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Family & Relationships - 3 December 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

His parents don't approve of the wedding because he's iranian and im american. They seem to be very conservative in values so I think they would approve even less of him shacking up with me.

My fiance hasn't wanted to call them and tell them a specific time for the wedding or for that matter set a specific time for the wedding.

They're coming in the middle of this month for a visit.
So should I insist he chooses one of the options:
1. He calls up his mom and dad with the date.
2. I move in and they become horrified that we're shacking up.
3. He doesn't choose either and I leave....

2006-12-03 10:52:36 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

me and this guy liked each other for like a month at the beginning of the school year. he kept saying "we should hang out sometime". so then i told him when i was free and asked if i wanted to see a movie with him. so i did and it went great. then, a week later he asked out this other girl.

so i asked him what went on between us and asked if he was leading me on he said something like "yeah, i guess i did, but i wasnt trying to, it just happened. i liked you at the beginning of the year, but then all of the sudden i just kinda stopped. and that movie thing, i thought other people would come too.

it sounds suspisous cuz do guys really just stop liking someone? and he didnt say anything about other people coming to the movies. nothing like "lets see if that person can come", he even asked if i could give him a ride (if we were going with others, he could have waited and asked someone else) so im pretty sure he only wanted me there.

is he covering up something?

2006-12-03 10:52:30 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i like this boy in my class and during the year we became really close. i like him alot and it never stopped even tho he moved. i think he likes me but i cant tell..he messes with me all the time and says i love ya everytime before he gets off. do i tell him i like him??i dont want our relationship to change i just need help!!!!

2006-12-03 10:52:29 · 2 answers · asked by wishing it what i do best 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

i met a girl online about 20 min. away from my house i ask her to the movies (in between our houses) and have never seen her in person how should I approach this date? (she accepted the date) THX

2006-12-03 10:51:56 · 8 answers · asked by Anthony V 1 in Singles & Dating

My guy takes laziness to a new level. Yesterday I hung the outside xmas lights by myself. Then when I needed help he draaaaagged himself from the couch, helped me for like 9 minutes, and the second he was done he walked right back inside and got back on the couch. There was no, "turn them on, lets look" or any kind of chit chat, it was like *poof* he disappeared.

He can spend an entire weekend, from friday night til sunday night, on the couch in front of the tube. He does this every weekend and every single night after work. I'm stunned by it. How can someone sit around so much? He has a semi-tough job but this is lazy to a new low. We've lived together for 4 months now and I never knew he could be this unattractive.

Anyone considering living with someone, just be prepared for a rude awakening. God this is a nightmare. I wish I could just fly away.

Anyone else have living together or other stories about their mate?

2006-12-03 10:51:49 · 14 answers · asked by Ade 6 in Marriage & Divorce

I have known these girl in a one day trip then I discovered that she is living in another country and she comes here twice a year because her family is from here. I took her number and e-mail. I called her one day before she traveled to meet but it did not happen. I called her on the day of travelling to say goodbye. I sent her a "keep in touch e-card" but she did not reply. Once we met online and she told me that she sometimes thinks of me so I said that I do to. I am really in love with this girl and I know that because I have been thinking on her for three monthes which is something I never do. She is coming for christmas. What do you think I should do ??

2006-12-03 10:51:38 · 8 answers · asked by Bondok 1 in Singles & Dating

My husband and I are having problems and I want to leave. Can I move to another state with my daughter? I dont want to break the law. My husband is cheating and we have all sorts of problems. What do I do?

2006-12-03 10:51:34 · 14 answers · asked by BigRey 2 in Marriage & Divorce

how do i prepare myself before i get head

2006-12-03 10:50:55 · 13 answers · asked by chaingang315 2 in Singles & Dating

2006-12-03 10:50:03 · 9 answers · asked by Kelly Madison 3 in Singles & Dating

ok so this guy and me..we r like sexualy involved..we had sex and everything..but he is like 28 yrs and at a stage of marriage..and being indian..his parents r looking for a girl for him...but he is constantly keeping contact with me and i know if we keep meeting we will continue to have sex...(he lives in NY and i am in texas)..anyways i think he lieks me also..bcos he said hes thinkin to have a "long term" relationship with me..does this mean he is thinkin to marry me? and also my MAIN QUESTION is this: say that his parents do find him a girl to marry.from their same caste and stuff.and say that he marries her..after the marriage do u think he will continue to have a relationship with me and contact me and stuff...because he is like a flirty type..even when he used to hang around w/ me he wud still contact other girls..n you kno how they say, ONCE A CHEATER..alwys a Cheater??

2006-12-03 10:48:35 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Are there any nice men on this planet? If so can they come & save me from the nasty person that is trying to kill me?

2006-12-03 10:46:52 · 23 answers · asked by Littlehoneybee 2 in Singles & Dating

please help me i need some info. thank u very much

2006-12-03 10:46:49 · 7 answers · asked by lovingangel1215 1 in Family

I really cannot stand to be around my parents. Throughout my entire life they have just been the most condescending people. Actually my entire extended family has done it to me. I'm naturally small, baby faced, and shy, and they;ve treated me like I'm 5 years old for my entire life, I'm 18, no matter how mature I've acted. And it kills me. It's really damaged my self-esteem and I am so nervous when I am with them, afraid that if I see someone I know they're going to say something condescending. It's gotten to the point where I take the word "cute" from anyone and it's the most condescending insulting thing they could say. I cannot feel like an adult if I'm near them. I swear I was away from them all day for the first time in months and I was so much more relaxed, and happier, and it let me sort things out. Just being able to interact with people without them inserting their own little opinions and snide little comments. I just don't feel like its fair though. They insult me and I make it perfectly clear that it offends me and they don't stop. They;re just like "you have no sense of humor", and they get piss y if i get the slightest bit upset. It's like they don't want to offend me but they can't help themselves. They really can't stop making fun of people, that's how they are, they'll never change, but I just can't take it. i feel like it will be better when I move out, because then I'll probably only have to deal with them a few times a week, but I can't take it 24/7. And I'm going to the community college next year and I know they're going to make me live with them for another 1-2 years. I know they don't want me to grow up but I feel like they're being selfish. But I feel guilty because I know they love me and they pay for things for me, even things I don't want them to pay for. I just don't know what to do. It will never change, so I don't know what the point of telling them is. And I'd like to support myself more but my parents are so against me getting a job. I told my mom I got turned down by radioshack and she was like "thats the best news I've heard in a long time." I know she's worried that employers are going to be nasty to me but if she knows how important a job to me that's just disrespectful. That's what I mean by the disrespectul snide little comments. I guess I'm just going to have to not listen and get a job even if they don't like it. Do I have a right to be upset?

2006-12-03 10:46:33 · 5 answers · asked by leena 4 in Family

so my boyfriend which i live with. which things are going to downhill with, which is pretty clear we wont last forever so why stick around... right?

well i let him borrow some money to get his car fixed a few months ago because i thought it would be easier for him to pay me back over time than some friend. and i trusted him than.
he backed into my car one day leaving the driveway on accident. mad about some stupid **** and not paying attention causing lots of damage to my new car i bought for myself.

i dont know if im going to see this money if i just move out. or if i leave him. or maybe he isnt ending things till he can afford to pay me back because he feels bad?

or am i pretty much screwed over. and should leave him and take him to court.

2006-12-03 10:46:04 · 16 answers · asked by bqbalchick 2 in Singles & Dating

Is it any different from a circumsized penis, and is it bad? Please don't make fun! lol, go head, I don't care!!!

2006-12-03 10:45:28 · 7 answers · asked by krazy_libra_from_ac 5 in Singles & Dating

do u think pple can change in a half a year? my ex bf wants to go out. he seems diff in a good way but im not sure if its the right thing. he's hurt me before. he was my first love and no matter who i date i occasionally think of him. what should i do? PLEASE help me

2006-12-03 10:45:01 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Describe how you would like her to look and how you would like her personality to be like

2006-12-03 10:44:53 · 8 answers · asked by stylish gal 2 in Singles & Dating

2006-12-03 10:44:10 · 2 answers · asked by sabrina 3 in Singles & Dating

He still does things that hurt me emotionally even though I have told him. I feel like I am the only one making changes, and that if I were to ever do what he has (like not call when he says he will, or show up hours late with out giving a call), then all hell would break loose. A case of whats good for the goose is NOT good for the gander. How do I tell him my feeling again, with out causing a fight?

2006-12-03 10:42:57 · 16 answers · asked by M&M 2 in Marriage & Divorce

What do you do when?
What do you when you still have feeling for your ex and you told him that you didnt have "those" feelings anymore but you do? We look at eachother and everything else stops and alls I can see is my future with him and his eyes. Whats he thinking, is is more that we have a kid together or is it that he still loves me? Do you think that I should tell him? If you wanna know more email me so you can give me a better answer. lilb692007@yahoo.com
He has a gf now. he says that he still love sher but when he looks at me the way that he does I know he dont look at her that way

2006-12-03 10:42:55 · 12 answers · asked by livinlife06 1 in Singles & Dating

why is it guys like girls with butts. it seems like every where i go a guy is whistling at me or trying to get my number or grabbin it just because i have a big o' booty!! don't get me wrong i like but whats with guys liking big bootys

2006-12-03 10:41:57 · 5 answers · asked by ghetto fabolous 4 in Singles & Dating

2006-12-03 10:41:29 · 5 answers · asked by kick 1 in Marriage & Divorce

i really like this guy, but i dont know if he even knows. (every-one else knows!!) i've talked to him so he's not a total stranger. But still i want to get closer to him so we can at least be friends!!!

-any suggestions? (p.s. he has a girlfriend) :(

2006-12-03 10:40:53 · 1 answers · asked by Bebe's Angel 2 in Singles & Dating

im 18 and my best friends is always asking me if i want to marry him
he says it joking but why does he ask me that??

2006-12-03 10:40:15 · 23 answers · asked by MoNiCa 2 in Singles & Dating

im trying to figure out this girl...but everytime i talk to her straight forward..she always hesitates and often uses "i dont know" to aviod the conversation...

2006-12-03 10:39:33 · 15 answers · asked by oOoViTrExoOo 2 in Singles & Dating

2006-12-03 10:37:47 · 14 answers · asked by Nass 1 in Friends


is grounded and keeps adding more time to it on purpose ,then blames me and becomes violent verbaly asalting .HOW DO I GET PAST THIS ?

2006-12-03 10:37:37 · 9 answers · asked by martinmm 7 in Other - Family & Relationships

i kind of know him, he kinda knows me... i mean, we call each other by name, and we tease each other, and we sit together in class sometimes too, but he has this group of friends that he's always with. and that group of friends? there's like 5 girls in there, and he's always really friendly with them, and even after he talks to me and teases me and stuff, i see him talking to them all friendly (he's known them since second grade, after all) and i always think... 'oh i'm never gonna get as close to him as they are', and it's just really depressing.
how do you think i can get close to my crush?
i'm not the kind of person that gets all nice and flirty and stuff when i like someone, so it'll seem kinda weird if i suddenly get all sappy on him.... i think maybe i wanna get really close to him, as a friend, before i go anywhere else...
so how can i be a better friend with my crush?

2006-12-03 10:36:49 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

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