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Politics - 24 August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

Do You agree particularly those living in Europe/USA that the cause for Muslim world miseries are not the USA rather our own leaders. I have lived in USA and have not found any body working against us rather we ourselves behave erratically. We are not practicing Islam in its true spirits. Muslim countries are the worst places to live. In my idea the way European and American are living is the perfact Islamic way of living except one things that is free sex. Illegal sex practices are probably more common in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia the only difference is that we do not confess openly. I know many of my friends having extra marital sex relations.

2006-08-24 23:12:21 · 14 answers · asked by dpcard 2

80% according to PEW Research wants US out

And please no BS about Saddam the brutal dictator, etc. since we armed and supported Saddam in the first place

2006-08-24 23:09:10 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Doesn't that just say it all?

2006-08-24 23:05:35 · 10 answers · asked by InternetPosterChild 2

2006-08-24 22:59:41 · 6 answers · asked by voltaire 3

2006-08-24 22:46:54 · 53 answers · asked by n7stor 2

If so then why dont they allow US soldiers to enter, because it is not safe for the terrorists cams which they harbor and not safe for osma binladen,
Quest 2, why is syria dont like lebanese border to be patroled by UN soldiers cause it prevent them from supplying arms to Hezbulla?

2006-08-24 22:38:42 · 9 answers · asked by windside 2

go to this link, its about a senate recomemdation


2006-08-24 22:25:52 · 8 answers · asked by sikn_shadow_420 3

Have we replaced the Soviet Union as the ultimate hypocrisy in world affairs? What ever happened to being the beacon for freedom for all humanity?
George Bush and the Israeli lobby through AIPAC has forced all politicians to act against the American national interests and our position as a moral society and a beacon for freedom.

And why would the American Israeli supporters along with the Christian Right support an Apartheid State in Israel or condone the confiscation of Arab Lands where we as a people always condemned these policies before?
Simple corruption of our entire political system and I hope all patriotic Americans wake up and save our nation.

2006-08-24 22:25:44 · 17 answers · asked by rubiconski 2

And if they do what other countries will get involved?

2006-08-24 22:25:43 · 14 answers · asked by M.R.K 2

.....Because, Israiel / USA plan to attack Iran in the near future, and they dont want strong hesbollah troops at their borders, as only they can attack israiel directly.

2006-08-24 22:05:18 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

the war on terror
the war in iraq

2006-08-24 22:02:14 · 7 answers · asked by W E J 4

an urge to change my country and i am very serious,those not interested please don't comment

2006-08-24 21:46:43 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-24 21:46:06 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

nazis took over europe by military conquest and it seems the zionist influenced governments of the U.S and Britain are trying to do the same thing in the Middle East.

2006-08-24 21:42:52 · 13 answers · asked by Michael 1

2006-08-24 21:36:52 · 6 answers · asked by openup 1

2006-08-24 21:31:36 · 17 answers · asked by openup 1

Does anyone else think it's ridiculous that immigrants move here then complain about everything cause they want everything handed to them? Then they come up to me at my job speaking spanish and get mad cause I don't. Hello, I was born in America! I don't cater to you. Learn english or get out. Also, if they have such a problem w/the way things are being run, don't you think they should just go somewhere else? No one cares if they're here or not. Just a drain on society.

2006-08-24 21:24:24 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

i mean i have been answering questions and i see that alot of people support bush and our government. it is sad because what the elite members in this country have in store for us is unimaginable it is not a joke go to infowars.com or even google masons, new world order, etc wise up americans.

2006-08-24 21:13:23 · 24 answers · asked by libra love 2

Oil is unecesary we don't need it to run a cumbustion engine.
We can run an engine on a lot more than oil vaporized fossil fuels would cut the consumotion rate considerably. Corn oils could be used etc

9/11 was staged Russian generals are saying it proffesors at American Universities are saying it and the US government is refusing to launch credible investigations into these allegations- It suited the rich and they gambled the American public would never look - Some did
The Patriot act along with other ilegal moves by Bush are a move to a facist state. You are going to find very soon that you have no rights As it stands right now your losing them hand over fist and going along with it because you are kept in a state of fear in order to justify measures that you would never have allowed 10 yrs ago - No not even the Republicans .
The US military is a strong arm for US corprate expansionisim and you are dieng for oil that isn't needed so that the US can redraw the map.

2006-08-24 20:46:34 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-24 20:13:46 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

if he works 4 party then y he frequently changes it? or if he works 4 society y there is poverty and injuatice in our country

2006-08-24 20:07:57 · 12 answers · asked by RAJ .k 1

1)Why do they defend abortion by calling a baby tissue. Total brainwash. At 8 weeks, there's eyes, start of arms legs, there's a heartbeat, a brain, lungs..
2)Why do they want to give people who move to the country free money for them and their 16 kids who don't even speak english and then turn down hardworking americans who pay their taxes. yeah, take money from people who work & give it to those who are just too lazy to get up.
3)Why do they want to let terrorists get away with terrorizing our nation yet not defend our country. remember 9/11
4)Why do they want to take God out of EVERYTHING? I'm waiting for them to take God out of CHRISTMAS!
5)They believe gay people should be allowed to marry. Matrimony was started by GOD. If there were no Bible, there would be no matrimony. It states in the Bible that man shall not lay w/man. It also states that homosexuality is adultery. read Sodom and Gemorrah. Now if you're gonna be gay, be gay. But matrimony isn't allowed.... sorry!

2006-08-24 20:07:40 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

The US citizen is loseing rights left and right some say it is or is becoming a police state - protestor arrested and thrown in concentration camps (pier 57) brutal tortures and concentration camps in Cuba legislation to protect CIA agents who use torture etc

Lindsey English who took the fall for torture and the command that must have known but to the best of my nowlegde never was taen to task.

Survielance chips in new 20's Wallmart about to order the same chips for merchandise. The world is now in an Orwelian perpetual atate of war and fear that in the average persons mind justifies everything - A president that is accused of vote rigging and ballot tampering.

Is the US no more than a nazi state waiting to emerge?

2006-08-24 19:45:37 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

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