Ok, So I have a 6 month old Eastern Painted turtle.Two days ago I started school so I can't keep his light on during the day because my mom calls it a "fire hazzard." I feel so bad and to make things worse, his UVB bulb quit producing the rays, and I won't be able to go get him a new one until saturday due to my busy schedule.He is still growing, but the very tip of his shell is flimsy (not good) and he is showing signs of pyramiding.I will admit I gave into his adorable begging, but when I first started noticing the signs of pyramiding I put my foot down and now he gets 3 pellets a day, and romane lettuce floating in his tank everyday which is gone by the time I get home.He has fish in with him, but shows no interest in them at all.Recently his belly started turning from yellow to pink, which concerned me about Septicemia.We took him to the vet and they did a blood test and everything is fine, now it is BLOOD red and he's not basking when the lights are on(he's not shy), what do i do?
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