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Politics - 16 August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics


2006-08-16 05:55:56 · 10 answers · asked by Dr.Feelgood 5

when Timothy McVeigh (of the Michigan Militia) bombed the Kansas federal building? WHy does the Michigan Militia still exist, if it is a terrorist organization? Does the second amendment allow for the formation of terrorist cells inside our own country?

2006-08-16 05:47:50 · 20 answers · asked by hichefheidi 6

Seems many people are confused. I keep seeing the same thing. Terrorist=middle eastern, muslim. Immigrant=illegal, mexican. Do you fit into this category? Or do you realize that terrorism exists EVERYWHERE in EVERYBODY, and immigrants are from EVERYWHERE, and not always ILLEGAL? This is perhaps the reason it took a while to find Timothy McVeigh (they thought he was middle eastern, and brown) and the reason we are arresting teenagers from Ohio for buying cell phones (they were of middle eastern descent) and then letting them go for lack of evidence.

2006-08-16 05:44:57 · 29 answers · asked by hichefheidi 6


2006-08-16 05:42:16 · 19 answers · asked by BOYCUTE 2

Do smokers have rights?

2006-08-16 05:37:56 · 38 answers · asked by Cap'n Donna 7

All please feel free to answer despite political affiliation.

2006-08-16 05:36:22 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

see the link


2006-08-16 05:34:08 · 17 answers · asked by BOYCUTE 2

Who knows me knows I'm left but this is an honest open question.Inform me please,share your knowledge.It's not that I know nothing about him but not enough to form an opinion.Sites with info are great too.
I'm asking this cos I have a genuine interest so could we please for once keep it civilized?

2006-08-16 05:29:02 · 13 answers · asked by justgoodfolk 7

I have heard it called nothing more than something they do when theyr'e losing , it's called regrouping. I can't even figure out what they're celebrating.

2006-08-16 05:27:14 · 6 answers · asked by locksniffer 3

Just consider recent past

2006-08-16 05:25:11 · 10 answers · asked by BOYCUTE 2

PHONE taps (terrorists or what?)
banck records checked .(tofind what i am not to sure)
people held without bond or charges .(terrorists and those suspected)
bans on smoking at the beach .( to keep beaches clean? when all kinds of tampon aplictors and trash wash up all the time .)
a license to sell eggs .(collect more revenues)
guns restricted to a select few in New York ,NEW jersey ,California and all over .(prevents freedom to own anything you want to buy )
licenses to drive and forced insurance .(mandates buying a product)
recycling violations with 5000 dollar fines( I bought it so what i do with it should be my business.)
LIC.to broadcast over the air waves (no pirate radio )
I could go on for ever but these are just a few rights we have lost .
We have begun to legistlate morality and justice and the line is very thin at this point .
THEY have begun crossing it and testing to see how far we will let them go .
I fear soon we will have to wake up and go to work or face jail .

2006-08-16 05:20:29 · 11 answers · asked by playtoofast 6

If yes, how? If no, isn't the war unnecessary? Why fight if you can't win? Is there another option? And please don't call me a terrorist sympathizer. Trying to understand HOW something operates is not the same...

2006-08-16 05:16:57 · 33 answers · asked by hichefheidi 6

Noone seems to think so when they hear the firemen say they heard multiple explosions throughout the towers. or that they could have put out two pockets of fires on the 78th floor with just two hoses. didnt even need a heat detector.
The ( the firemen) said they heard explosions in the basement... on other floors.all over.
they must not be very credible then to dissagree with the republican "true" account?

2006-08-16 05:12:06 · 9 answers · asked by Charles Dobson Focus on the Fam 2

It seems to me that most (though obviously not all) people from the USA seem to be incredibly ignorant when it comes to other countries. I don't understand, don't you have geography lessons at school? If you do, do they teach you anything about the world outside America? The thing that annoys me the most is the way Americans actually believe in all the stereotypes when it comes to British people or French people or whatever. But it really isn't the same the other way round. I think that on average British people (for example) could tell you more about the United States than an American could tell you about the United Kingdom. But why is this? What is wrong with the American education system?

Also why do so many people on this website seem to think that this website is only used by Americans? There are many other people using it too so how about you try considering that when you ask questions

2006-08-16 05:05:10 · 35 answers · asked by BOYCUTE 2

2006-08-16 05:04:16 · 19 answers · asked by W E J 4

Neocons, You must believe that Saddam was a good guy when Reagan armed him, a bad guy when Bush's daddy made war on him, a good guy when Cheney was doing business with him, and a bad guy when Bush needed a "we can't find Bin Laden" diversion?

2006-08-16 05:03:53 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

terrorism to end than to go to war and deal with this issue now.
If the radical Islam can manage to persuade the world that they are good guys then we will have another Hitler. They do not care for human life. They hate infidels. So why not deal with this issue now before it escalates even further.

2006-08-16 05:01:55 · 11 answers · asked by TJ 4

...when the vast majority of GOP "leadership" is composed of draft-dodgers? It is fact. By astounding margins Democratic leadership has served and is certainly the more decorated of the parties. Yet Dems do not support war; the GOP supports war. It is easy to support something one knows nothing about.

How can the GOP justify their outrageous, if not even treasonous, hypocrisy?

And here's a P.S. to all of the morons who still don't get it::::::
Iraq and Saddam never had anything to do with 9-11 and never will.
We invaded Iraq based on false information Bush presented to the senate.
The invasion of Iraq was never justified and is cause for criminal indictments, not the support of Americans.

2006-08-16 04:57:15 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous


"Instead of dealing with the facts and dealing with them in an intelligent fashion, they try to hide their facts from the American public," charged Larry C. Johnson, a former CIA analyst and State Department terrorism expert.

2006-08-16 04:56:48 · 16 answers · asked by Dr.Feelgood 5

It was admitted you know.....

2006-08-16 04:55:51 · 7 answers · asked by Charles Dobson Focus on the Fam 2

I thinbk you should be more worried about flying as long as the pubes are in office. The quickly play on patriotism to help you forget their involvement.
You know all the pubes like to recall the time directly after 9/11.
All the dems and everyone else was eager to get to iraq and anfganistan.
you know thats because the decision was made while emotions were high.
It was the desired effect of 9/11.
it galvanized an action could be taken before we calmed down enough to actually look at what happened.
Even if he came clean about the governments involvement it wouldnt mattger now because we are already there.

2006-08-16 04:54:28 · 6 answers · asked by Charles Dobson Focus on the Fam 2

NOW, the Bush administration is claiming that they never said 'stay the course', that they have always felt that they needed to 'adapt to win'. Isn't it funny that they called it 'cut and run' when the dems said it, but in the face of their failure they change their minds and rename it 'adapt to win'?

2006-08-16 04:53:35 · 5 answers · asked by hichefheidi 6

It's only obvious that liberals have a major problem with treason. John Kerry is in the Communist War Museum, Jane Fonda was posing in enemy tanks, Human shields protecting Saddam, Endless conspiracy theories that seek to exonerate the enemy of the USA.


All brought to you by liberals. Should we start holding traitors accountable? Bring back the firing squad?

I for one KNOW that the founding fathers would not have put up with this kind of activity.

2006-08-16 04:50:04 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous


This is a travel-related question, but I put it in the political section because air travel is now a political arena.

2006-08-16 04:47:08 · 9 answers · asked by SweetKiti 3

If it was Howard Dean for prez and HIllary Clinton for VP, would you support that? I've heard it's in the works from a member of my Senator's HQ.

2006-08-16 04:46:54 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous


2006-08-16 04:45:07 · 6 answers · asked by BOYCUTE 2

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