done crap is getting on my nerves and i live in east central florida .
SO i do not have an ax to grind .MY God those people have suffered and the whole mess is blamed on the blacks .
!,000,000 white folks can not get any help .WERE screwed by Insurance companies .
THE rich can rebuild but the working class will rebuild the rich safe up and rebuild there own in time but this is just wrong .America should of seen to it that steps were taken to insure the communities were aided and restored .less then 2% of the community's have been repaired leaving 98% of those affected with nothing but what they managed to pull together on there own .
WHERE was america .

2006-08-24 04:29:52 · 18 answers · asked by playtoofast 6

If you do, the terrorists have won.

2006-08-24 04:23:52 · 30 answers · asked by hichefheidi 6

People trust Democrats to handle our national security. In the latest CBS News and ABC News polls, more people trust Democrats to make the right decisions on Iraq. And in the latest Newsweek poll, nearly two-thirds of Americans agree that the war in Iraq has not made us safer from terrorism. Meanwhile, as Iraq descends into civil war and becomes a new training ground for international terrorists, cargo coming into our country still isn't being inspected.While the Party of Bush scrambles to write its latest talking points calling anyone who opposes them "al Qaeda types", nuclear materials sit unguarded in the former Soviet Union. While the administration organizes lawyers to try to salvage its illegal domestic spying program, Osama bin Laden continues to remain free roaming around northwest Pakistan making videotapes five years after the tragic events of September 11th. It’s time to let the Dems. Play offense. Who is with me?

2006-08-24 04:18:46 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Both Hillary Clinton and George Allen, running for re-election to the US Senate, have been involved in controversies regarding seemingly insensitive and/or bigoted remarks:



Every situation is different. And everyone has his or her own biases. I picked one Republican and one Democrat. There are other examples.

My question? What do you think? Are these people just running on autopilot, after speaking in public all day and night, over and over? Are they idiots? Are they bigots? Are we expecting too much of them? Is the media being biased in their coverage? Or do they just want to tear down anyone they can? Or, are they doing their job, as opposed to shielding candidates as was apparently done in the past?

Are all the good candidates too smart to run for office?

2006-08-24 04:04:27 · 9 answers · asked by American citizen and taxpayer 7

2006-08-24 03:58:55 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-24 03:49:45 · 5 answers · asked by Olivia 4

world bank since the time of inception was thought to be a leftest organisation but in the recent past(a decade or so) has taken a U turn to be a great advocate of the capitalist economical movement. it promotes privatisation, free market economies, NGO, low tariffs and the supremacy of MNCs. do u agree with this statement? whats the reason or this transformation? n can anyone recommend any relevant literature?

2006-08-24 03:47:37 · 6 answers · asked by samuel hugo 1

2006-08-24 03:47:33 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

And can we all watch it happen?

2006-08-24 03:39:34 · 10 answers · asked by Scousebuster Bill 2

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