why is it impossible for us to admit that it is palestinians right to fight back.
i mean its their land, its palestinian land, before 1948 it was palestine, ,,,,,and before the Ancient kingdom of israel it was The land of Canaan"Palestinians lands"
if you want my openion, if palestinians killed all israelis it will be justified, i mean they are living in their land against their well , participating in the army that kills their sons and daughters.
palestinians are fighting for their lives and their lands ,,,,so why are they terrorists?they didnt come here to america to kill us? they never did anything
what is really going on is that Palestinians are paying for the europians mistake, which is the hullocost.
*** it ,we are not right giving israel out tax money, cuz like that we are killing palestinians with our own money.
why dont we understand that this makes muslims and arabs angry all around the world? it makes them hate us?
if i were in their place i would hate us
17 answers
asked by
Jade s