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Politics - 14 August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

2006-08-14 20:59:53 · 2 answers · asked by jaya r 1

from dirty politics and does truth win in indian courts does aam adami is livinghappily

2006-08-14 20:52:19 · 10 answers · asked by kota g 2

Okay the scenerio is

Iran gets 2-3 nukes smuggled into Israel and/or launched them from Lebenon or Syria. Israel is very very small 2-4 times the size of PEI or half the size of Nova Scotia .....2-3 nukes in would take out 100% of the country and if taken by surprise Israel would never have the chance to respond themselves.

Now who is going to nuke them (Iran ) first and will that be the end of the conflict right there ? If not who will respond to Iran's destruction? Russia ? China ? Absolutely no one?

How would it play out on the world stage after 2 nations were just no longer there?

Now the US launches missles across the Atlantic and a few misunderstandings could happen .....what do you think?

2006-08-14 20:44:55 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

They usually base there opinions off of the news they get on fox
or some other comparale piece of garbage news channel.
Its rediculous and its a sad state of affairs that America the once greatest nation has fallen to such a level of bigotry and distrust.

2006-08-14 20:40:28 · 12 answers · asked by Charles Dobson Focus on the Fam 2

2006-08-14 20:39:18 · 13 answers · asked by Dr MK Khaishagi 2

2006-08-14 20:33:28 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Zero. The liberal never even knew it went out.

2006-08-14 20:32:39 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-14 20:25:58 · 13 answers · asked by Perfect Specimen 2

How can millions of Americans take time to vote for the next American Idol but not be able to impeach a Bush administration full of corrupt gangsters who invaded a country that had nothing to do with 9-11 and has US relations around the world at all time lows. Do Americans want to see America fall because they are to ignorant to get off their butts and do something that would actually mean something? Or are they going to vote for the American Idol in record numbers again? And if you support Bush don't waste your time answering this with hateful remarks until you do your research. This administration had invovement in the 9-11 tragedy and has used this against the American people in order to make us slaves and kill innocent Iraqis for the wealth of their oil buddies. The real reason we went to Iraq was to stop Saddam from flooding the world with cheap oil. He was pumping over 3 million barrels a day and had plans to make it 8 million by 2008. Now since Bush has had control only 1.8 mil

2006-08-14 20:23:37 · 16 answers · asked by Kasey R 2

For the sake of argument let’s say that a majority of Americans were Muslim, Now remember this just a LETS SAY, I know Islam isn’t the majority. But if it was and the government decided to make that our national religion, meaning we could have it in schools and public offices Etc..What would you do???? Your family is Christian, and your son/daughter goes to school and they start the morning by bowing to Mecca. How would you feel, even though he or she isn’t required to participate how would you feel. I know I wouldn’t be comfortable with that, Not because I have anything agents Islam. Just because religion has no place in government and I would feel like someone else’s religion was being forced on me. See why separation of church and state is a good idea and a good practice.

2006-08-14 20:23:23 · 3 answers · asked by The Prez. 4

I am associated with an organisation called
Neighbourhood Community Network(NCN) represented by the web www.ncnworld.org It is interested in promoting a world government from below. I would be interested in getting to know of othert organisations who are interested in concepts like world government and world parliament

2006-08-14 20:21:19 · 1 answers · asked by NCN W 1

2006-08-14 20:20:39 · 7 answers · asked by abc 2

I am associated with an organisation called
Neighbourhood Community Network(NCN) represented by the web www.ncnworld.org It is interested in promoting a world government from below. I would be interested in getting to know of othert organisations who are interested in concepts like world government and world parliament

2006-08-14 20:19:58 · 1 answers · asked by NCN W 1

you remember what happened in world conference on racism _ Durban _ South Africa _ 2001?????
28 - Aug to 7 - Sept - 2001
Do you remember what happened in world conference on racism _ Durban _ South Africa _ 2001. USA and Israel were voted by all members Racist countries .
11 Sept 2001
How do they retaliate and to change the world opinion???
9 11. well done USA and Israel.

2006-08-14 20:16:07 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

He expressed too many ideas at once.

2006-08-14 20:15:54 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

There is a rumour circulating in some fairly impressive circles that the President of Iran has chosen to respond to the US/UN incentive package and or the whole nuclear thing that he will "light a fire over Israel" on the 22 nd because it is a time when mohamad or some such muslim prophet saw one on that date.

One of the very good questions asked was why does one of the world leaders in oil production and refinement need an alternate energy source like a nuclear reactor.
Now before you say he doesn't have nukes it a moot point Russia is building on thier soil a nuclear reactor and in Dec of 05 Iran signed a 1 billion dollar arms contract with Russia wh has a direct pipeline from Iran to Russia (oil) and that they seem to be getting along with Pakistan just fine and the US has sanctioned Pakistan companies for helping them with thier nuclear progam.
Any way the rumour ? Bunk crap can't happen or yes might could will ?f yes they have to get the missle over Iraq or smuggle it in

2006-08-14 20:09:25 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

and he started talking to me.

Thankfully I was able to get the brown bag over his face before it turned messy.

That was a close one, wasn't it?

2006-08-14 20:08:59 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

And when there are 2 candidates from the same college fraternity (what are the odds of that?) who both won't discuss it, are they showing more loyalty to the frat than to the nation?

2006-08-14 19:53:25 · 9 answers · asked by Me-as-a-Tree 3

And that they really wanna use it?

2006-08-14 19:42:29 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-14 19:37:51 · 6 answers · asked by your mom 2

One question I asked a while ago came with the response that the US was heavily into, controled and so forth the Alberta oil fields

There are a lot of tough laws on monopolies and foriegn investments and ownership in Canada. To the best of my knowledge most natural reserves like Uranium and oil are held by Crown co-perations so I am thinking it's really unlikely but again how much is the US into Alberta oil?

2006-08-14 19:33:57 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

why some always backs terrorist organization !?why palastinians kidnap american journalist in gaza?!he occupied their lands?!!!!!!!it s the new way for militia to get a more points by kidnapping?!!!it is shameful..

2006-08-14 19:23:42 · 7 answers · asked by White Man 2

Do His teachings reflect the views of the Religious Right in our decade??

2006-08-14 19:17:52 · 26 answers · asked by Ms*Political*Junkie 1

I can't see how anyone came out ahead on that deal unless you count civilian casualties as plusses.

2006-08-14 19:11:31 · 21 answers · asked by martin b 4

I am such an admirer of your dogged determination to protect and value each human life, I ask only so that I might emulate your admirable ways. So again, what specific steps have you taken to end the Genocide in Darfur? Please list your actions very specifically that I might replicate them in my ongoing effort to protect all human life.

2006-08-14 19:09:15 · 7 answers · asked by Manbearpig 1

my idea

2006-08-14 19:02:00 · 10 answers · asked by garabagh 1

I am such an admirer of your dogged determination to protect and value each human life, I ask only so that I might emulate your admirable ways. I haven't seen you all out protesting quite as vociferously as you did during the Teri Schiavo debate (but then there have been far fewer opportunities to pimp your children our for the TV cameras) so one assumes you've taken all that pro life energy and channeled it somewhere else. Again, I ask only because I wish to emulate your life affirming behaviors. So again, what specific steps have you taken to end the Genocide in Darfur? Please list your actions very specifically that I might replicate them in my ongoing effort to protect all human life.

2006-08-14 18:52:06 · 8 answers · asked by LR C 2

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