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Politics - 16 August 2006

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2006-08-16 10:26:01 · 15 answers · asked by one voice 3

2006-08-16 10:24:13 · 10 answers · asked by matador_master 1


It leaves me in awe thinking that theres people in this world that can actually support this guy. The guy deserves to die after his comments and his hatred of democrayc. And no I am not being extreme, the guy is supporting the iranian government. The iranians are peopel who kill christians and anyone that opposes islam.

I met a lot of people in US online who think Chavez is a saint for speaking up against bush. So, if Hitler spoke against Bush would you praise him too? Geez.

Lets look at what I call the hugo facsts:
-- Cheated elections in venezeula
-- Friends with Fidel
-- Said jews needed to die and called them "zionist"
-- Went to Iran to make an anti-american speech and to support the iranian oppressive government
-- Verbally Supporst Hezbollah
-- bashes USA
-- said he wanted to become a "permanent president" one day.

So, hugo chavez supporters, how do you respond to this?

it is just amazing he bashes US when his country is full of corruption and poor people.

2006-08-16 10:21:03 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

When a bug or a bomb goes off in somewhere USA?

2006-08-16 10:20:39 · 15 answers · asked by opitmdotcom 3

How can anyone take these 2 nit-wits serious? Are Liberals really THAT dumb??

2006-08-16 10:17:59 · 12 answers · asked by itsallover 5

2006-08-16 10:16:38 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Who would Jesus bomb? Yeah, who would Jesus kill?
The double talk is past surreal
The word of god is now the word of hate
War is peace, and freedom is the police state
Can't you see the writing on the wall?
Democracy lays trampled on the floor...

You better believe that...
Hell yeah I'm confused for sure what I thought was the New Millennium is 1984!
Mr. Orwell from the grave, adding fresh ink to the page
As the unpresident declares an endless war...
Welcome to 1984!

Feels like Nazi Germany, and Hitler on TV,
As the unpresident spews homophobic speech
Didn't the Allies fight an war to end extremist fascist law
So tell me NOW what the **** are we fighting for?

I just can not take it anymore
Democracy lays trampled on the floor...
Man, isn't freedom great?!?!

Hell yeah I'm confused for sure!

2006-08-16 10:13:04 · 16 answers · asked by just me 2

Just curious to see how loyal your are...

2006-08-16 10:12:54 · 23 answers · asked by togurobros 1

I don't understand why so many of you are hate filled people.

I may or not believe in right wing issues and the points you make but it makes it hard to agree with any of your points when all you can do is spew hatred towards anyone who may have an alternate viewpoint.

I am sure that some of you will just prove me right with the answers I get to this question.

2006-08-16 10:12:29 · 17 answers · asked by Millsy 3

you'd be okay with the government blowing up your house instead of sending a blacops group to take care of it?

2006-08-16 10:07:37 · 13 answers · asked by togurobros 1

"I think the most important achievement this war in Lebanon demonstrated is that Israel – with all its power, its air force, its tanks, its navy and its unlimited budget – can be defeated," said Abu Oudai.

"If we do [what Hezbollah accomplished], this Israeli army full of gay soldiers and full of corruption and with old-fashioned war methods can be defeated also in Palestine."

Maybe they need a don't ask/don't tell policy too.

Jeesh, you would think the terrorists would restrain from bashing their supporters in Hollywood.

2006-08-16 10:07:09 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

does the Libs agree with those? If not, why so much in a hurry to believe those against Bush?

2006-08-16 10:02:48 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

what are the issues that still preoccupy and determine the field and study of International Relations, more specifically post September 11?

2006-08-16 10:02:38 · 3 answers · asked by Diplomat 1

Really am curious about how far my "rights" guaranteed by these man made articles will go, both morally and socially.

2006-08-16 10:00:52 · 31 answers · asked by neo-liberal ultra conservative 2

2006-08-16 09:51:12 · 1 answers · asked by KOMAN M 1

some soldiers were killed when members of an resistance group set off a bomb close to a column of troops who were marching. the leader got furious and ordered that within 24 hours, ten fighters were to be shot for each dead soilder. , the local commander, quickly compiled a list of 320 people who were to be killed. the victims were transported to caves where they were summarily executed.Numerous similar “pacification operations” were carried out by the the armies against civilians throughout this land, in which men, women and children were brutally killed to avenge the death of soldiers by local resistance fighters.

2006-08-16 09:50:29 · 12 answers · asked by togurobros 1

sharing is socialist and shooting you in the back is greedy

2006-08-16 09:48:03 · 9 answers · asked by playtoofast 6

AIPAC was ranked second behind the American Association of Retired People, but ahead of the AFL-CIO and the National Rifle Association.

2006-08-16 09:45:18 · 7 answers · asked by Olivia 4

My question is this. Why is the democratic party so anti gun?
As a farmer I have to be able to protect my livestock from preditors. I like some of the stuff the democrats say. Like the whole looking out for the little guy stuff but why do they feel a need to try and disarm me?

2006-08-16 09:45:10 · 16 answers · asked by carlcampbelljr 3

I was born there. And I think Uzbekistan is the world's worst country.
What dou you think?

2006-08-16 09:44:07 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

if yes was the answer i would like to know what you thought about it, this especially goes for all you conservatives and right-wingers.

2006-08-16 09:43:06 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

we have taken their country . . . We come from Israel, but two thousand years ago, and what is that to them? There has been anti-semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They only see one thing: we have come here and stolen their country. Why should they accept that?

2006-08-16 09:41:30 · 12 answers · asked by Olivia 4

by Khalid Amayreh
July 30, 2006

On 23 March, 1944, 33 German soldiers were killed when members of an Italian resistance group set off a bomb close to a column of German troops who were marching on via Rasella. Adolph Hitler got furious and ordered that within 24 hours, ten Italians were to be shot for each dead German. Herbert Kappler, the local German commander, quickly compiled a list of 320 civilians who were to be killed. On 24 March, the victims were transported to Adreatine caves where they were summarily executed by the SS.
Numerous similar “pacification operations” were carried out by the Nazi armies against civilians throughout Nazi-occupied Europe, in which men, women and children were brutally killed to avenge the death of German soldiers by local resistance fighters.
I know it is a taboo, especially in the West, to compare Israel, let alone Jews, to the Third Reich. However, if truth is to be upheld as an intrinsic, paramount value, it is inescapable to call things by their real name.
Today, in light of Israel’s criminal aggressions in Lebanon and Gaza, there is no doubt that Israel is thinking, behaving and acting like the Third Reich. And when Jews, or some Jews, think, behave and act like the Nazis, they become Nazis themselves.
Zionists are behaving like Nazis because they are murdering innocent civilians en mass to avenge the death of a few Israeli soldiers killed by resistance fighters in Lebanon or Palestine.
Needless to say, these fighters, whether you call them Hamas or Hizbullah, are struggling to rid their countries of a brutal Israeli occupation, very much like European resistance fighters in Nazi-occupied Poland, France, Greece, and other countries fought to get rid of the brutal Nazi occupation of their countries.
Jewish suffering in Europe six decades ago by no means entitles Jews to commit another holocaust against the peoples of the Middle East. Indeed, a Jewish holocaust against the peoples of the Middle East is no less evil (and no less-Nazi) than the German holocaust against Jews.
Evil crimes don’t become lesser when perpetrated by Jewish hands. There is no such thing as kosher genocide, or kosher holocaust or Kosher massacres.
Actually, if Jews are so intent on avenging the holocaust, the “logical” thing, at least from a Talmudic perspective, is that Zionists should direct their wrath to the Germans, the children and grandchildren of the Wehrmacht, Gestapo and SS, not to the innocent Palestinians and Lebanese who don’t have the means to protect themselves and their children.
Isn’t a sign of criminality and cowardice to target innocent and helpless civilians with the most potent machines of death?
I know that many Jews get vociferously furious whenever Israeli-Nazi analogies are drawn, especially by Europeans and westerners. They would claim that the holocaust was a unique event compared to what Israel is doing in Lebanon and Gaza.
Well, nobody is claiming that Gaza is becoming a new Auschwitz. However, nobody can deny that numerous helpless civilians are exterminated by the Israeli war machine. After all there are other means to “evaporate” people than sending them to gas chambers and incinerators (I am using the word “evaporate” because an Israeli newspaper, the Jerusalem Post, gleefully used this very word recently on its internet cite in reference to Palestinians killed in one Israel aerial bombing of a crowded Gaza street in mid July.).
In the final analysis, if brutal collective punishment is a criterion for qualifying anybody for the “Nazi” label, then Israeli behavior and Israeli leaders, politicians and military commanders alike, are undoubtedly the Nazis of our time.

2006-08-16 09:37:00 · 11 answers · asked by one voice 3

It's no secret that Iran is fueling a lot of the sectarian violence in Iraq. If we pull out, won't it make it easier for Iran to expand its influence in the oil-rich Shiite section? Iran doesn't need to formally invade to gain control of Iraqi oil...they just need to dominate the Shia sect.

Can we risk giving Iran a blank check by our pulling out of Iraq?

2006-08-16 09:34:40 · 9 answers · asked by Brand X 6

wiretap if you want but I don't see whats the problem with getting a court approval 72 hours after you've done it.
Does Bush just not like paperwork?

2006-08-16 09:34:12 · 10 answers · asked by togurobros 1


2006-08-16 09:31:12 · 9 answers · asked by Olivia 4

Even though this is the equivalent of eliminating our right to vote?

2006-08-16 09:29:51 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

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