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Politics - 21 August 2006

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2006-08-21 07:41:17 · 14 answers · asked by Christina 2

Real Jim W
ALWAYS level 5
Always "since May 31"

Being impersonated is a form of flattery,but.

Not when its a desperate election year trick by a Republican conservative so far outside of the mainstream he has to try to smear people's good name.

I've said it before and I'll say it again.Today's psychadelic right-wingers have no real patriotism.They are hell bent on trying to make MY COUNTRY as sick and hateful as possible.

And that's the truth.Why not?

2006-08-21 07:37:48 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

i will pull our troops out of iraq, allow the UN mulinational force to regain peace. and then redirect 80% of the resources being spent on the US military to the solar/wind/alternative fuels industry to ensure we are energy independent in 7 years. the remaining 20% goes towards our borders and immigration to ensure nobody comes in who isnt legal.

2006-08-21 07:36:06 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Need a good laugh....

2006-08-21 07:34:51 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous


1.must be willing to extort more money out of hardworking people and 'redistribute' amongst the lazy.

2.peace at any price, Neville Chamberlain was right, appeasement works.

3.if at first people don't believe your global warming/environmental lies, just come back a week later with even more scarier scenarios until people submit

4.when people disagree with your left wing (extremist) views start yelling and call them fascists.

5.at no time is the truth about islam (islam advocates terrorism) to be told

6.government is good, more government is better, total government control is best

7.religion is bad, unless it is islam, then it must get special favors

8.corporations are bad, unless they donate to the democrat party (ie Hitler's idea of letting corporations keep their business as long as they generously contributed to the Nazi party)

9.Karl Marx was a right wing radical, Castro is too conservative, Chavez is a capitalist pig

10.only minorities count

2006-08-21 07:29:37 · 15 answers · asked by marceldev29 4

And I bet that's not ALL he wants.Sent me and e-mail asking if I "spit or swallow".

Typical right-wing hatemonger,huh? Yeah.

Then again,maybe the Republicans are just desperate in this election

Click on the avitar.If it doesnt say MAY 31 it aint Jim W.

2006-08-21 07:28:10 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."

2006-08-21 07:24:57 · 21 answers · asked by rob 3

Are we getting ready to send our nukes over seas and blow the hell out of the Middle East?

All that sand would make a nice glass center piece, but would aid in the complete decimation of any innocent arab who has nothing to do with our enemies; minus the fact that they are supressed under their regimes.

What do you guys think the reason behind the 'reclassification' is?


2006-08-21 07:23:31 · 4 answers · asked by DEP 3

How much is too much to spend to destroy and then rebuild a country that never was going to attack us? 1 Trillion dollars? We will certianly top 1 trillion in Iraq in the next few years at the present pace..maybe its 2 Trillion..or is it unlimited..no amount of money is too much to rebuild Iraq in our own image.

2006-08-21 07:11:59 · 18 answers · asked by the man 1

I do not but I was just wondering why most americans choose a leader like some we have.

2006-08-21 07:08:57 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

"Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough."

Hint: He served for more than 2 terms.

2006-08-21 07:08:45 · 12 answers · asked by Epicarus 3

2006-08-21 07:03:36 · 16 answers · asked by Zayne P 1

We need to send more aid to Israel to help them.

2006-08-21 07:00:22 · 10 answers · asked by starfisher 1

And let some other country go in (at our expense) and manage it for awhile? We can't leave them hanging, but our PRESENCE there is counter productive. How do we rebuild what we destroyed, to the BENEFIT of the Iraqis?

2006-08-21 06:59:14 · 11 answers · asked by hichefheidi 6

What do you think of the statements today that troops will be in Iraq until at least January of 2009???????

2006-08-21 06:55:12 · 6 answers · asked by trouthunter 4

HI ALL.. can you tell me the best sites for political debates on line?

2006-08-21 06:55:07 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

all forms of welfare must be abolished, individual, corporate and foreign aid.?

2006-08-21 06:54:29 · 19 answers · asked by W E J 4

Will we have the same old tired programs that have failed in the past .Will the massive cuts in defense spending without a viable alternative industry doom america to recession and even depression .WITH so many americans in debt upto thier eye-balls what plan does the democrats offer to change america for the better .
SEEMS they are going to react rather then work to change the base of a militaristic economy that we are based on causing wide spread layoffs and unemployment with no solution .
I do not like the current prospect of continued war to support jobs in america .SEE we are taking the current reserve of wealth in america and hoping for stable energy prices in the near future .BUT the plan is dragging on and the costs increasing .
WE need an american who can invest the wealth of america in a direction away from war goods and towards energy alternatives and in the short term oil exploration and production here in america short term to stabalize our economy. It runs on oil!

2006-08-21 06:41:59 · 37 answers · asked by playtoofast 6

This is a plan for humanity- wipe out 80 percent of everyone - this will be wonderful for the world won't it? Too bad WE are all part of the group in the cross-hairs -
OH sorry- wrong- not the extreme righties, they will get a really cool "gas discount card" you guys already have that, right? ...not to mention a "prefferred reality card" including vacations with Rush, and Tom Delay many others, in Bahamas paradise- where young Chinese girls do ALL the labor and favours (almost for free!)- oh! too bad, all the laborers are slated to be "cleansed" too... oh well... at least your imigration problems will be solved...

*...ducking the sticks and stones again...*

2006-08-21 06:36:42 · 5 answers · asked by omnimog 4

why is it impossible for us to admit that it is palestinians right to fight back.
i mean its their land, its palestinian land, before 1948 it was palestine, ,,,,,and before the Ancient kingdom of israel it was The land of Canaan"Palestinians lands"

if you want my openion, if palestinians killed all israelis it will be justified, i mean they are living in their land against their well , participating in the army that kills their sons and daughters.

palestinians are fighting for their lives and their lands ,,,,so why are they terrorists?they didnt come here to america to kill us? they never did anything

what is really going on is that Palestinians are paying for the europians mistake, which is the hullocost.

*** it ,we are not right giving israel out tax money, cuz like that we are killing palestinians with our own money.
why dont we understand that this makes muslims and arabs angry all around the world? it makes them hate us?
if i were in their place i would hate us

2006-08-21 06:35:28 · 17 answers · asked by Jade s 1

Do you ever just think 'Man, that's the president, and he's so stupid that people are laughing at him. Dammit!'

Sad, really..........

2006-08-21 06:28:52 · 22 answers · asked by Kubrickian 1

israel came to lebanon in 1982 to kill the remaining palestinians refugee and to steal the water and wood resources in southern lebanon, they invaded lebanon without any right
lebanese hizbullah asked Iran for help, and fought israeli troups in lebanese ground for 18 ,and in 2000 israeli's couldnt take the resistance.

israeli forces evacuated lebanon because of Hizbullah, and took lebanese prisoners to israel.
for 6 years the lebanese goverment and hizbullah tried to negotiate for the prisoners, but israel refused to give them anything.
it was illegal for israel to hold these prisoners, Hizbullah had it, and the prisoned soldiers to negotiate.
Hizbullah NEVER commited any terrorist attack against civillians
Israel lunched a total war.
israel lost the war,and lost a few civilians -in the war- ,hizbullah won.
israel killed 1300 civillians in cities, and 64 hizbullah fighters in the battlefield.
Hizbullah killed 117soldiers,40 civillians
who is the terrorist?!

2006-08-21 06:23:14 · 10 answers · asked by Jade s 1

From the reports the french balked at almost every facet of the truce plan. And wouldn't give in until they got their way pretty much. So why are they not supplying more then just 400 troops? Is it because of the lack of escargot in Lebanon?

2006-08-21 06:23:13 · 8 answers · asked by namsaev 6

Bush said this morning that America will lose "our soul as a nation" if it gives up on the Iraq war now. Does this mean:
a. anti-Iraq war folk will go to hell,
b. anti-Iraq war folks are soul-stealing devils,
c.. the phrase cut and runners is a worn cliche, let's replace it with Satan's spawn

2006-08-21 06:18:30 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Like I would imagine one would do around a retarded child.

2006-08-21 06:17:38 · 17 answers · asked by Kubrickian 1

Just saw the movie V for Vendetta last weekend in which the hero tries to blow up the English Parliament as a symbolic act to bring about change in the fascist government in his country(it's no surprise he gives it away in the beginning)in honour of Guy Fawkes. Since we are slipping into racial hatred and big brother law it has led me to ask: What historical feat would you be willing to undertake to bring change to society(constructive or destructive)? please be as specific as possible

2006-08-21 06:15:06 · 3 answers · asked by peter gunn 7

He pretty much assured us the White House in '08!

2006-08-21 06:11:46 · 33 answers · asked by Kubrickian 1

Maybe Saddam knew that he had to rule with an iron fist to keep Iraq from tearing itself apart.

2006-08-21 06:09:24 · 7 answers · asked by Kubrickian 1

This statement, tuned into a question, was made by a remarkably able future President of France named Segolene Royal. And she is also delightful and good to look at as she talks sense to people.
Quite a different leadership quailty than our current experience in America.

2006-08-21 05:57:45 · 5 answers · asked by zclifton2 6

Shiraz just recreated my avitar picture,my profile info,and now is aking questions with my identity as his again.

He sent me e-mail gloating about it as well.as well as "do you spit or swalklow"?

see what I mean about consrervatives?

Are Republiscans THAT dishonest/
Between Bush and him,I think so.

-Sincerely yours;
The only man MAN enough to be Jim W

2006-08-21 05:55:12 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

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