I hear that's the case a lot, but I also see them going through a lot of suffering, major chaos, mayhem, and carnage that was triggered by our decision to send soldiers into their country. Sure Sadam was a bad dictator, but there are many bad dictators all over the world, and I don't see us attacking their countries to help their people. So that right there is proof that the "We are there to help the Iraqi people" is kind of a fib, and is just whitewashing the real reason to make things more pallatable. After all, sure over 100,000 dead innocent iraqi citizens, and over 1 million refugees fleeing elswewhere, water and electricity less available, torn up infrastructure, lack of an effective government, break out of civil war and ethnic cleansing, making the country a destination for terrorists from all over to come and learn and practice their deadly trade, etc.. is not what most logical thinking people would classify as "help"..would it?
6 answers
asked by
ez f