1)Why do they defend abortion by calling a baby tissue. Total brainwash. At 8 weeks, there's eyes, start of arms legs, there's a heartbeat, a brain, lungs..
2)Why do they want to give people who move to the country free money for them and their 16 kids who don't even speak english and then turn down hardworking americans who pay their taxes. yeah, take money from people who work & give it to those who are just too lazy to get up.
3)Why do they want to let terrorists get away with terrorizing our nation yet not defend our country. remember 9/11
4)Why do they want to take God out of EVERYTHING? I'm waiting for them to take God out of CHRISTMAS!
5)They believe gay people should be allowed to marry. Matrimony was started by GOD. If there were no Bible, there would be no matrimony. It states in the Bible that man shall not lay w/man. It also states that homosexuality is adultery. read Sodom and Gemorrah. Now if you're gonna be gay, be gay. But matrimony isn't allowed.... sorry!
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