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Family & Relationships - 30 September 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

the boy is in 6th grade like me and is supose to be in the 8th grade .he has went to jovinile because he tuck a knife to school .

2006-09-30 13:05:45 · 3 answers · asked by cca 1 in Singles & Dating

Have any of you ladies shown your goodies in public, how and when?

2006-09-30 13:05:35 · 4 answers · asked by Thunderman9 6 in Singles & Dating

Ok well my friend asked me for help in trying to ask this chick out right and he wants it to b special and different and i cant think of n e thing ive tried everything from asking around to google and cant find n e thing good so if u have n e ideas or a personal experience then plz plz plz share i need as many ideas as possible!! thank u oddles

2006-09-30 13:05:33 · 2 answers · asked by ashley 2 in Singles & Dating

the boy is in 6th grade like me and is supose to be in the 8th grade .he has went to jovinile because he tuck a knife to school .

2006-09-30 13:05:23 · 11 answers · asked by cca 1 in Singles & Dating

I'm thinking of shaving my legs because all of my friends do. But I think it seems stupid and like a waste of time. If a girl is in nice shape, do guys really care about that?

2006-09-30 13:05:04 · 15 answers · asked by destiny 2 in Singles & Dating

my ex gf was a ***** i just broke up with her and i wondering if anybody is single 12-14 years old cuz i really need i gf i hope i dont sound desparate.

2006-09-30 13:04:49 · 3 answers · asked by blake_footballstar 2 in Singles & Dating

I'm going to see him on Monday, so I'll ask him out after school then. He has no date, but he says after having the same crummy date three years in a row, he kind of gave up on homecoming in general, but he kinda sounded like he wanted to go out with me? What's the policy on last minute asking for girls? I hear about guys asking people out last minute, and girls asking guys out, but the combination?

2006-09-30 13:04:37 · 18 answers · asked by Jenny 4 in Singles & Dating

2006-09-30 13:04:20 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

ok so i'm 16 years old and i have always wanted a job..now i can get one and my parents won't let me....they say all i should have to do is worry about school..also i want a car...i keep trying to convince them but they say i son't need one...that when i do get a job they would drop me off...i told them do you know how much of a pain in the butt it's gonna be to have to do that all the time...especially when i have a 4 year old brother....i need to convince them to get me a car and let me get a job...please help...thanks

2006-09-30 13:04:18 · 11 answers · asked by M E 5 in Family

he's 49 and i'm 34 we do a lot together but his temper scares me he gives me this look that would kill if i dont do what he wants right than what should i do

2006-09-30 13:03:28 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

... when you cant get intouch with your other half. i mean he is not replying your emails, he wont answer your phone calls, he never call your number, he is miles away from you.... Is there really LOVE? is this relationship going to survive?? just wondering... always wondering!

2006-09-30 13:02:43 · 16 answers · asked by mandy 1 in Singles & Dating

ok this guy (alex) sits next to me in our communication arts (C.A) class and i think he is fllirting with me but idk he always pokes me with his pencils. he talks to me alot but i heard he likes this girl named cassie. i dont really like him. i also am working with him in the science lab we got eachother because he teacher assigned us together. we are working with different elements to blow bubbles with straws and he always wants me to blow he bubble with him (with two different straws) so i did he one day and is was weird because we were really close.. and he kept saing i blow too hard because i popped the bubble.. so i need help

2006-09-30 13:01:27 · 5 answers · asked by [T][A][V][I][A] 2 in Singles & Dating

Our first born son i named William with the understanding she could name our second child, but she wants to name our daughter "wareyoat", thats her idea of cute because we will always want to know where she is at.HELP PLEASE!!!

2006-09-30 13:00:03 · 34 answers · asked by mr.bill 3 in Marriage & Divorce

i've seen her a few times in my school. shes in 9th grade im in 10th grade...and one day, i told myself that i can't go home from school regretting the fact that i didn't take my time to talk to her. and one day i said "hey you! wuts ur name?" and she seemed kinda weird and freaked out. i understand, we tlaked and i got her name, but she keeps on walkin away. so i got nervous and jumped to conclusion and ask for her sn. and got rejected (-.-) she wasn't mean about it but like she answer me as if it was a joke. lol but anyways, a few days later i called out her name and we talked for a lil bit, i flirted with her but i notice that she doens't even look at me when i tlak to her. but i was thinkin mayb everything is cool. the next day, her bestfriend said hey! are you vinny? i said yeahh why? she said that her bestfriend told her..so in my mind mayb this girl has a little crush on me? so i told on of my friends to go over to her and call her over for me (dumb move) i should have done that

2006-09-30 12:59:35 · 10 answers · asked by =D 2 in Singles & Dating

no real details come to mind

2006-09-30 12:56:11 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

my boyfriend got grounded because of this girl at school and it had to do nothing about him. what had happened is that one of my ex's kissed me and this girl saw it and she told my boyfirends mom and she grounded him and he did absolutly nothing! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO?

2006-09-30 12:55:12 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

For your wedding how did you decide who walked down the aisle with who? Did you not care and just picked names. Did you base it off of heights, bodytypes, personalities, friends with certain ones so you matched them together if two in your party were friends....etc.

Explain how you matched your bridesmaids and grooms mens. There might be a tradion to this I'm not aware of.

Curious to read your responses thanks!

2006-09-30 12:54:29 · 8 answers · asked by Pam 5 in Marriage & Divorce

2006-09-30 12:54:09 · 6 answers · asked by kevin m 1 in Other - Family & Relationships


If you are somehow related to the pr's of a Foundation... how would you choose the "song/music" that could be connect immediatly...

Can you give an idea to a song related to this Foundation!?

There's a Yahoo Group that you can join... to give your ideas!


Tks for your help.

Have a nice day

2006-09-30 12:53:52 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

i have a friend who i really like. i asked her out a year ago and she said no. we hang out as friends but it is really hard for me. she ecompasses a lot of my thought. the thing is i care about her way more than she does about me. she is a sweet girl and all but everytime i see her it jsut reminds me that i will never have her and that makes me sad. should i talk to her and say cant see her nemore? i dont see my feelings for her going away ever and the only way they will is if i dont see her. should i ask if her feelings have changed and if they havent then i cant see her nemore even as a friend. my grades are dropping because of her and i just overall feel like ****.

2006-09-30 12:52:53 · 8 answers · asked by greg J 1 in Singles & Dating

Guys: If you have a female friend and she asks you to find a "buddy" for her, would you feel that she wanted you to be the buddy? If you and the girl had talked before and agreed that you didn't see each other in that way, and then she asks you to find that for her, how would you feel? Would you offer to be her "buddy" or not? Would you help her find one?

2006-09-30 12:51:31 · 10 answers · asked by slowfreak 2 in Singles & Dating

My Problem is this:

When I was in primary school I fell in love with someone called Skye

But then when it came too high school, he got sent to a private all boy's school far away and I got sent to the local comprehensive.

I thought I'd NEVER see him EVER again and despaired.

Around about the same time my Grandmother of whom I was VERY close to died. She practically raised me.My mother never seemed to bother with me. However I never noticed this neglect (by my mother)until my Grandma died.

I noticed that I was very unsupported by my mother and in general uncared for. Sometimes she was also emotionally abusive towards me--sometimes she could be so nasty she'd make me cry.

Because of all these things(the death of my Grandma, the loss of Ian and also the uncaring attituse at home) I began to feel very depressed.

Then I made a TERRIBLE mistake:

Somedays I felt so low I found it almost impossible to think about the future and sometimes couldn't find the will-power to get up in the mornings.I started to refuse to go to school asn I felt so low and i couldn't bring myself to/didn't know how to move on from Skye...and my Grandma....didn't want a life..if it was going to be without them...didn't see the point. I missed Ian so so much and could not come to terms with the fact that one of the people of whom I loved more tan anyone in the world...had vanished from my life FOREVER! It was like a nightmare! I couldn't believe that I'd probably never see him ever again/be with him.

I'd been bullied VERY VERY badly at the primary school i went to (before I moved to the one Skye was at)which also made me quite nervous of people and scared of school too.However I recieved no help, no counselling or anything(do you think this was neglect?)

I refused to go to High school on-and-off for the first three years by which time I was REALLY REALLY very behind in my work.I then refused to go to school altoghether as I couldn't cope any more with my life. I was SEVERELY depressed and wasn't thinking logically. I ended up having 5 measly hours of home tuition per week, for the next two years which should have been spent in school. Unsurprisingly I then failed all my GCSEs (apart from one, where I got a 'C' in English)I felt so depressed. I then have stayed at home doing nothing for the past two years as I have felt too embarrassed to face the world.

However this is my problem(of which I really need your advice on):

I now want to go to college

But my problem is I still REALLY really love Skye.

the thing is I did have brief contact with him a few years ago and recieved comformation that BACK THEN he liked me.But he didn't know about me missing school back then. you see I sent him a valentine's card saying 'I think you're the most lovely person in the universe and always will no matter what!

I now want??/need to go to college. However I have just found out thet the college I wanted to attend is right next door to the top educational sixth form which Skye goes to. If I go there then I will definantely bump into him…but the thing is he will NEVER EVER be interested in me now (even if he used to be when I was ok).how on earth canI explain to him WHY I refused to go to school? He’s going to think I am a bad person .

But the thing is he's studyiwng 'A' levels at a top sixth form college. And I .....will probably have to go on an Entry level course and learn really basic stuff like how to cook, use public transport etc(basically for absolute dim-wits)

He'll NEVER EVER be interested in me now. He's in a different league to me. He's so clever.but this is killing me. I wish I could be with him more than anything in the world but as soon as he finds out that's it....my dream...dead......finished

Also even if I go to a different college, it's inevitable that i'll bump into him whilst out and about anyway.(I just can’t believe that I DIDN’T THINK ABOUT THIS years ago….i just wasn’t thinking properly) But If I ignore him then he'll think I'm not interested i him, when I am. But if I talk to him he'll not like me anyway when he finds out what I've done. He'll think I;m a terrible person.

The thing is (and I really need your help on this) HOW ON EARTH DO I EXPLAIN TO HIM ABOUT HOW I REFUSED TO GO TO SCHOOL--AND WORST OF ALL WHY? HE'LL THINK I'M A TERRIBLE PERSON WHEN I TELL HIM. HELP!!!!! . I need him to know the truth.my other problem is that when I refused to go to school--s did my sister(only she didn't have a valid reason) she simply wouldn't go just because I was off school and didn't see why she should go either.HOW ON EARTG CAN I EXPLAIN TO HIM HOW MY SISTER IS NOW IN THE SAME SITUATION I'M IN?HE'LL THINK MY FAMILY ARE AWFUL. I AM 18 YEARS old now btw...and am getting severely worried about my future. I love Ian...and don't want to lose him. But Ian will NEVER want to go out with me now ....when he finds out about me refusing to go to school he's going to think I'm a bad person and also when he finds out that I have to go on an entry level course at college...he DEFINATELY won't be interested in me anymore. I can't bear it. HELP!!!!! I love him .....

What should I do about Skye now? Which college should I go to (the one next door to Skye...or a diffferent one? How can i hold on to him, be around him, stand a chance with him etc? PLEASE HELP.....i love him and couldn't bear to lose him. I just don't know what I'm going to do!!!! What should I do about Skye?


2006-09-30 12:51:26 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

If you go to school in branson missouri do you know a guy in 8th grade Jordan Mabre??/??? This is very important!!!!!1

2006-09-30 12:51:10 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

good nite all .xxxxxxxx

2006-09-30 12:49:53 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

Raising Children alone is not easy, but give so much credit to men that raise there children alone.Just wanted to here some of the problems
fathers have, when they have to be mother and father both to there children..Would love some feedback on this question..
Thank you..

2006-09-30 12:49:53 · 7 answers · asked by shea_harriet 2 in Family

For your wedding how did you decide who walked down the aisle with who? Did you not care and just picked names. Did you base it off of heights, bodytypes, personalities, friends with certain ones so you matched them together if two in your party were friends....etc.

Explain how you matched your bridesmaids and grooms mens. There might be a tradion to this I'm not aware of.

Curious to read your responses thanks!

2006-09-30 12:49:32 · 14 answers · asked by Pam 5 in Weddings

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