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Politics - 19 August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

Well dose the SS cover up all information that the Presidents are amphibian and tarantula spiders incognito who are secretly place by a clone facility?

2006-08-19 06:11:26 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

when the only thing your spreading are terror and hamburgers. I understand that your media is lien to you but now there's the net, you could read foreign press, but wait, you only speach one language, bad english. about the democracy your spreading, just find out how many heads of state your guvernment have overthrown, all democratically alected, the latest one is the president of venezuela. so way don't you do the world a favor and hit your heads against a wall

2006-08-19 06:07:18 · 15 answers · asked by tsar 2

2006-08-19 06:04:46 · 8 answers · asked by anitahooker_transvestite 2

Do you support the ACLU and can you tell us why?

2006-08-19 06:03:42 · 11 answers · asked by dwh320 2

If we hadn't invaded Iraq, would there be less terrorism in the world today or have we essentially created more terrorism by invading that country?

2006-08-19 05:57:30 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

After the Nazis rose to power in Germany, those who opposed the regime were denounced as unpatriotic, traitors. But they were actually being loyal to their country and to humanity by opposing a sick, twisted government. Now, with the Bush Administration in power, those who oppose Bush's failed policies are called unpatriotic, even accused of treason. But once again it's the dissenters who are the REAL patriots. The flag-waving, Bush-worshipping idiots are what's wrong with this country, and the sooner they are kicked out of power, the better.

2006-08-19 05:54:27 · 22 answers · asked by kreevich 5

I once read about a guy who tried to rob a gun store, while a police officer was in it!

2006-08-19 05:35:31 · 18 answers · asked by togurobros 1

to post their real pictures?

2006-08-19 05:26:59 · 16 answers · asked by W E J 4

next the thing you know we will have Cindy Sheehan with a cabinet position....

2006-08-19 05:23:32 · 11 answers · asked by W E J 4

Two weeks ago, two producers working for Fox News in Amman, Jordan resigned in protest of the network's coverage. In their resignation letter, Serene Sabbagh and Jomana Karadsheh wrote "We can no longer work with a news organization that claims to be fair and balanced when you are so far from that." We go to Amman to speak with producer Serene Sabbagh.


Good people really do exist then?

2006-08-19 05:22:54 · 17 answers · asked by BT 1

To Restore Our Rights under the United States Constitution and Bill Of Rights ??

2006-08-19 05:22:39 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think Bush's ultimate goal is to take out Iran. Hezbollah is one of Iran's main military ally so if Israel can infiltrate Hezbollah and dismantle them, it will somewhat weaken Iran's military power and will be easier for Bush and his Admn. to go and launch another attack on another nation's sovereignty. I really belive Israel attacked Lebanon with the preapproval from Bush Admn. Otherwise Israel wouldn't dare to attack a country considering that they just elected a new President. And their ultimate goal (Isreal + Bush Admn) is to go after "Iran" and destroy it since Iran is the only country that can challenge Israel.

2006-08-19 05:21:56 · 22 answers · asked by rumman 2

There are a lot of people these days pushing Christian Fascism under a variety of names: Theonomy, Christian Reconstruction, Dominion Theology, the "Christian Nation" movement. They are zealously partisan Republicans who have more and more sway in the Party. The fact that they are using legitimate political means, and USUALLY push it without violence does not change the fact that it is an illegitimate objective. Our government was designed to be a secular one, leaving religious choice up to the individual. Government is not allowed to show favoritism to any particular religious philosophy-- that's the essence of the Non-Establishment Clause. Christian Fascists are so resentful and heedless of this restriction that they deny its validity! Such radical arrogance needs close monitoring, and our repudiation.

2006-08-19 05:21:04 · 8 answers · asked by kreevich 5

I'm trying to gather articles and the like that detail or at least hint at the evidence found. For example, what actually triggered the alarm, why the group was infiltrated but they waited til that day to do anything and so forth. If you could give me a link or two that would be great!

I'm looking for things that are not hear-say or speculation. Articles that at least quote officials on what the evidence is. Thanks in advance for helping me with the research. I'm just having no luck, but maybe I am looking in the wrong places.

2006-08-19 05:10:23 · 14 answers · asked by DEP 3

Happy Birthday Mr. President.


2006-08-19 05:06:01 · 50 answers · asked by Dr.Feelgood 5

Strict Father?
Insecure Mother?
No sense of family?
Insecurity leads to drug abuse?
Lacking in confidence?
Inability to respect and learn other cultures?
Greedy and power mongering?
It’s us or them mentality?
Show no remorse for outsiders?
Not very charitable?
Not very sociable or outgoing?
Blind to the world and secluded?
Doesn’t care about the planet?
Stereotypical and elitist mentality?
Bad taste in cars and sports?
Cowboy and Indians got a bit too personal?

2006-08-19 05:01:09 · 15 answers · asked by BT 1

Democrat or Republican , they'll both do whatever it takes to get votes and campaing contributions.
Thats why I'm throwing my vote away.

2006-08-19 04:58:36 · 21 answers · asked by togurobros 1

Israel launched missles at a bridege and did a raid deep in lebanon with at least one idf soldier dead.

Hmm imagine that. The real terrorists are showing their true colors.

2006-08-19 04:57:27 · 13 answers · asked by Charles Dobson Focus on the Fam 2

Personally, I don't think it's possible, but what are your thoughts?



2006-08-19 04:55:38 · 20 answers · asked by Dr.Feelgood 5

I notice alot these days that everyone and their brother has a political Opinion, whether they are bashing bush or kerry or someone. But why are they so ignorant to our history? For example...a group of guys I saw the other day were arguing about Dems and Repubs,Some were against Bush..Some were for him...so I butted in and said...So you guys are having a debate about politics huh? And they said yeah, one of them mentioned that if you don't support the govt you are Un-American...So I asked them a few ?'s myself..Such as Can any of you recite the entire National Anthem? Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?..ect..simple ones. And none of em knew...Im not trying to be a jerk or anything but I think that Not knowing anything about the history of our country is Un-American....Should these people have an Opinion if they don't even know what they are talking about? Who else agrees?

2006-08-19 04:54:48 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons.
Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002

2006-08-19 04:54:35 · 9 answers · asked by dwh320 2

Why America and its allies are increasingly being registered in the conscience of people as evil empires inspite of so much propaganda on self eugolisation. Who has given America the self assumed authority to sit on judgement on the rest of the world? It got to be Jesus jehova or God? Indeed their is a strong undercurrent of religious fervour? The protestants world over are ecstatic over prophesies to this effect in Bible? In churches in home at birthday parties small and big gatherings they are untiringly gloat about this! The hypocrisy is on the surface now!

2006-08-19 04:52:23 · 13 answers · asked by yahooman 1

Like is it the manner in which its subgovernments (State/County/City/Familys) are allowed to make laws ? or what do you think ?

2006-08-19 04:47:35 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Senator George Allen (R-VA) on calling a person at a gathering "Macacau"

2006-08-19 04:40:20 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

After the some calm in the region, Israel decided it will break the ceasefire by sending it's special forces into Lebanon. I understand that they want to find their missing soldiers, but by violating the ceasefire they are just setting themselves up for another war. And this time they won't have anyone else to put the blame on....

2006-08-19 04:37:36 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Many conservatives have argued that we need to suspend certain freedoms as well as criticism of the president since we are at war. So how are we to know when this war ends and we can start living in a free democracy again?

2006-08-19 04:37:01 · 8 answers · asked by Steve 6

Why did a large proportion of US citizens support the IRA's terrorism against Britain, I know since 9/11 thinks have changed but you have allot to answer for. The IRA/ Sinn Fein not only want a free Ireland, but they want a communist one, far left at least, sort of goes against everything I thought you stood for?
It really was a bitter pill for us to swallow that the USA funded and harboured these terrorists when they were blowing up innocent civilians. In fact you still harbour some, refusing to hand them over for trial in the UK.

2006-08-19 04:28:19 · 10 answers · asked by Richard H 2

Do you think the far right is hiring people to come on here to irrate the left...It's legitimate to think that they could be here spreading lies to get them to vote Republican

2006-08-19 04:19:43 · 24 answers · asked by kentonmankle 2

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