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General Health Care - November 2006

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First Aid · Injuries · Other - General Health Care · Pain & Pain Management

Hey does anyone know what is wrong with me and my family? We all feel like are body is being shifted to one side, hard to keep eyes open, stumach feels like it is in knots, when we eat we get sicker, constipated ( sorry if TMI ) can't sleep, ear ache, headache, and we all feel, soar like we have been working out all day.

2006-11-14 06:19:41 · 11 answers · asked by kalikute 2 in Other - General Health Care

why does it only smell on the way out and not while it's in our bodies?

2006-11-14 06:10:07 · 1 answers · asked by Starry Eyes 5 in Other - General Health Care

i hurt my lower back 6 years ago, now my tail bone feels like it is going to break threw the skin it hurts so bad i cry,when i try getting up after sitting it hurts so bad it takes a few seconds to stand. i am 49 years old and had a insurance through the state and it has been taken away, i am not able to work due to injury, has anyone else experimented this problem?

2006-11-14 06:03:50 · 16 answers · asked by Kathy 4 in Pain & Pain Management

without a prescription? Yes, I know it's addictive but I get headaches and I've been to the doctor and nothing else works as well.

2006-11-14 06:00:42 · 6 answers · asked by catwoman55422 1 in Pain & Pain Management

I fell down some stairs, and have had an xray, but havent gotten results. This happened 5 days ago, but still hurts like hell. I can walk around, but it is the sitting and getting up and down that is really bothering me. Thanks

2006-11-14 05:54:44 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Injuries

Know what i can do for my feet so they wont hurt so bad because i be in sooo much pain.

2006-11-14 05:51:06 · 8 answers · asked by bowwowgrl03 2 in Pain & Pain Management

I have tried all the obvious cures renni ect.

2006-11-14 05:47:10 · 15 answers · asked by freckles 1 in Other - General Health Care

my sister wears eye contacts and now they sting her, she came from school today because she can see and they hurt when she closes them, what can i give her???

2006-11-14 05:43:27 · 13 answers · asked by girlygirl 2 in Injuries

i work in an office environment and type a lot and lately by fingers have been aching in the joints is ther anything i can do for it?

2006-11-14 05:34:27 · 9 answers · asked by kiki_dees 3 in First Aid

2006-11-14 05:27:31 · 9 answers · asked by eddie1313 2 in Other - General Health Care

I've tried hitting it with a book and applying pressure and I don't want to go to the Dr to drain it but it hurts!

2006-11-14 05:25:19 · 6 answers · asked by angelic1302 3 in Pain & Pain Management

2006-11-14 05:16:54 · 4 answers · asked by smallville1753 2 in Injuries

I took my male chihuahua to the veterinarian on saturday, because he wasn't feeling well. They took him in the back for bloodwork, injections, and subcutaneous fluid therapy. When he was done and I went to pick him up, I noticed a very large bruise on his chest, under his left arm. He did not get hurt at home, or the bruise would have been there when I brought him in, and the vet would have seen it and treated it. I have a really bad feeling that something happened to my little guy, when they took him back there , and I have a feeling that he was dropped or banged in some way to cause this, and that upsets me very much. I have another appointment in 2 weeks to take him back for a recheck, and I feel very uncomfortable taking him back to that particular vets office. Can you please tell me what you think might have happened? Should I take him back to that vet, or to another vet? Any serious advice would be appreciated!!! Serious Answers Only Please!!!

2006-11-14 05:11:46 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Injuries

As I stated I sustained a severe head injury night before last. I also stated that I don't have health insurance and yes, I found out today an ER does have to take me. But I have a problem that I was too embarrased to say yesterday. I have a husband that abuses me and when I left he took the car and cell phone, everything. I'm at my parents cabin and it's pretty remote. He doesn't know where it is that's why I ran to here. My friend brought me here and she's supposed to be coming back on Thurs to pick me up. He's going to deer camp and I'll be able to get my things and an order of protection. I have another question about my injury. What does it mean when the bruise seems to be spreading. What started as a huge knot on at hairline has spread down almost to my eye. It's still very swollen and VERY tender to the touch. I still have a bad headache but on top of it now is this shooting, throbing pain behind my right eye, the same side I sustained the blow. I'm no longer throwing up but the

2006-11-14 05:10:44 · 12 answers · asked by jhash61 3 in Injuries

They told me that I would have 2/3 small holes in knee, but have got 4 inch scar underneath kneecap! Nobody has answered my question and have 2 wait 2 weeks 2 get stitches out and longer 2 see consultant. Any ideas?

2006-11-14 04:32:02 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Injuries

I started jogging nearly two months back. I first do warm-up by walking then do a little stretching exercises and then start jogging. I generally complete nearly 3km each day and do it every alternate day. The problem is as soon as I start jogging I feel pain in lower one-third part of both legs which seem to disappear after jogging some distance. But when I come back after jogging I feel extreme pain in my left leg from the knee downwards. Occasionally I have pain in right leg also but most of the times the pain is in my left leg. While walking I sometimes feel pain in the lower parts of my legs. How can this problem be solved? I do not have any trainer and have started after learning basics from various websites. In fact the pain in left leg seem to be so excruciating that I started thinking about giving up jogging and start cycling. But I found cycling and walking boring so I want to continue jogging/ running. Any suggestions?

2006-11-14 03:17:07 · 5 answers · asked by Roy 2 in Pain & Pain Management

It's on the side/back of his baby toe, but it goes from the tip of his toe down to the base of his toe, then wraps around and covers the entire pad of his toe, and part of his foot "pad" almost to the webbing inbetween his toes...I mean it's HUGE. Friday it was filled as large as his toe so I did use a pin (sterilized) to relieve the pressure instead of having it pop on it's own. Now, 4 days later, it's all purple and red, and it looks like other little blisters are forming. He's a daycare baby so he has to wear shoes (i'm lubing it with neosporin and a bandaid). How can I keep this from getting worse (as in infected)? I've never seen a blister this bad! He's been wearing shoes for months!

2006-11-14 03:08:44 · 5 answers · asked by Jen-Jen 6 in First Aid

I have been taking vitamin B. This doesn't seem to be enough. Still get tingling sensation on my back...

2006-11-14 03:06:04 · 3 answers · asked by ekbensah 2 in Pain & Pain Management

The poor girl's face is swolen and she keeps throwing up? She took aspirin but it's not helping. Thanks.

2006-11-14 02:52:00 · 12 answers · asked by kim914 2 in Pain & Pain Management

I have the flu, I am pretty sore, I have taken tylenol, nyquil, dayquil, is there anything that will help relieve the pain! My chest hurts too when I cough laugh or even just talk!
Anyone have any ideas of what I can do to help the pain ease up? I could go to the dr but that will be my last resort I haven't any insurance!

2006-11-14 02:40:51 · 8 answers · asked by woohooo 4 in Pain & Pain Management

my other half came home from football on sunday with pains in his shins - they dont seem to be getting any better. what are they? and what can he do to ease the pain?

2006-11-14 02:32:25 · 7 answers · asked by alex_rccrd 2 in Pain & Pain Management

Have had shock wave treatment, physical therapy, acupunture, Active release technique, night splints, orthotics. Nothing works...need help.....please let me know........

2006-11-14 02:24:20 · 2 answers · asked by Tanveer A 1 in Pain & Pain Management

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