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Singles & Dating - 3 May 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

My boyfriend and I have been dating nearly 5 years, prior to that we were bestfriends for 4.5. We want to get married but we are at odds because he wants to get married later so he can build an empire and give me everything I want; and I want to get married earlier and build it with him. I am not the dominating type and I want him to want to to marry me not be forced into it. How can we compromise? We are noth 23 and previously agreed on 25 but I could tell he felt pressured. I feel if I leve it in his hands it means that he will be asking me when I am 30. I am beside myself! My parents are strict ethnics and moving out or going away with him would create major problems for me and my relationship with them. On the other hand, I don't want to wait until I am 30 to share so many important things with him. We are at odds and have no idea how to resolve this issue, please - do you have any suggestions?

2007-05-03 06:34:53 · 14 answers · asked by Bella 2


I was kind of seeing this guy and he acted like he was really in to me,and one day out of the blue he just stops calling.So a few days later I called him and he says he really busy with work.I don't know if to believe him or not.If he didn't want to see me anymore why wouldn't he just come out and say it.

2007-05-03 06:32:54 · 26 answers · asked by stardustgirl86 2

over a year ago I fell for him when he held me till i slept because i was still upset about catching my x of a few years cheating(they r mutual friends)he at one point after that night told me i was'killing him'.I have heard his name throughout the year(we have mutual freinds)i finally called him and told him he was'eating me alive'he said it was mutual and he had no idea but he started seeing someone.so i told him to tell me to let it go and he said he cant,i ran into him a couple weeks after and we were like magnets and ended up kissing uncontrolably(we both had been drinking)i stopped him when i remembered his girlfriend,he continued to tell me how he wished he had known and brought up that night a year ago and how he had gained feelings from it,he said im the cutest girl alive.it has been over a month and no sign from him since.Can I do anything about me still liking him?Do i ever have a chance?

2007-05-03 06:26:17 · 9 answers · asked by kelly k 1

as parents we think he is way too old for her.she feels the need to be with a guy older b/c she says guys her age are too inmature.she is not too mature herself.there is no respect for us as parents and our wishes for her future. you know he is the one and only.the one she wants to marry.the fact is she has run away with this guy 3 times and been locked up for that,quit school and all she is focusing on is him and what they want to do.he is promising to marry her just as soon as she turns 18.we recently found out that the reason why he wont move on with his life is b/c he says if he moves out of the pic it will leave room for another guy to come in.this is exactly what her dad and i would love to see.we would love to see her slow down and do teen things and not grow up so fast.he doesnt trust their relationship if he cant see her or talk to her on a regular basis. we want him to go away until she is an adult and then if they really love one another then it will still be there.

2007-05-03 06:14:16 · 58 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just posted a question about why guys love boxing..and i was wondering does the fact that males would compete to be the 'alpha male' in the wild have anything to do with the fact that men are competitive like over women..like when i used to mention this other guy and his car to me ex he used to become really competitive with his car and have something against this other guy..would this relate to males natural behaviour when competing over women for a mate in the wild? and is it instinctive? im just curious lol

2007-05-03 05:50:40 · 10 answers · asked by x_x_sweetlove_x_x 1

2007-05-03 05:40:14 · 1 answers · asked by Erlinda F 1

he acts like nothing happened except we don't kiss and stuff like bf's and gf's do. im so confused...am i getting mixed signals

2007-05-03 05:39:58 · 15 answers · asked by girlygirl 1

I met this girl at a bar and she was fine as hell. i had sex with her that night. i took her to meet my mom and i found out that her dad is my mom's brother.

2007-05-03 05:34:53 · 19 answers · asked by Ladies Nutz 1

2007-05-03 05:33:27 · 17 answers · asked by ya ok....sure 2

how do you flirt with teen girls in school without making major signs

this is for my age (15)

2007-05-03 05:33:21 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

We've been together for nearly two years desperately in love with each other, until we've had a fight and decided to separate and we tell each other we love each other a lot,but lately we were suppose to see each other, and he didnt pick up on meor talk to me the whole day. I miss him, and i dont know what to do...itseem s like he moved on, but we promised we will work it all out, but what should i do?

2007-05-03 05:31:49 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

like how do i act attracticly around a guy and stuff.

2007-05-03 05:30:38 · 9 answers · asked by amanda82010 1

Is it a total turn off for you? Even if its just like... two pimples?

2007-05-03 05:29:32 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

guy 1 i have'nt met yet ,he is so sweet and seems as if he will be faith full why guy 2 seems like he is playing games with me,and the fisrst night we hung out he even told me he is still hung up on his ex even tho he hates er he still thinks about her.while guy 1 told me he was over hes ex and is ready to be in a realationship.ha and guy 2 is realy needy....

2007-05-03 05:29:27 · 8 answers · asked by jenni a 1

2007-05-03 05:29:07 · 32 answers · asked by CALIFORNIA luvin 2

I'm sorry if this wording upsets anyone, and I don't know if this is even the right category for this, but I'm talking about BDSM, rape, and things like that. I never would want these things to happen to anyone in real life, but I can't help fantasizing about them. Is this wrong, especially since I'm a woman? I can't help but feel guilty about it. Thanks in advance for your answers.

2007-05-03 05:24:24 · 19 answers · asked by Persephone 6

My boyfriend booked a holiday for himself and some of his friends and family ( who are all male) before we met last year so obviously he is still going to go. He is off to spain tomorrow and there are 42 guys altogether, some of which are his dad and his cousins and uncles. Its just because its a guys holiday, im really worried about him cheating. I suppose I will never find out but I know the whole week he is away Im going to be worried sick. Do you think i have a right to be worried? I dont think he would cheat but with sun, sea and alchohol, who knows what might happen! He said he will call me everyday? We will wait and see..................!?

2007-05-03 05:24:24 · 12 answers · asked by Lolly 1

2007-05-03 05:23:31 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous

I love someone who is currently with another girl, who is also currently with someone else, and would dump both of them for someone I think of as a brother if he werent joining the army.

And yet he gets mad at me because I wont go out with him till he dumps her!
Me <3 'Josh'
Josh <3 me, but still with 'Her'
Her <3 josh(bf), mike(fiance!!!! ) and matt(would dump both josh and mike for him)

and yet I'm the only one getting yelled at!

here is my I'm a freaken girl help me question--0 ZOMG LIKE love -tri-hexagonal-angle^9 >.>

2007-05-03 05:23:09 · 14 answers · asked by peace.ofmind 3

girls with a gut? not big but like medium i guess.. lol

2007-05-03 05:22:28 · 15 answers · asked by Nichole 3

whats a 42 year old single man to do?

2007-05-03 05:21:25 · 18 answers · asked by JoeFriday 1

My curiosity is getting the best of me. I'm 26 years old and I'm falling for a much much older man. He's going to be 48 in a couple of weeks. We have been conversating alot lately and we both think that we might want to take the next step but... I wondering at what age do man start seeing problems with their sexual performance. We have put this off for awhile to make sure that it is something that we both want and also to see if we could handle to idea that people would have a problem with the age difference. BTW - It's currently a long distance relationship. I know that he is still capable of performing but I think it would be rude for me to come right out and ask him this question. I also have no one else to ask. I know sex isn't the most important thing in a relationship but it does help in building a strong foundation especially in the beginning. Could anyone help me with my question so maybe I can have a heads up so I know what to expect if we continue farther.

2007-05-03 05:21:16 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Tommorrow is my birthday and my kids are coming over first and then my so called b/f wants to take me out for the night,my kids hate him,but I want to go...I will be 42.

2007-05-03 05:16:28 · 19 answers · asked by shy_smileyfun 1

There is a guy i like at my school hes a junior and im a sophmore..i like him alot except i've never talked to him before tho.. i've had a thing for him since my fresman yr. well he works down at the video rental store which i got to a lot to rent movies and stuff since i dont have cable well i thought if i ever talked to him maybe that could be the place ..except i have no idea what to say to him everytime i want to i can't..i thikn he might be interested too ive seen himstare alot when i go in the store and my friends have caught him "checkin me out "

2007-05-03 05:13:05 · 11 answers · asked by PhotographyGirl 3

2007-05-03 05:12:14 · 11 answers · asked by Al-walhan 1

a year and a half ago i fell in love with this great guy...although im young i know that it was love but now although im still in love with him i had to get over the fact that im not going to have him...but now im starting to be realy attracted to another person and i dotn know if i can because im still very in love with my exboyfriend

2007-05-03 05:12:08 · 23 answers · asked by x3miissiing_youx3 1

ok my boyfriend has a myspace...and he told me that i could get on his cuz he didnt care and i could put pictures and change stuff and comment ppl for him.....
well i did but then...i clicked on his messages....

first mistake on my part....i clicked on a message from his ex girlfriend and this FIRST thing i saw that jumped out at me is that he called her sexy....HE CALLS ME THAT!!!
2nd mistake on my part i clicked on another one....at the end of their conversation he said " i luv u and miss u more than u will ever luv me or miss me" HE SAYS

3rd mistake....there was a list of songs he wrote to her....THREE of them he put on MY cd!!!!!!!!

i love him ALOT a little to much this hurts so bad wat do i do and guys would u have done this????he says he doesnt like her at all that they didnt have the same spark we do i'm sure he probly told her that to...but sorry i just was wondering about all this and wat i should do....real answers i'm already hurt enough

2007-05-03 05:10:16 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

This guy at my work that we do business with would always hit on me. I decided to text him last night and he told me this morning to not text him after 5 b/c his wife would find out! Why would a guy hit on someone else if he is married? I feel like a freakin idiot!! I had no idea he was married.

2007-05-03 05:09:21 · 16 answers · asked by mustanglvr 1

What's the full word of MOS in some porn sites?

2007-05-03 05:09:03 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

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