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Politics - 14 August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

Is it because David Hicks is a white Australian convert to Islam from Christianity who was caught in Afghanistan?
Is David Hicks not a poor white Australian Muslim who was living among poor Afghanies & was not a member of the American educated, rich Arabs who were blamed for 9/11, yet he is being held captive & abused & tortured in Guantanamo & disowned by Governments of Australia and England of which he holds dual citizenship.
USA & Australia & England hate for David Hicks, white Australian/English Muslim convert, to gain the attention of young white men & women as a seeker of Truth who found Truth in Islam & who understands that political Christian Beasts do not want the World to see and experience that the political Christian Beasts wish to rule Planet Earth with the power of Nuclear Bombs & the misery of poverty & starvation and hatred for Islam.

Is David Hicks the little modern David facing the Goliath of Christianity and poised to bring down the beast?

2006-08-14 11:35:50 · 6 answers · asked by mythkiller-zuba 6


Let's see who's behind the mask.
Post your own!

2006-08-14 11:31:33 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

like a chicken in every pot---two cars in every garage

2006-08-14 11:30:57 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Am I that popular in their ranks, or do they see me as a threat? Sorry, libs, I don't come to the table without ammo like you sheep.

2006-08-14 11:29:20 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

It looks like there are flames coming out of his head.

2006-08-14 11:21:38 · 13 answers · asked by 43 5

Is there any minority he won't attack? Any disadvantaged citizen he won't insult for voting Democrat?

What's next? cripples, the blind, little people, war vets?

2006-08-14 11:19:35 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Libs are so hypocritical. They preach equality, yet they are always making snide comments to the ones who don't agree with them. Today's libs are so left-wing, they might as well join the socialist party. Bring it on Vietnam vets. Go Marines

2006-08-14 11:18:25 · 9 answers · asked by Jason 1

Hillary Clinton?
Bring back Powell?
Martin Sheen?
Or other?

2006-08-14 11:15:18 · 25 answers · asked by sweetpea 2

Why do people hate marijuana so much? It's one of the healthiest things on the planet. And to say that it is a gateway drug is completely unfair, nicotine is a MUCH bigger gateway drug because it IS addictive making people acclimate to a truly addictive substance (marijuana is not [I know this from expirience]). It doesn't cause lung cancer (a study shows that people in india who smoke [other things and marijuana] EVERYDAY have some of the healthiest lungs in the world). It is a drug that makes you smarter over time because it stimulates brain cell growth and my theory is that this is a result of working completely different parts of your brain when you're high. And people who are spreading around this rumor (and that's all it is) that drug dealers are putting harmful drugs into people's pot is pretty damn stupid, if someone were to put cocaine in my pot I would smell/taste/feel it. I would appreciate it if people who don't know what they are talking about to kindly shut the **** up.

2006-08-14 11:14:54 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

It's an honest question, and I wonder why liberals consider themselves to be brilliant and nature lovers when they aren't satisfied that nature gave them two testes or two ovaries.

2006-08-14 11:13:32 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is he afraid that if he creates an avatar/posts his picture some liberal will come to his house an talk some sense into him, or is he just too ugly for human eyes to witness?

2006-08-14 11:09:28 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

dont say wmd's... there are none
dont say to establish a democracy... most of them dont want our constitution shoved down their throats

2006-08-14 11:05:35 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

In other words, Head-up-*** syndrome.

Why is this a problem in the liberal population?

2006-08-14 10:53:55 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

quite at home,getting phucked by Satan,he screams,he moans.Do you like my on the spot poem???...tom science

2006-08-14 10:52:26 · 9 answers · asked by tom science 4

I still do not know why they want to blow us up. Does anyone know the real reason?

2006-08-14 10:52:23 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

what do you think of zionist regime so-called (israel)'s both crimes against humanity (killing and abusing innocent palestinian and kids) and crimes against civilization (destroying lebanon's lifeline and infrastructure)?

2006-08-14 10:47:29 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

more costly to those who depend on medical coverage?Do they not care that millions of Americans, whose very life in many cases, depends on healthcare coverage?Yet they expect the elderly and the disabled to pay for premiums and co-pays on medical expenses that often they can't afford to pay because they already are living on one of the lowest forms of income known as Social Security.
I have a friend who is disabled with a life threatening illness and he is now faced with having to pay for a portion of his healthcare even though he makes less then 700 a month on Social Security and nearly 90% of what he makes is consumed in bills like rent and electric even with low income subsidies.I am outraged that the Republican Party is so insensitive to the plight of the elderly and the disabled that they would allow people to suffer by forcing them to live on peanuts and then expect them to pay for even portions of healthcare that they can't afford.Why are the Republicans doing this?Need $ 4war?

2006-08-14 10:41:55 · 13 answers · asked by EasterBunny 5

my views:
best- abe lincoln or FDR
worst- nixon or dubya

2006-08-14 10:35:38 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

I hear on talk radio and I see on this board a lot of petty bickering between republicans and democrats. It’s become almost a reflex reaction to criticize the other party, no matter what they do. I’d like to get opinions from republicans and democrats as to why you think that is. Please answer with more than “the (fill in party name here)’s suck!”

2006-08-14 10:35:24 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous


2006-08-14 10:33:34 · 21 answers · asked by itsallover 5

They do to me. They always come up with some lie.

2006-08-14 10:29:56 · 17 answers · asked by Ah Ha 3

One American recently wrote – ‘I QUOTE’:

“first of all- you are totally misinformed. Aryan is white-nazi- not jewish or iranian or anything of the sort... Secondly- you've got it backwards-pick up a bible and you will see that Iran is hell bent on destroying Isreal.”

My Question:

Do you reckon America firstly; needs to reform its education system, to educate its young boys and girls, in World History, Religious Studies and Geography and give the Bible a rest?

2006-08-14 10:28:21 · 4 answers · asked by BT 1

2006-08-14 10:22:50 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

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