Homosexuality was called "sodomy" under old British law, and Wilde, the author of a number of popular satires, served a sentence in the jail (or "gaol") at Reading, upon being convicted of illegal acts during a liaison with a young man.
The popular playwright and poet was deeply moved upon witnessing a man being executed for slaying the woman he loved, as he was himself a fellow convict in a case centering around love. Straights, of course, were then as now unlikely to reciprocate with compassion for a man or woman suffering as a result of acting on his or her homosexuality.
The poem says in part:
"For all men kill the thing they love...By all let this be heard!...Some men do it with a smile,...Some with a flattering word. The coward does it with a kiss, ...The brave man with a sword."
Earnest and immortal words by the author of the satirical play, "The Importance of Being Earnest". Judas had kissed Jesus in betrayal, and Wilde's paramour had kissed and told!
2 answers
asked by
John (Thurb) McVey