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Politics - 16 August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

I would first like to start out by saying I do not claim to be liberal or conservative. I just noticed everyone in here seems to be so concerned about everyone else’s political party. Now, I know this room is called politics but...why can't we just share our views and not get into arguments over ridiculous things ALL the time? Is it that big of a deal if someone doesn't agree with you? It seems to me conservatives have crap on the liberal party. And the liberals have just the same amount of crap on the conservatives. It might be lies it might be the truth…does anyone really know 100%? Don't you notice that if we don't all come to a common agreement to agree to disagree we won't get anywhere? It just seems to go round and round. I'm not trying to start an argument...but isn't that what America is supposed to be about freedom, especially freedom of speech? Is it that enjoyable to bicker back and forth? What is arguing doing for anyone? It isn’t stopping the war. It isn’t making anyone believe in the war. It isn’t making anyone love Bush or Clinton. Do we argue just for the sake of it? If you do believe it is getting us somewhere by arguing…why do you believe that?

2006-08-16 19:54:02 · 13 answers · asked by .vato. 6

Former Israeli Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami said that Israel was born in sin like all other nations were born throughout history.
He Said: “Israel, as a society, suppressed the memory of its war against the local Palestinians, because it couldn't really come to terms with the fact that it expelled Arabs, committed atrocities against them, dispossessed them. This was like admitting that the noble Jewish dream of statehood was stained forever by a major injustice committed against the Palestinians and that the Jewish state was born in sin.”
Do you agree?


2006-08-16 19:48:43 · 14 answers · asked by world with out veto 1

I have been to many States in the US of A - no not all but a lot .
I am a Canadian - I don't think it's (the US) the best country in the world at all - It's not the worst country I've been to but it's certainly not even close to the best what do you think?

On the whole I like thier TV and movies and thier weather in winter but "the best" ?

2006-08-16 19:45:05 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

It is so unbelieveable that these so called "Americans" can get away with bashing the only President since Reagan who has an ounce of guts. Tell me libs, name one thing Clinton did to fight terrorism, just one thing. You libs are discusting. You pieces of **** completely forget 9-11 and how THOUSANDS of innocent AMERICANS were brutally murdered on that day. All you commies can say is "Bush is evil" "Bush is stupid". You liberal pieces of **** don't deserve to live in this great country. We finally have a president with some guts to standup to these terrorists and all you libs have to say is "terrorists are not being treated well at Guantanamo" or "9-11 was an inside job". It is true that liberals are as great a threat to the United States as terrorism. Ann Coulter said Liberals are Godless and damn if she isn't right. Liberals are the most evil, hateful, vicious piece's of crap on the planet, and they hide behind this fantasy of being kind,compassionate, and oh so tolerant.

2006-08-16 19:44:02 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay, for all those bleeding heart Liberals who think we can negotiate and pacify terrorists....I found a solution!

Being that they want to destroy me, my family, my country, my way of life...I have figured that we can all cut off a non essential body part in exchange for peace. I mean I'm right handed...I can still live without my left arm can't I?

I mean that is the only logical bartering tool for peace when you consider they want to kill you...right?

Damn Bush, I mean had he of not been so damn American like, Iran would have never wanted to develop a nuclear weapon!

And for sure terrorists wouldn't have seen the need to hijack aircraft and kill thousands if Bush had of just donated a kidney to Osama Bin Laden.

And to now think I'd have to give up an arm, damn Bush! But you know how it goes, whatever it takes to please the enemy is okay with me! If that doesn't work, maybe I can sign up for a local class on how to play dead...wonder if it'd be in the yellow pages?

2006-08-16 19:33:13 · 13 answers · asked by Scott W 2

The war had ended the allies almost lost thier war against the tyranical and merciless nazis .....multiple millions were killed in the battle more were tortured gassed burned etc. The death toll of Russia alone was 25 million .

After the gas attacks of the first war the world was plunged once more into the broil by an ever more aggressive Germany 21 years later .

Sir Winston promised all of the world that Germany shall never again have an army and that they shall never again have the tools to disturb the peace of the world .....

Should that promise be forgotten? Is it out of date ? Should Germany have an Army ?

2006-08-16 19:16:47 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I would first like to start out by saying I do not claim to be liberal or conservative. I just noticed everyone in here seems to be so concerned about everyone else’s political party. Now, I know this room is called politics but...why can't we just share our views and not get into arguments over ridiculous things ALL the time? Is it that big of a deal if someone doesn't agree with you? It seems to me conservatives have crap on the liberal party. And the liberals have just the same amount of crap on the conservatives. It might be lies it might be the truth…does anyone really know 100%? Don't you notice that if we don't all come to a common agreement to agree to disagree we won't get anywhere? It just seems to go round and round. I'm not trying to start an argument...but isn't that what America is supposed to be about freedom, especially freedom of speech? Is it that enjoyable to bicker back and forth? What is arguing doing for anyone? It isn’t stopping the war. It isn’t making anyone believe in the war. It isn’t making anyone love Bush or Clinton. Do we argue just for the sake of it? If you do believe it is getting us somewhere by arguing…why do you believe that?

2006-08-16 19:16:05 · 4 answers · asked by .vato. 6

every time some one criticizes the US or Israel people quickly attack him assuming he's Arab!! they always use silly remarks like Towel head or camel jockey or sand Ni gg er or terrorist or islamo fascist that's just some of the terms they use!!!!

sorry to inform you that you are hated by the entire world not just the Arabs!!!

2006-08-16 19:13:54 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

you say you dont like the jews and they should all die and your called an anti semite ( like its bad) LOL
but if you say towelheads or kill all arabs and muslims then people chear you.
so i say to hell with you
I dont like jews, and they should all be wiped off the earth.

2006-08-16 19:09:45 · 10 answers · asked by Charles Dobson Focus on the Fam 2

i really cant understand this

2006-08-16 18:58:44 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok i want to start a polictial blog. what should i use, where should i post it. any tips or tricks to get it read. all the blogers get cracking on this. thanx

2006-08-16 18:57:08 · 3 answers · asked by djrobertjohnson 2

together with the americans how many innocent people they have kill on mass-assassination¿

2006-08-16 18:40:18 · 42 answers · asked by the black crab 2

2006-08-16 18:33:29 · 5 answers · asked by nebtet 6

why were they arrested and now in jail with out a single charge or evidence against them !! investigators said that there is a big chance that they will be released for lack of evidence!!

how come they scare the living crap out of us and say that there's no evidence even though they supposedly were watching this so called terrorist cell for MONTHS!!!
now there is no evidence? investigators said that many of the alleged suspects didn't even have passports and were not any where near an airport!!

2006-08-16 18:32:00 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

The Bristish National Party on the surface seems a like white supremisict group. They are "committed to stemming and reversing the tide of non-white immigration and to restoring, by legal changes, negotiation and consent the overwhelmingly white makeup of the British population that existed in Britain prior to 1948".

I was shocked to discover a political party that so what resembled the Nazis party in this day and age in a country like Britain. They claim they are not racists but "realists". This sort of rationalization of racism, where one group justifying being racists as natural, has been witnessed thoughout histroy and is very dangerous. However, the BNP is finding success recently in local elections in the constituency of Barking and Dagenham and their policies are gaining significant support in polls.

Maybe I'm wrong and this groups is just defending rights for whites just as blacks had to defend theirs.

Is the BNP racists or are they just defendng the rights of whites?

2006-08-16 18:30:56 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-16 18:26:01 · 15 answers · asked by one 4

Below is an excerpt from an Iranian newspaper ....will Israel find itself facing stiffer opposition becuase of the offensive in Lebenon?

The myth of the invincibility of the Zionist regime’s military has been shattered, and now the Arabs feel emboldened to stand up to Israel.

In the international arena, many countries in the region and the world will reassess Lebanon’s new position and will feel inclined to establish stronger political relations with the country.

Such developments will definitely lead to the political isolation of Israel and eventually to the Zionist regime being cancelled out of all political equations in the Middle East.

Thus, despite its hundreds of nuclear weapons, the Zionist regime will then no longer be the mighty power in the region.

2006-08-16 18:10:54 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Still no charges against the 21 people who were going to blow up 10 planes over the Atlantic. There should be some evidence. At least 1 liquid bomb.

2006-08-16 18:05:54 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

It would be gret. the bible thumpin war mongers would be left themselves.
The majority of the populatiopn would be blue ( cities ). Of course it would never happen but how sweet would it be? *sigh*

2006-08-16 18:01:58 · 10 answers · asked by Charles Dobson Focus on the Fam 2

I'd rather have an open mind than be a stick in the mud. I'd rather that the money I pay in taxes would go to help other citizens. I'd rather the government help people when their cities have been decimated by hurricanes, floods, etc. I'd rather try to see Arabs, Israelis, Mexicans, all people, as just that: people, with all their various ways of thinking, all their bumps and sins, all their beauty. (Because we are all made in the image of God, right ? ) (That's a question for the Christian fundamentalists) Remember: "Love your neighbor as yourself"? (Jesus, when asked about the greatest Commandment.) What's wrong with feeling that whatever I do to the least of Jesus' brothers (Jews and Arabs would be closest kin, wouldn't they), that I do unto Him?
And, if you're NOT Christian, what's wrong with the golden rule?
Oh yeah, one more thing: Who died and made YOU boss?

2006-08-16 17:58:30 · 29 answers · asked by Joey's Back 6

A couple arrested in the plot to blow up 10 to 12 planes from Britain to the US were going to use their baby as a decoy to get bottles of liquid explosive on board. After their arrest, the police allowed the mother to nurse her baby...he was NOT a bottle-fed baby. (btw...the bottles had false bottoms in them!)

What kind of religion would teach that blowing up your baby (with the aircraft) is the way to 72 virgins or whatever????? Good Night!!

2006-08-16 17:42:02 · 14 answers · asked by LastNerveLost 3

He is not running for President again. He has done what he is going to do. Why continue to denegrate the man? Are you so narrowly focused on the talking points that have been handed to you by the DNC, that you can't think for yourselves?

2006-08-16 17:34:32 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

Former US president Jimmy Carter: "I don't think that Israel has any legal or moral justification for their massive bombing of the entire nation of Lebanon."


2006-08-16 17:30:50 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

I posted a link to the recording of the firefighters dispatch on 9/11. where they said they dont need a heat detector on the 78th floor and they can put out the fire with just two hoses. not to mention the firefighters hearing many explosions inthe bottom of the building.
is it they are afraid to question what they think they know? are their convictions built on such shaky ground that they cant affor to see a different perspective?
It surely cant be because they question the integrity of a firefighter......

2006-08-16 17:26:48 · 9 answers · asked by Charles Dobson Focus on the Fam 2

2006-08-16 17:15:06 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-16 17:13:58 · 19 answers · asked by Why_so_serious? 5

First I heard it was supposed to be in April or May of this year, then it was July, and now July has come and gone yet the Iranian oil bourse is still trading in the Petro-Dollar? What gives?

2006-08-16 16:50:18 · 1 answers · asked by Argus 420 2

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