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Politics - 16 August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

The US is sometimes accused of having a 'third-world democracy'. While I think that's largely hyperbole, I feel like there might be a grain of truth in it - that too much power is granted to the executive. The US model does have various checks and balances thru it's tripartite division of government, I'd argue not enough, but they're there and do some kind of job, and that's not really where I want to go with this question.

What I am suggesting is that it's a tremendously dangerous model to export to other countries. Even if you believe in the US model in the US, it required a very unique set of circumstances when founded for it to work, including, importantly, a shared aim/idealogy . An executive model democracy in the second/third world is incredibly dangerous and is crippling the supposed aim of the democratic process: representative government. In terms of representing the electorate an executive democracy in the third world is hard to distinguish from a dictatorship. Thoughts?

2006-08-16 08:39:49 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

About 13% of the worlds population is gay.
Approx 32% of Jewish are people are gay.
Approx 25% of Americans are gay.
Approx 27% of Australians Are gay.
Approx 28% of english people are gay.

It seems to me the free world likes it up the anal canal!!! what do you think?!!

2006-08-16 08:37:17 · 13 answers · asked by hot_anthony_1982 2

Do they not realize that the Iraqi battlefield is part of the War on Terror? Do they not see that Iran is sandwhiched by 2 growing democracies on both sides? Why are dead iranian revolutionary guards being discovered in Iraq & Lebanon? Bush is addressing the root cause of terrorism and liberals choose to believe that we have caused the problems. That is why Iran is involved in all the terrorist activities in both Iraq & Lebanon.

2006-08-16 08:33:24 · 22 answers · asked by therandman 5

Clinton, a great president who had oral with monica was on trial to be impeached. There were thousands of jobs, cost of living was great compared to today, gas was cheap, made peace with middle east, took our soldiers out of somolia, changed our education level and I voted for Gore, while Bush has the lowest approval rating, no jobs, cost of living is a joke, gas prices skyrocketing, and Afghanistan, Iraq, messing around with Iran, Korea testing Nukes and threatening, now he wants to go to Lebanon. Can we afford this president? Impeach his @$$.

2006-08-16 08:30:50 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

The facts show other countries just want to defend themselves against US (Bush.. Mr War President) aggression. They know it would be suicide. STOP BEING SO GULLIBLE.

2006-08-16 08:30:11 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-16 08:30:01 · 8 answers · asked by stent 2

The funnier the better!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-08-16 08:27:09 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it shallowness? Is it looniness? Is it a mental disorder?

2006-08-16 08:26:30 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

k so like i was taking this test and it askd me the head of loal goverment of west virginia! i didn't know so i was like okay i am going to look it up but i never found out!! and i was wondering if anyone could possible tel!! thank you very much!!

2006-08-16 08:21:12 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Anything at all from his long life that you can think of? Of course, sending other peoples children to die will qualify only if you are on major mind altering drugs or if you just finished an Ann Coulter reprogramming session.

2006-08-16 08:16:54 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Posted by JimW:
Ridgley-I thought I told you not to answer my question with your insane garbage?!

So can no other americans ( and even foriegners) have an educated opinion if it doesn't agree with you OR your twisted leftist agenda? Once again a liberal shows the true meaning of tolerance and allowing the free flow of thought. If you don't agree with him - you are wrong and he won't tolerate you.

2006-08-16 08:15:18 · 10 answers · asked by therandman 5

We need to bring back the Poppie fields to help support our fading economy. The Taliban destroyed the poppie fields back in 2000 and we need to get in there ASAP to bring the fields back into production. Now the fields are supplying 90% of the world Poppie. Check it out

Just a theory dont kill me if you dont agree. Just do some research and see what you come up with.

2006-08-16 08:14:00 · 5 answers · asked by DEEJay 4

I just don't know when the Jews are going to stop their war and killing of our children and innocent people???...is it true that christians also support them so that jesus will come back and save the world????

2006-08-16 08:12:43 · 18 answers · asked by Fadel A 1

2006-08-16 08:09:00 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you had a choice to own the nation of France or eat a hamburger, what would you pick?

I personally would have to go with the hamburger. The hamburger is atleast feeding someone who is hungry rather than France who does nothing (okay they do surrender a lot).

2006-08-16 07:58:07 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous



Have Fun!

2006-08-16 07:57:52 · 18 answers · asked by DEP 3

Posted by JimW:
hateful reactionaries with no plans to salvage Republican votes except shameless character assination.

If it were not for the ACLU the christian conservatives would STILL have the right to do minorities bodily harm.

Jim seems to speak for all liberals. I am just curiuos, are all liberals this hateful and closeminded? Jim has forgotten that the Southern Democrats were the ones who fought the civil rights movement. Is this kind of hate speech indictive of a person or group who wishes harm on his fellow americans? He seems to have forgotten that moderate southerners exiled the KKK.

2006-08-16 07:57:14 · 10 answers · asked by therandman 5

nefariousx the left is represented by Marxisits, Socialists and National Socialist as you have admitted they are basically the same and since you are a student of oppressive systems you are also admire and support the same. you are a prissy , silly Socialsit

2006-08-16 07:57:05 · 5 answers · asked by W E J 4

because of 911 because the wtc building lobby got bombed by osama bin laden and his crew back in the 90's and he did nothing if it wasn't for him we would not be in this pardicorment?

2006-08-16 07:53:45 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

... during the Reagan/Bush41 era?
On top of that, were you aware that Prescott (Duh-bya's grandpa) was supplying steel to the Nazi war machine long after the U.S. established it's involvement in WWII?

With such a record of the GOP/Bush family proving to be on the wrong side of issues when dealing with arming and funding enemies - how can anyone possbly justify voting Republican? Especially while basing their judgment on supposed "wartime" justifications?

2006-08-16 07:51:29 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-16 07:48:56 · 5 answers · asked by Olivia 4

2006-08-16 07:41:56 · 44 answers · asked by Anonymous


There are strong reasons to believe that Muslims are not responsible for the recently unveiled terror plots both in Toronto and London. To understand the reasons why these plots are false, one has to begin with himself and think from inside out. I would begin with myself as a Muslim, who shares the beliefs that are attributed to the alleged terrorists, but does not feel compelled to even think about murdering innocent civilians. Terrorists supposedly believe that:
a) The present world order is unjust. It is a continuation of 700-year old colonial fascism.

b) The former colonialism has combined with new systems for exploiting the natural resources of the weak and maintaining full control of their political systems through puppets.

c) The wars on Afghanistan and Iraq are illegitimate and illegal.

d) 9/11 was an inside job[1] unless we see evidence to the contrary or find answers to the long lists of unanswered questions.

2006-08-16 07:40:35 · 23 answers · asked by freedom fighter 1

"The Klan's first incarnation was in 1866, and was "directly linked with the Democratic Party, which likewise championed a return of near-servile status to emancipated blacks"[1]. Founded by veterans of the Confederate Army, its main purpose was to resist Reconstruction, and it focused as much on intimidating "carpetbaggers" and "scalawags" as on putting down the freed slaves. It quickly adopted violent methods."

They also seem to like drawing swastikas.

DemoKKKrat = CONFIRMED party of race-baiting, class-warfare, and full-blown blind hatred.

2006-08-16 07:32:20 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Click here: http://www.mazepath.com/uncleal/nuked.jpg

before they do it to us?

2006-08-16 07:30:15 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

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