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Books & Authors - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Arts & Humanities Books & Authors

But now I'm starting to think they are groudhogs....this may sound stupid and untrue, but believe me....im just as shocked as you are.

2006-08-08 17:42:29 · 10 answers · asked by Dark Castle 1

I know there is a story behind the author of "To Kill a Mockingbird" and the publishing company....I just can't remember. Can anyone help me jog this old memory?

2006-08-08 17:40:28 · 3 answers · asked by Genea_80 3

Also are these books very dry?

2006-08-08 17:37:48 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-08 17:37:14 · 6 answers · asked by Red Robin 3

Should i listen to these voices??

2006-08-08 17:28:11 · 5 answers · asked by Dark Castle 1

Im NOT talking abt some simple little so called 'fling"im talking about a serous(but not to serious)romance/fantasy.Thats appropiate for young teens(13 & 14)-mid teens(15-16)I dont want the whole book to be romance, i want a fantasy/adventure/romance book.Please give some suggestions,name of book(title) and author, also some sad trajic fantasy adventure books suggestions would be nice to.I prefer series, but a novel is okay to.thanks\dee

2006-08-08 17:05:55 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-08 17:03:06 · 14 answers · asked by BraceFace:) 1

I'm talking about Harry Potter's godfather... just in case!

2006-08-08 16:21:10 · 9 answers · asked by Dinorider 2

2006-08-08 16:07:40 · 3 answers · asked by CrimsonLaw2005 2


Thrash the body around as it burns;
The blazing away leads to desperate actions.
Hunt around for his presence;
In seconds, he comes crashing down.

Fear of thunder conquers faith;
He enters the water for a moment;
After a few prayers, he blesses them.
Then he leaves for the seventh gate.

As he makes his getaway;
He remembers the seven hills that haunt
The night with a luminescent light
As people gather in the town centre.

He remembers how they taunt him;
The latest round of words could hit him again;
This martyrdom game demands too much from him;
The papers will insist disappeared.

A prayer vigil beside white candles won't hold him.
Slowly the sweet leisure enters.
Roses bleed onto fingertips;
The blade cuts a little deeper.
On the clearest day, copper canyons look steep;
The dark shadows beneath sunlight fall deeply into;
His longing for escape that leads him away.
He gladly goes.

2006-08-08 15:43:40 · 1 answers · asked by cotterall&elaineadams 2

The title cover is different than what the story is inside and where "this little golden book belongs to" should be, the back inside cover with the list of books is on the inside cover, upside down.

2006-08-08 15:29:01 · 3 answers · asked by momofatsc 3

It uniquely written, but i don't know, I just don't think I got the "deeper meaning".

2006-08-08 15:17:06 · 12 answers · asked by couv 2

More importantly, I want to suceed in life.

2006-08-08 14:58:40 · 5 answers · asked by Jeff B 6

by Christine Kole MacLean?

2006-08-08 14:39:03 · 2 answers · asked by steph 3

I don't consider myself a writer, but I do like to tell stories. So my friends suggest a while ago to join a writing site. (I posted two stories and haven't been back since) But now I'm revisiting something I wrote a while back. This scene just came into my head one day and now I'm trying to write a story around it. Please, tell me what you think of it and if you can help me with any ideas. (You don't have to give me story plots, just ideas on how I think of one) Please, no rude comments. Oh, and I know I probably have some grammar errors to it, so you don't have to mention that.

2006-08-08 14:36:31 · 14 answers · asked by hpotter4ever2000 4

I read a book when I was a teenager called "The Heavenly Horse". The cover had an Appaloosa Stallion rearing to fight a "Demon" horse. The story line is that Apps come from another planet, and as they live on earth, they loose their memories and their spots (or something like that). The book is written from the horses point of view...I think that the App Stallion is the main character. If anyone can help me with the author or where I might be able to find this book, I'd greatly appreciate it!!!
Thank you in advance!

2006-08-08 14:35:25 · 1 answers · asked by Suzie Q 4

....would it be best done Animated or Live Action? & Who would be best cast for each role? I know that question is a bit subjective, as each person that reads the books will probably get a different picture of the characters. I'm just curious as to how people would see the likes of Roland, Eddie, Susannah, Jake (& Oy) on the big screen. Thankee Sai, long days and pleasant nights!

2006-08-08 14:32:16 · 7 answers · asked by Cal 2

My dream is to be come a great author. I want to right young Adult books. What level or type of education do I need to become a writer?

2006-08-08 14:29:25 · 15 answers · asked by DarkAngel 3

2006-08-08 14:14:25 · 5 answers · asked by Benjamin B 2

2006-08-08 14:11:47 · 7 answers · asked by Benjamin B 2

Could you supply a list of the books she has written?
Mostly I am interested in the newest books released by her.

2006-08-08 14:00:49 · 2 answers · asked by JoJo_90 2

2006-08-08 13:58:30 · 4 answers · asked by Benjamin B 2

2006-08-08 13:57:03 · 26 answers · asked by Pushy Buttafly 2

It's tough, because basically I can't remember it. It was along the lines of this: God hides the beauty of death so man can tolerate living. I thought it was Shakespeare, but could be nuts. I thought I wrote it down in one of my journals but can't find it!!! Thanks for any help.

2006-08-08 13:43:23 · 1 answers · asked by MEL T 7

On your desert island you already have the Bible and the works of Shakespeare. Which would you use to light a fire to cook the fish you've caught?

2006-08-08 13:39:54 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

i WAS AWED, the more you know of these Biblical everts, the more you will be drawn in. How did you like it?

2006-08-08 13:37:03 · 2 answers · asked by ? 6

It was said recently that some people read books not because they're interested in them, but because they wish to give a certain impression about themselves. So, which book would you like to be seen reading in public?

2006-08-08 12:57:45 · 28 answers · asked by swanseadel 2

The Unauthorized Biography of a Fruit Fly

This story was inspired by a smear of green I cleaned off my wall.

All life has a beginning.

The fruit fly has a rapid life cycle. He lives, he craps, he dies.

This is the story of Chester.

Chester had a very fortunate beginning. If he were Human it would be quite ill-fated, but, being a fruit fly…he was very lucky.

Chester was an egg at first, and he was an egg inside of a dumpster on a busy city street. (The dumpster was outside of a Long John Silver’s restaurant, but that has nothing to do with this story)

Infancy of a fly

Chester quickly changed from egg to larva inside of this fortifying trash bin and was very healthy. He had many other larvas around him, and all were growing and maturing nicely…when several got taken away.

Thoughtless travel

Chester wasn’t attached to the outside of the metal bin, so he got picked up and put inside of the garbage truck…where his adventure truly begins.

??a toddler fly…maybe

Chester morphed into his next stage of life….he was inside of a cocoon during this fateful trip. Unbeknownst to him, his Hefty bag fell of the truck,

A stray dog chewed into his bag,

And he was reattached onto matted, bloody hair on the back of a dog,

Ran through a suburban neighborhood (on the back of the dog)

And eventually scratched off, and thrown…….

The fly as a teenager….

Lucky Chester landed just as he was becoming a young fruit fly, took wing and flew. He flew into a garage door, up some steps and found a table to swarm around and feed off of. (Didn’t I tell you he was a lucky fly?)

At the table there were 3 kids eating breakfast.

They were eating waffles and syrup, which Chester found the sweet syrup sticky and delicious.

He found dirty diapers in a trash can, very delicious indeed, and he realized he was growing into an adult fly very quickly.

The anxieties of being an adult fruit fly

Te heavy breakfast and lunch were making Chester feel fat and lazy.

Seeing a bright light shining trough a window, Chester flew over to inspect the view, and maybe take a little break.

RIP Chester

That is when it happened…He was squished with a newspaper.

And that was Chester’s unfortunate ending…I cleaned his remains off my wall.


2006-08-08 12:43:42 · 6 answers · asked by Cap'n Donna 7

ok i remember reading this story of a girl who had this really old porcelain doll and i think that when she went to sleep, she would wake up like sometime in the 1800's with this family who were out in the prairies...she had like a little sister or something and i recall the name Maggie or Megan i think and there was a fire too somewhere in the end.. someone PLEASE help me find the name of this book!!!!

2006-08-08 12:38:24 · 5 answers · asked by Katie P 1

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